Wigtownshire Stakeholder Group

Meeting Notes 21st July2015, Stranraer Fire Station


Gerry McCabe (Chair) (GMcC)Louise Pride (LP)

Mhairi Hastings (MH)Jim McColm (JMcC)

Sue Newberry (SN)Jenny MacDonald (JM)

Mark Sindall (MS)Julie Currie (JC)

Fidelma Eggo (FE)Grace Cardozo (GCa)

Hazel Walker (HW)Peter Ross (PR)

Paula Moreira (PM)Ewan Marshall (EM)

Wendy Jesson (WJ) (joining later)

In Attendance:Gillian Churms (GC) - note taker

Apologies:David Beattie (DB), Fleur Roddy (FR), Jackie Geddes (JG) and Bill Mitchell (BM).

Welcome and Introductions
GMcC welcomed those present and gave details of apologies received.
Minutes of Previous Meeting and
Agreed as an accurate record of the previous meeting. GC to amend attendee list accordingly. / GC
Matters Arising
  • StepUp/Step Down – to be discussed at a future meeting
  • Draft Locality ICF Proposal Checklist to be tested against tabled proposals during this meeting.

Strategic Plan Presentation
GMcC advised the group that Vicky Freeman was to give a presentation to the group around the draft Strategic Plan, however due to a diary commitment was unable to attend. GMcC also advised the group that VF would not be attending the forthcoming Locality Planning Workshop.
Locality Plan
The group were updated regarding the preparation for the forthcoming Locality Planning Workshop (Monday 4th August 2015) and as a result of a brief discussion regarding this event the following actions were agreed:
  • GC and JC to liaise to broaden the list of people invited to attend
  • GC to send an invitation to GCa
Further discussion around the draft Strategic Plan and the upcoming consultation on this lead to the following comments being made:
  • EM advised the group that he had received information regarding a gap in information regarding the Strategic Plan.
  • GCa acknowledge the difficulties in getting the message re Integration/Strategic Plan/Locality Plan out, but commented that addressing the problem with staff can help to facilitate the flow of information to the broader audience.
  • EM commented that Stewartry are looking to identify champions to take the message forward, possibly submitting an ICF proposal to fund this. EM went on to suggest that this might be an option that Wigtownshire should consider, pointing out that consultation activity will be something that will occur as part of the onward work within the Locality and there is a need for people to be equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills for this kind of work.
  • GCa asked if there is to be a social media approach with Strategic Planning, Integration etc. identifying the use of videos and case studies etc., such as, ‘No ward like home’ and Sam’s Story. It was agreed that this would be raised with the Communications Team. GC advised that it was something that had been considered and initially rejected by the OD Workstream, but had subsequently been considered further, with the Communications Team being asked to prepare a paper outlining the benefits and governance of such a campaign. Further detail regarding this matter will be shared with the group when this has passed through the OD Workstream.
  • PR suggested that it may be pertinent for the group to read the Strategic Plan and feedback within the group in order that a collective response be made.
  • MS suggested that the next Locality Briefing contain key points from the Strategic Plan.
  • It was suggested a list of the people who make up the Strategic Planning Group be sought, in order that Wigtownshire representative may be identified.
  • It was agreed that the papers that had been circulated regarding AMH would be re-circulated by GC for information and that this matter would be discussed at a future meeting.
  • FE is to extract data from this information for inclusion in the Locality Plan. FE briefly outlined the detail from this information to the group, highlighting particularly the outcomes and recommendations. FE suggested that initially the Locality Planning Group use this information to inform the Locality Plan and them for it to perhaps come back to the Stakeholder and Executive groups via a presentation by the Locality Planning Group.
  • It was acknowledged that there is a need to expand the membership of the Stakeholder Group to ensure that all partner organisations are represented. This work will be undertaken over the coming weeks.
FE et al
Short Life Working Groups - updates
a)Workforce, Public/Community Engagement
JC outlined points discussed at the meeting held earlier in the day, particularly informing the group about the proposed content and format of the Locality Briefing moving forward, i.e. the front page will contain Locality-specific information and the second page will reflect the theme from the Regional Briefing. JC pointed out that the intention is for the Briefing to be 1 two-sided A4 document, but that there is the ability to expand on this should this be needed. JC also advised those present that the Involvement, Communication and Engagement Action Plans (ICE AP) content is to be managed by the SLWG moving forward, with the SLWG managing information to and from the Stakeholder and Executive Groups.
b)Forward Looking Care
GMcC advised those present that further development of this work was needed and that this was something that would move forward over the coming weeks/months. GMcC confirmed that the PYF End of Test Report for the Annandale and Eskdale project was available for reference and that the recently drafted ICF Proposal was on hold at the moment whilst potential staff were sought and concerns raised by GPs are examined. GMcC and MH advised the group of the options that were being explored, including how existing services may be restructured/remodelled to encompass this initiative.
SN outlined some points from the recently compiled GP Scoping Report that may actually be used to allay/dispel the GPs concerns about FLC leading to ‘more work’.
