1 / Start date
2 / Awarding institution / Anglia Ruskin University
3 / Location(s) of delivery
4 / Pathway accredited by
(if applicable)
5 / Final award(s)
6 / Pathway title
6a / Progression route / For Foundation Degrees only – Section 6a can be deleted for other pathways
7 / Anglia Ruskin Pathway Leader (and co-ordinators at other locations of delivery)
8 / Programme
9 / Programme Leader
10 / Managing Department
11 / Faculty
12 / Pathway Code
13 / UCAS code
(Undergraduate only)
14 / Relevant QAA subject benchmark statement(s) and any PSB reference point(s)
15 / Aims
16 / Intended learning outcomes and the means by which they are achieved and demonstratedA. Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of the pathway a student will be expected to be able to: / Learning/teaching methods and strategies:
Assessment methods and strategies:
B. Intellectual (thinking), practical, affective and transferable skills
On successful completion of the pathway a student will be expected to be able to: / Learning/teaching methods and strategies:
Assessment methods and strategies:
PSF Template – August 2006 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY
17 / Entry requirements:18 / Marking system
All constituent modules for this pathway are assessed by fine grading except for the following modules which are assessed, either in part or in whole, on a Pass/Fail basis:
19 / Exceptional variation from Anglia Ruskin Academic Regulations and/or design principles
20 Level 0 Details
20.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ____ credits):
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
20.2 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______credits from the following list of designated modules:
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
21 Level 1 Details NB this level must contain at least one 30, 45 or 60 credit module
21.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits):
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
21.2 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______credits from the following list of designated modules:
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
22 Level 2 Details NB the level must contain at least one 30, 45 or 60 credit module
22.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits):
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
22.2 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______credits from the following list of designated modules:
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
23 Level 3 Details NB the level must contain a Major Project of either 30, 45 or 60 credits for an honours degree
23.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits):
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
23.2 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______credits from the following list of designated modules:
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
24 Level 4 Details - Masters Awards NB a pathway leading to an MA, MSc, LLM or MBA award must contain a Major Project of either 30, 45 or 60 credits
24.1 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete all of the following compulsory modules (totalling ___ credits):
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
24.2 In order to complete this pathway a student must successfully complete at least ______credits from the following list of designated modules:
Module Code
/Module Title
/Existing (E)/
New (N)
25 Award Classification
25.1 Undergraduate Awards
List any Modules that must be included in the calculation of the final degree classification.
[NB This is a proposed, award-specific, variation to Anglia Ruskin's Academic Regulations and is subject to approval by the Senate’s Academic Standards, Quality and Regulations Committee].
Module Code
/Module Title
25.2 Postgraduate Awards
List any Modules that must be included in the calculation of awards with distinction
[NB This is a proposed, award-specific, variation to Anglia Ruskin's Academic Regulations and is subject to approval by the Senate’s Academic Standards, Quality and Regulations Committee].
Module Code
/Module Title
26 / Structure diagram and guidelines for students on module selectionSee the accompanying guidelines for details of the requirements for this section
Please ensure that the structure diagram(s) include:-
All module codes and titles
Semester of delivery
All modes of study
All locations of study
BA (Hons) XXXXX (full-time)
Year 1/ Level 1
Sem 1 / Compulsory
Module code: Module title (x credits) / Designate options:
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Sem 2 / Compulsory
Module code: Module title (x credits) / Designate options:
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Year 2/ Level 2
Sem 3 / Compulsory
Module code: Module title (x credits) / Designate options:
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Sem 4 / Compulsory
Module code: Module title (x credits) / Designate options:
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Year 3/ Level 3
Sem 5 / Compulsory
Module code: Module title (x credits) / Designate options:
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Sem 6 / Compulsory
Module code: Module title (x credits) / Designate options:
Module code: Module title (x credits)
Module code: Module title (x credits)
27 / Intermediate award details
Give details below of any specific module requirements for achieving intermediate awards
PSF Template – August 2006 Version No: 0; Date Amended: DD/MM/YYYY