Lesson Plan and Reflection
Name: ______Chris DeWitt and Serena Barton______
Setting/Grade Level: ____4-5______
Subject(s): ______Reading/ Science______
School: ______St. Ann’s Academy/ E.W. Stokes PCS______
Date: ______6/5/12______
Theme/Title: ______EM Spectrum and UV Light______
Composition of Class: Male___X__Female___X__ESL___X__IEP __X___ 504 _____
What student learning goal(s)/objective(s) do you have for this lesson?SWBAT explain how astronomers use the Electro-magnetic Spectrum (EMS) to learn about celestial bodies
SWBAT make inferences about celestial bodies based on their knowledge of the EMS (e.g. its relative temperature, energy level, etc.)
SWBAT explain the effects of UV rays on the Earth
-Light comes in many different forms, more forms than we can see with our eyes. To gather all the information we can about the Universe, astronomers need to gather a wide range of light across the EMS.
-Earth’s atmosphere absorbs or reflects many parts of the EMS, so astronomers need special instruments to collect this information (e.g., telescopes) / Which indicators of the DC or Maryland content standards does this lesson address?
4.1.5 Demonstrate how measuring instruments such as microscopes, telescopes, and cameras can be used to gather accurate information
4.3.11 Investigate, observe, and explain that things that give off light also give off heat
4.3.13 Observe and describe the things that give off heat, such as people, animals, and the Sun
NOTE: Students will already be familiar with the EMS prior to this unit.
What instructional strategies will you use?Constructions / Library Research
Cooperative Learning / Peer Editing
Discussion/Questioning / Practicum
Problem Solving / Field Study
Reflection/Response / Graphic Organizers
Independent Learning / Role Playing
Laboratory / Viewing/Listening/Answering
Practice/Drill / Experiment
Lecture / Discovery
Reporting / Journal
Simulation / Other
/ Why did you choose these strategies/methods?
These strategies and methods allow students to build their own connections based on prior lessons.
How will you group students for instruction (Individual, Small Group, Large Group or Whole Class)?
Individual, Small Group, and Whole Class groupings will be used
List below your activities including how you activate background knowledge and bring closure to the lesson:
Step 1:
Warm-Up: Compare and Contrast Stars (10 minutes): Students will observe the attached photograph of three stars and record similarities and differences (think-pair-share). Guide students by asking- “Which one do you think is our Sun? Why?” “Why do you think the stars are different colors?”
**Students should understand that the coolest star is Betelgeuse because its visible light are longest, the Sun is the yellow star because its visible light waves are within the yellow range, and Bellatrix is the hottest star (the blue one) because its visible light waves have the most energy.
Discussion (following student share): Hand out EMS chart (Figure 2). Explain that the visible light has different wavelengths and energy levels and this effects how we see the star.
The Sun emits visible light as well as invisible light, such as Infrared and UV rays.
Step 2: Today, we’re going to discuss one section of the EMS, Ultraviolet light. Take a look at the EMS chart (to the left). We see Visible Light and some UV rays and some Infrared rays on Earth. What happens to the other parts of the EMS? (They get absorbed or reflected by the Earth’s atmosphere.) (5 minutes)
What is UV?
Read this in reading groups to answer the following questions: 1) What are the 3 regions of UV light on the EMS, and how are they different? 2) What blocks most UV light from reaching the Earth’s surface? 3) Why do astronomers have to send telescopes into space to observe most UV rays? (UV Overview: http://science.hq.nasa.gov/kids/imagers/ems/uv.html) (15 minutes)
Show the following picture of the Sun:
“This shows the Sun’s EUV rays. How do you
think astronomers took this picture? Where do
you think the telescope was located (think-pair-
Finally, watch Brain Pop: Sun Protection (http://www.brainpop.com/health/personalhealth/sunprotection/). Discuss how UV rays affect humans.
For homework, read:
“UV Radiation: How it Affects Life on Earth”
How will you accommodate for students (IEP, 504, skill level, management issues, and/or multiculturalism, language differences)?
Some students will be given modified readings, graphic organizers to help answer questions, and extra vocabulary. We will also include the closed captioning on the Brain Pop Video.
What level(s) of Bloom’s Critical Thinking did you cover?
_X__ Knowledge _X__ Comprehension ___Application _X__ Analysis _X__ Synthesis ___Evaluation
What multiple intelligences were exercised?
_X__ Visual/Spatial _X__ Verbal/Linguistic _X__ Logical/Mathematical ___Bodily/Kinesthetic
___Musical/Rhythmic _X__ Interpersonal _X__ Intrapersonal ___Naturalist ___Existential
What domains have you addressed?
_X__ Cognitive _X__ Social _X__ Affective ___Kinesthetic ___Metacognitive
What materials will you use?Teacher / Student
3 handouts
Vocabulary sheet
Websites / Pencil
/ Technology Utilized:
Cassettes/CDs / CD ROM
Overhead / X / Computer
Slides / Distance Learning/Webcast
Tape Recorder / Internet
VCR/TV/DVD / Laser Disk
Assistive Technology / X / Smart Board
Digital/Video Camera / Other
Assessment Alternatives (put a checkmark for assessments reflecting process and an “x” for product):Application Exam / Objective Test
Concept Mapping / x / Observation
Parent Evaluation / Contract
Peer Evaluation / Checklist
Self-Evaluation / Performance
Inventories / Portfolio
Quantitative Scales / Rating Scales
Rubric / Scored Discussion
x / Journals / x / Problem-Solving Assessment
/ How will you evaluate each student goal/outcome?
How will you use this information?
1. To what extent did students learn what you intended? How do you know?2. 2. Did you do anything differently than what you planned? If so, why?
3. 3. If you were going to teach this lesson again to the same students, what would you do the same? Differently?
4. 4. How much time did you actually use? Were transitions smooth?
5. 5. Identify a group or individual who did well with the lesson. How do you account for this? What might you do in the future to ensure their continued success?
6. 6. Identify a group or individual who had difficulty with this lesson. How do you account for this? What interventions could you use with this group/individual so that he/she/they achieve the learning goal(s)?
7. 7. Are there any other comments, reactions, or questions about the lesson? Was there anything you felt especially good, frustrated or confused about?
1. Wavelength- the distance between wave peaks (the shorter the wavelength the higher the energy)
2. Visible Light- the light you can see with your eyes
3. Electromagnetic Radiation- invisible light; light that has wavelengths that are too long or too short to see with human eyes
4. Visible Light Spectrum- the colors that make up visible light (in order of increasing wavelength): Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet