Chairman’s Report to Full Council - 4/7/18

  • Our twinning ceremony on July 6th in St John’s Church is nearly here – we hope to see a good turn out from the community and yourselves to show your support for the venture.
  • The day will begin with a Stansted Mountfitchet Business Breakfast Meeting at Linden House- to which Kemi Badenoch MP is also expected to attend, followed by a visit to Forest Hall School and onto the ceremony at noon which will be followed by a buffet to which London Stansted Airport group has contributed £400.00.
  • The evening will conclude with a dinner at Linden House with representatives of the project group.
  • Saturday will involve a morning trip to Saffron Walden and return to Music in the Park before leaving us around 5 pm.

Please ensure our community are aware of the ceremony and that they are very welcome to attend.

  • The Community Day on 26 June for Forest Hall School was a great success this year. Approximately 70 young people worked in 7 groups at the Day Centre, on the Recreation Ground, Foresthall Park, in the Crafton Green car park doing a short survey of users and litter-picking around the village. Thanks to Lee, Gareth, Lucy, Trevor and Fran for their support with the project.
  • The Community Achievement Awards sponsored by UDC need your nominations for community champions who have completed more than 5 years voluntary service – get nominating your champion to the Clerk ahead of our next meeting.
  • The latest draft of the Local Plan was approved for publication by UDC on June 19th 2018. This Regulation 19 Pre-submission of the Local Plan is the final stage before submission to government for independent examination.

You can give your views and comments up to 5pm on August 13th 2018 via the online portal, via email or post. We also need to consider our formal comments to UDC from the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Development team.

  • I am delighted that we are moving nearer to our joint funded PCSO post becoming a reality. We will be joining with our neighbours from Elsenham and Henham to discuss the protocols to recruit and manage the post in the third week in July – we will keep you posted on developments.
  • UDC are holding a Local Council’s Liaison Form in September and have asked for agenda items to be known by July 20th. Please can you forward any ideas for us to consider to Ruth or myself and we will report on any submissions at the next meeting.
  • I think we should ask Cllr Kavanagh to formally respond to the application UTT/18/1176/DOC to discharge condition 7 in relation to the driver management plan for the proposed Domino’s outlet as many councillors have responded to her via email in respect of their concerns.

I would suggest we reference the lack of car parking space in the village and that it cannot be assumed that the Crafton Green Car Park can be used for staff making deliveries as:

a) the car park is regularly full during the day.

b) in the evenings the car park is used for people accessing local services such as Linden House, Tesco, Wood Grill and functions held in the Day Centre.

We are concerned that for convenience employees/drivers will park on the access roads to the new Cambridge Road development.