Manchester Schools Alliance – Headteacher Reference Group

Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday 19th March 2014

Present:Gary Handforth, Rob Partington, John McNerney, Kevin Hogan, Pat Adams, Helen Eken, Matt Whitehead, Julie Miles, Mylene McGuire, Amanda Corcoran, Karen Jarmany, Michael Crowe, Andy Park.

Item No.
1. / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  • John McNerney update on the progress of the application for company status. Work has been completed and the MSA Company should be registered by the end of the month.

2. / Conference Feedback & Future Planning
  • All agreed that the Conference was successful and that the use of the Town Hall was a positive step, as a civic space for all to use it also helped to make the point that the MSA and schools are central to the aims of the City as a whole. People were less keen on the input offered by the National Governors Association.
  • Views were requested on the inclusion of exhibitors to support the cost of the conference. All attendees were happy with the approach and did not find the exhibitors too intrusive. All were agreed that this should continue in future to support the costs of the conferences. The total cost of the conference was £5,500 and anticipated income from exhibitors is £4,000.
  • All agreed the provocations were especially strong , particularly tat on Governance and Secondary Readiness. The feedback suggested that Heads would like some time at the end of each provocation for a brief facilitated table discussion about the issue, not more than 10minutes in length. All agreed this would be useful for extracting information and ideas on how to progress the issues following the provocations. It was agreed that this time would be included in future conference agenda. All agreed it would be a good follow-up to take these comments and produce a outline view from the MSA membership on particular issues which could then be consulted on and disseminated.
  • Attendees were also keen for the MSA to explore commissioning research in key areas perhaps arising from the provocation discussions.
Action:- Future Provocation Sessions at conferences to include space for discussion and feedback.
  • The group were agreed that the Secondary Ready theme was a strong one that should be the focus of the next conference. Everyone agreed that this was a crucial issues for all schools and pupils in the City.
  • Amanda and Karen noted there is some research work being undertaken within the LA to look at the issues around progression after transition, particularly around Maths. The work is to explore whether the issues is particular to any group or area.
  • The group noted some potential areas for the MSA to explore for improvement around transition with particular areas for the conference being:
  • Examples of Positive Collaboration between Primary & Secondary
  • Barriers affecting cross-phase collaboration
  • Should Secondaries follow more primary pedagogy and curriculum during transition.
  • What opportunities are there for shared CPD and resources
  • Can the pastoral aspects of transition be improved – parental engagement and promotion of secondary school in primary.
  • The group were keen that sessions at the conference avoid being simply one group of Heads telling others what works in their schools, this was seen as off-putting and not always helpful for schools in perhaps different contexts.
Action:- Further work on conference planning to be present to the next meeting
3. / Membership Update
  • The list of schools signed up to membership was presented to the group. Attendees asked that an updated list be circulated so they can include in discussions with peers as necessary.
Action:- Mike Crowe to circulate signed-up schools list to HT Ref Group members
4. / Activities
  • John McNerney advised attendees of the further discussion with Senior HMI to arrange training for Heads on the approach to inspection. Vince Ashworth has now confirmed the dates for three sessions, one secondary and two primary. A session for governors is still pending further detail from Ofsted. John McNerney is coordinating attendance for secondary heads and Karen Jarmany for the two primary sessions. Attendees recommended the Irish World Heritage Centre and Emmanuel Church as potential venues.
Action:- Mike Crowe to confirm venues for the agreed dates.
  • There was a discussion on the drive from Ofsted for Headteachers to become additional inspectors. It was noted that there were some issues with the recruitment process at present as the company contracted to handle enquiries for Ofsted is potential to lose its contract. It was the general view of those attending that Heads in the City should be encouraged to apply as additional inspectors as the training and experience will be a positive for Manchester in improving capacity to support peers within the City.

5. / School Direct
  • John McNerney asked attendees to note that the time is almost upon us to submit requests for school direct places for 2016.

6. / Manchester Leaders Forum
  • Lisa explained that she and Gary were continuing with the Primary conference scheduled for 20 May. She helpfully explained that while this was outside the MSA it was successful and responded to a need amongst primary heads. The conferences may join in future.

7. / AOB
  • There was no other business.

8. / Date & Time of Next Meeting
Wednesday 14th May – 08.30-10.30 – St Peters High