Healthy Investments Retail Promotion Ideas

In-store promotions can help you broaden your scope of influence and reach more shoppers with health messaging and good-for-you product information. The following promotion ideas leverage Kellogg’s Healthy Investments resources to help you reach Boomer shoppers.

Healthy Investments Cross Promotions
For many Baby Boomers healthy living is a combination of food, fitness, supplements, and prescription medications, creating an opportunity to build health promotions across the store format and position your stores as destinations for wellness solutions and you as a trusted partner for healthy living. These cross promotions can increase basket ring and convert single department shoppers to total store loyalists. Cross promotion options include:
Pharmacy-Food Connection / • Promote foods in pharmacy that can help encourage wellness and manage health conditions.
o Partner with your cereal buyer to set up a Healthy Investments display in pharmacy to keep heart-healthy foods like Kellogg’s® Raisin Bran®, Raisin Bran® with Omega-3 and Frosted Mini-Wheats® top of mind while Baby Boomers fill prescriptions.
o If you have the opportunity to provide content with prescription distribution, attach one of the articles included in this Healthy Investments Toolkit to scripts for cholesterol and hypertension medications.
Food-Fitness Touch Points. / • Cross promote cereal with fitness to remind your Boomer shoppers that food and activity work together to ensure their best years are ahead.
o Build a “morning routine” display including Healthy Investments cereals, yoga videos, and copies of your Boomer Newsletter (described below).
o If your store doesn’t offer fitness products, include “50 and Fit” content on your retailer’s website about the synergistic role of exercise and nutritious foods like Kellogg’s Healthy Investments cereals in healthy lifestyles.
Screenings / • Shoppers who attend screenings are likely engaged in health, presenting a teachable moment. Boomers need simple tips and actions that give them control of the new health information they receive at this time.
o Provide the Boomer newsletter feature (described below) at screenings to provide tips on the benefits of breakfast and cereal in managing heart health.
▪ Partner with your cereal category manager to leverage the Healthy Investments cereals’ on pack coupons as a part of your screenings.
Baby Boomer Feature in Existing Print or Digital Communications
Leverage your existing shopper communications channels (e.g. print or digital newsletters, in-store magazines, etc.) to develop a feature targeted directly at Baby Boomers to capitalize on their desire to be catered to and appreciated, and increase their loyalty to your store.
Distribution /
  • If your company uses a loyalty card to track shopper demographics, use this data to develop the e-newsletter mailing list.
  • There are also opportunities, as described above, to print the newsletter for use in other promotions.

Style / • Keep it simple. While the majority of Boomers use e-mail, many believe technology is moving too fast. Use a straight-forward e-newsletter style, with limited links and references to other apps and sites, to most effectively reach this audience.
• Promote positivity. Use positive and empowering messages, encouraging Boomers to make simple yet impactful health changes.
• Have Empathy. Boomers want materials tailored to the realities of aging without being treated as old. Use a larger font size and clean, clear color contrasts.
Give the facts. Boomers like factual information. Use bullet points and infographics included in this toolkit to communicate key points.
Content / • Balance messages. Balance content between wellness and disease management to appeal to both needs of this audience. Use the Science Shorts in this toolkit to promote the role of breakfast in both wellness and disease management.
• Acknowledge differences. Boomers may be in various life stages despite their shared age. While the main content focus of the newsletter will be on common health concerns, acknowledge differences within the group. For example, try an “Empty Nester” corner with tips on meals for two and healthy breakfast care packages for college-age kids.
• Promote breakfast. Boomers wake up feeling tired and need to refuel. Use the turnkey articles and recipes in this Toolkit to promote breakfast as a part of healthy living.
• Stay tuned. Worried about having enough content to regularly reach out to Boomers? Stay tuned to: and partner with other internal departments for new content relevant to this influential audience.
Healthy Investments Food Demonstrations
Boomer insights tell us that they believe in the power of breakfast and are experimenting with adding variety to their morning meal. As a wholesome food that provides great nutrition, ready-to-eat breakfast cereals can meet Boomers’ needs for variety and a complete morning meal as showcased in these food demonstration tips and ideas.
Timing /
  • A large segment of Boomers prefer to shop on weekday mornings, so plan food demos in the early part of the day as when their schedules allow.

MyBowl Demo™ /
  • Hot foods add variety to breakfast. Demo the Mini Wheats® Hot recipe included in this Healthy Investments Toolkit to showcase how cereal can be served hot and delicious in less than two minutes of prep time.
  • MyBowl™ translates healthy meal recommendations from the plate to the bowl. During your food demo, have a MyBowl display and emphasize for shoppers how MyBowl helps them build a complete breakfast meal of cereal, fruit, and milk—hot or cold!
  • Visit for additional resources and information on how to order free MyBowl materials.

Think Outside the Cereal Bowl /
  • Baby Boomers may be at a life stage in life with flexible work arrangements or decreasing hours as they move towards retirement, which gives them more time to cook. Both the Corncakes with Blueberry Sauce and Cinnamon Raisin Stuffed Apples included in this Healthy Investments Toolkit to showcase how your Boomer shoppers can add variety to breakfast using an ingredient they’re familiar with and when they have time to cook.
  • Offer copies of these recipes, which can be cobranded with Kellogg’s cereals and your private label ingredients, during the demo and sampling.

Adding Pizzazz to Bran Muffins / • A new twist on a breakfast sandwich will inspire shoppers interested in adding variety to breakfast and leveraging the versatility of cereal. Demonstrate making the Honey Raisin Bran® Muffin batter, then use muffins baked before the demonstration to show how to make breakfast sandwiches by cutting the muffins and filling with wholesome combinations like:
o Thin-sliced deli ham and Swiss cheese
o Tomato, basil and mozzarella
o Peanut butter and bananas
Looking for More Inspiration? /
  • Visit: for additional recipes.
  • Visit: for food demonstration tips and guidelines