GCa raised a query around the documentation that might be used for such an initiative suggesting that some sort of ‘Health Passport’ being considered in order to bring into place a standardised means of recording information that can be accessed by all partner organisation to help address the current issue of fragmented information. MH advised that the FLC plan document currently in use in the test project had and continues to evolve and it is hoped that moving forward the document would embrace the ‘Health Passport’ approach.
FE offered the suggestion that the FLC initiative be approached differently to facilitate the start of the project via the development of a model that will work for the people of Wigtownshire rather than trying to make the Annandale and Eskdale pilot project ‘fit’.
MS advised that the FLC SLWG would re-group and look to identify suitable membership and representation at a regional quarterly meeting. It is suggested that scoping work for this project will occur in the current financial year with a view to moving the project forward in the next financial year.
MH advised that the initial staff identified for this initiative had been approached and asked for their thoughts, but they had put forward an alternative to the service that they are already offering, i.e. delivering the current service peripatetically. MH asked the group if this was something that they would want to look at further, and after a brief discussion it was agreed that further scoping should occur.
ICF Proposals/Update
a)Draft ICF Checklist
The group had sighted this document and it was agreed that it would be tested by using it to evaluate the tabled proposals.
b)GP ANP Proposal
MH advised the group as means of an update that this proposal is unlikely now to be for the original £40k and would be more likely to be for approximately £20k as the Board have agreed to funding 4 ANPs across the Region and the recruitment process for these is to commence within the following week.
SN introduced a further GP proposal based on initiatives drawn from the GP Scoping Project. SN advised that it is acknowledged that the engagement of GPs in Integration is challenging, but that the recently concluded GP Scoping Project identified that Practices do want to be included, but recruitment issues mean that resources are needed to enable this engagement. SN outlined a proposal that seeks to enable engagement by recruiting an Integration Liaison Officer to co-ordinate representation and facilitate information flow. This post would involve the Liaison Officer working 2 days per week across the 10 practices, emphasising that Practices would not receive payment if they did not engage.
Discussion and questioning around this proposal ensued concluding that the proposal is largely viewed favourably by the group, however it was challenged on what the benefits of the initiative might be to the Locality and also querying the usage of GP recruitment monies to fund the Liaison Officer. SN to develop the proposal and re-submit to the group for consideration after raised queries have been addressed within the proposal content.
c)Community Link Worker
The SLWG set up to explore and develop this proposal had met and had tabled a proposal for consideration. The proposal was for the recruitment of a project worker who would identify existing link workers across all partner organisations and work to build liaisons, identify existing services and also to identify service gaps.
After discussion the group agreed that this proposal should be recommended subject to a stipulation that this would integrate the aforementioned FLC Project.
d)Carers Proposal
GMcC informed the group about the details of this proposal, advising that there had been concerns raised re the initial proposal around the robustness of the outcomes. This iteration of the proposal was recommended for an initial year of funding subject to stringent review and evaluation processes being undertaken.
The group briefly discussed the details of a Regional proposal for funding of an RVS Transport initiaitive that had now been re-submitted to each Locality for consideration as 4 individual Locality proposals. After a brief discussion the group declined this proposal, but suggested that the volunteer drivers be re-approached to enquire if their scope of travel could be broadened which may perhaps make this proposal mare attractive/feasible. / SN
PYF Updates
LGBT Older Adults Project
GCa provided the group with a brief, but informative update regarding the LGBT Older Adults Project. GCa advised the group that the Region-wide project was progressing well, with approximately 69 older adults on the project mailing list (approximately 10 of whom are from the Wigtownshire Locality). GCa went on to explain that participants from outwith Dumfries and Galloway had attended events as they stated there was nothing available in their own areas – some of these participants are now considering relocation to the Region as a result.
There is to be a Roadtrip event on Sunday 9th August.
GCa informed the group that a large bid has been submitted to The Lottery Fund which if secured will be used to aid sustainability and growth.
GCa advised the group that there are posters and leaflets available about the group for them to share within their contacts etc. to promote the project. The project officially finishes at the end of August 2015, but Grace intends to carry forward the work on a voluntary basis in the short term.
GMcC advised the group that he has discussed and worked on a proposal with EM regarding Timebanking. GMcC suggested that this proposal may be ready for reviewing at the September Stakeholder Meeting with a view to moving forward with a project within the Locality.
Finance Update
HB was unable to attend the meeting, but an update will be sought and shared with the group at the next meeting.
Partner Updates
These will be heard at a future meeting.
  • Timebanking – this was discussed within the PYF Update section of the meeting.
  • CTC information – this is to be considered at a future meeting.

Date of Next Meeting:
1pm, 18th August 2015, Stranraer Fire Station