Unit 6 Lesson Plans- Ionic Bonds
2015-2016 CP
Lesson / Objective / Homework (due dates)62 / Notes on Ionic Bond Properties
- What is an ionic bond and how is it different than a covalent bond?
- How are valence electrons used in ionic bonds?
- What are the four properties of ionic bonds?
- What is a crystal lattice? What does a crystal lattice look like?
- What is an electrolyte and how does it relate to ionic bonds?
- How is energy used when making or breaking ionic bonds? / - Nature of Ionic Bond WS
Per 2- 1/22
63 / Lab #10- Making Ionic Compounds
-What are the properties of ionic compounds and can they be tested in the lab?
- Can the compound be determined as ionic or covalent based on the characteristics observed in the lab? / - Finish Lab #10
Per 2- Due in Class
64 / Notes on Naming
- What is a formula unit?
- What is a monatomic ion and how is the oxidation number used in naming?
- What do the roman numerals represent?
- What is the criss-cross method and how is it used for monatomic ions?
- How are binary monatomic compounds named?
- Explain Polyatomic Ion Sheet / -Monatomic Ion Quiz
Per 2- 1/27
65 / Monatomic Ion Quiz
- How can a monatomic transition metal be named?
- What do the roman numerals imply?
Bond with a Classmate Activity
- What happens when a positive ion bonds with a negative ion?
- How can that new compound be named?
- How would its new formula be written? / Finish Bond Activity
Per 2- 1/28
66 / Notes- Polyatomic Ionic Compounds
- How is criss cross for a polyatomic ion different than a criss cross for a monatomic ion?
- How are ionic compounds named?
- How can the criss cross method be used to have a zero net charge?
- When are the roman numerals used in naming?
- Is there a difference when naming monatomic versus polyatomic ions?
Polyatomic WS in Class / - Polyatomic Quiz
Per 2- 2/1
67 / - Lab #11- Ionic Compound Lab
- How are ionic compounds formed when given anions, cations and polyatomic ions?
- How are ionic compounds named?
- How can the criss cross method be used to have a zero net charge?
- Why do polyatomic ions go in parenthesis? / - Finish Lab #11
Per 2- 2/2
68 / Polyatomic Quiz
Notes- Naming Acids
- What is the difference between an oxyacid and a binary acid?
- How are oxyacids named?
- How are binary acids named?
- How are the polyatomics named with acids?
- Which acid contains hydrogen and an element? Which contains hydrogen and a polyatomic? / - Naming Acids WS
Per 2- 2/2
69 / - Naming Ionic Compounds WS and Lots of Ionic Naming Practice Problems
- How are ionic compounds named? What are the special cases when naming? How are transition metals named?
-What happens when naming acids? What happens when naming polyatomics?
- How can a transition charge be figured from a compound? / - Finish Naming WS
Per 2- 2/5
70 / Naming Ionic Compound Graded Page
- How are ionic compounds named? What are the special cases when naming? How are transition metals named?
-What happens when naming acids? What happens when naming polyatomics?
- How can a transition charge be figured from a compound? / - Study for Ionic Test
Per 2- 2/9
71 / Review- Ionic Bonds
- What is an ionic compound?
- What are the properties of ionic compounds?
- What is the difference between an ionic and a covalent compound?
- How can ionic compound formulas be written and named?
- How are acids named? / - Study for Ionic Test
Per 2- 2/9
72 / Ionic Bonds Test
- When is the -ide ending used in ionic bonds?
- What are the roman numerals used for?
- Why do elements form ions?
- How are ionic compounds named and what are the special cases?
- What is a polyatomic ion?
- What is the difference between an oxyacid and a binary acid?