Southwest Valley Schools
Corning Campus
904 8th Street
Phone: 641-322-4242 Corning, IA 50841 Fax: 641-322-4243
William Stone, Superintendent
James Craig, High School Principal ` Jodi Lyddon, Board Secretary
Linda Brecht-Kwirant, Elementary Principal Jason Wetzel, Athletic Director
January 10, 2017
We would like to welcome all of you to the 2017 John Harris Wrestling Tournament scheduled for Friday, January 20th and Saturday, January 21st.
We will have 24 teams this year. We have changed the format of the tournament to double elimination. There may be a need for pigtail matches in some weight classes. They will earn their way into the tournament. No advancement points will be given. If they lose they are out.
Weigh-in will begin at 2:00 p.m. in the high school gym south of the Activity Center. Scales will be available at 1:00 p.m. We will have a medical professional present to verify skin condition reports.
AC/GC / Creston / Red OakAtlantic / East Mills / Riverside
Bedford/Lenox / Griswold / Shenandoah
Central Decatur / New Hampton / Southwest Iowa
Chariton / Missouri Valley / Southwest Valley
Clarinda / Mt. Ayr / Tri Center
Clarinda Academy / Nodaway Valley / Wayne of Corydon
Clarke / Panorama / Winterset
IMPORTANT CHANGE-PLEASE READ!!! This year will the tournament will change to a DOUBLE ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT. Pigtail matches are just that and do not guarantee a wrestler more than one match. Two mats will be placed in the Activity Center gym and two mats will be placed in the high school gym. The high school gym will also be the site of weigh-ins on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. The weigh-in site has not changed from the past few years.
Friday, January 20th
2:00 Weigh-Ins in the high school gym
3:00 Coaches meeting (music room in the Activity Center).
All wrestlers and managers should go to the Activity Center gym to be marked for admission. The cheerleaders should report to the band room.
4:00- 7:00 Pigtails and Championship first round (106-145 in HS Gym. 152-285 in the Activity Center)
7:00-10:00 Quarterfinals and first round consolation matches. (Quarter finals in main gym and consolation in small gym)
Saturday, January 21st
9:00 Weigh-ins in the high school gym
9:20 Coaches Meeting in Hospitality Room
10:00-11:30 Second Round Consolation (152-285 in the High School Gym and 106-145 in the Activity Center)
11:30-1:30 Semifinals and 3rd round consolation (Semis in main gym and consolation in small gym.)
1:45-2:45 Consolation Semifinals (152-285 in the High School Gym and 106-145 in the Activity Center)
2:50 - 3:505th and 6th place matches in the main gym
4:00 - 6:30 Championship and 3/4 place matches and awards.
ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE: All consolation matches will be 2-2-2.
Seeding and Pairing Procedures
No seeding meeting! Seeding of eight wrestlers will be done by committee on Friday Morning using the criteria you as coaches enter into TrackWrestling. It is imperative that you enter all necessary criteria into the system. This is the only information we will use when considering a wrestler for a seed. Please enter varsity records only. Also, in the notes section for each wrestler, you should enter common opponent information. The seeding criteria must be entered by FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 at 9:00 AM.
1. Head to head this year.
2. Common opponent.
a. Overall record
b. Last outing
3. State Place Winner
4. State Qualifier
5. Returning place winner at John J. Harris Tournament 2016
6. Win %
*Please e-mail if you have questions regarding Trackwrestling.
Medals for the top six places and trophies for the top four teams will be awarded along with a sportsmanship plaque and a cheerleading trophy. Please mail your entry fee or bring a check the day of the tournament ($100.00 if not already paid.)
All medals will be awarded at the conclusion of the 285# weight bracket. Team trophies 1-4 will be awarded after the individual medals. Please have individual champions remain in uniform for pictures.
*Jim Christensen- Head Official
Gary Christensen
Tim Baier
Derek Maeder
Rick Dawson
Brad Honnold
We will expect all wrestlers to take the victory stand unless there are medical, health, or other reasons approved by the tournament director. A wrestler not taking the victory stand without good reason may be denied the medal earned. PLEASE, NO HATS when accepting medals.
Also, because of space, we ask you not to bring video equipment that requires a tripod. Handycams, etc. will be allowed.
Coaches and Workers: Dinner will be served after the first round on Friday, and lunch at the break on Saturday after two rounds.
Jason Wetzel, Athletic Director/Head Coach Jamie Craig, Principal
641-322-4242 (school) 641-322-4245 (school)
641-344-9414 (cell)
Friday: Adults $5 Saturday: Adults $6
Students $4 Students $5
LaConn E Motel 641-322-4003
Branding Iron(Carbon, IA) 641-322-3446
Breadeaux Pisa 641-322-4747
Casey’s 641-322-4277
Corning Country Club 641-322-4333
FSC Mart - Godfather’s Pizza 641-322-3488
Kay’s Kafe 641-322-4297
3 C’s Diner 641-322-3299
Corning Mini-Mart 641-322-3159
Subway 641-322-3222
Sweet Desires Bakery 641-322-4033