TCAB Overview

Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) is an initiative designed to involve nursing leaders and bedside staff to improve quality and patient safety. The national TCAB initiative was originally launched in 2003 as a pilot program through collaborative efforts of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). Since its inception, TCAB has served as a learning laboratory for transformational change at the unit level.

Why Participate?Benefits include:

  • Engage bedside staff in improving quality and patient safety
  • Increase the team vitality and retention of nurses and other bedside staff
  • Improve the patients' and their families’ experience of care
  • Improve the effectiveness of the entire care team while increasing nursing time at the bedside
  • Participate in free education for all staff via webinars, coaching calls, and meetings
  • Learn about the current evidence and ideas on how to implement it
  • Hear what other hospitals are doing to reduce patient harm and improve quality and patient safety
  • Network with colleagues doing similar work

Suggested Audience:

Nursing leaders, nursing bedside staff and bedside clinical staff.

How to Participate:

The TCAB initiative kicks off with aCohort 1Introductory Webinaron Feb. 1, 2017, followed by the TCAB Nursing Unit Team Launchin-person meeting on March 1, 2017.FHA HIIN will also offer a Cohort 2 Introductory Webinar on Aug. 2, 2017[Recording], followed by a Launch Meeting on Oct. 25, 2017[Register]. In addition, monthly webinars and one-on-one team coaching calls will be offered to participating unit teams. Check the weekly FHA MTC HIIN Info Upcoming Events email for webinar and in-person event details and registration.

Data Elements:

TCAB hospital teams will complete a Core Team Member Roster and Measure Selection Form. Teams will alsoparticipatein a pre- and post- vitality survey (10 questions). Data measures will be determined by the HIIN topic area(s)each unit team selects. Cross-cutting topics (i.e., patient and family engagement, physician engagement and patient safety culture) will also be interwoven into this program as they support improvement in reducing patient harm.

TCAB Faculty

Subject Matter Expert:

Betsy Lee MSPH, BSN, RN, President, BL Enterprises, LLC, is a recognized expert in patient safety, quality improvement and health care team vitality. She is active in fostering the advancement of transformational change and inter-professional collaborative practice to promote quality, patient safety and teamwork. Betsy participated in the original TCAB work with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and IHI.


Sally Forsberg, RNC-OB, BSN, MBA, NEA-BC, CPHQ,Clinical Performance Improvement Advisor,

Contact the FHA HIIN Team at (407) 841-6230 to learn more about participating in TCAB