Home Address/Phone:
6016 2nd St.
Lubbock, TX 79416
Work Address/Phone/E-mail:
Higher Education Program
College of Education
Lubbock, TX79409-1071
806-742-1997, Ext. 269
Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Administration, University of Texas at Austin, Community College Leadership Program
Juris Doctorate, University of Texas at Austin
Masters of Arts, Political Science, University of Texas at El Paso
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of Texas atEl Paso
2005-presentProfessor, Higher Education, College of Education, Texas Tech University
2004-2005Professor, Department of Educational Management and Development,Director, Community College Doctoral Leadership Program, College of Education, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
2002-2004Interim President, Dona Ana Branch Community College,Professor, Department of Educational Management and Development, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
2000-2002Interim Dean, The Graduate School, New Mexico State University.
1998-1999 Professor, Department of Educational Management and Development, Director, Hispanic Border Leadership Institute, New MexicoStateUniversity.
1992-1998Associate Dean of Research and Administration, College of Education, New Mexico State University.
1987-1992 Department Head/Professor, Department of Educational Management and Development, College of Education, New Mexico State University.
1983-1987Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management and Development, New MexicoStateUniversity
1980-1983Vice President of Administration, Downtown Campus, Pima Community College District, Tucson, AZ
1976-1980Associate Council and Associate Vice President of Administration, Alamo Community College District, San Antonio, TX
1972-1975Assistant General Council, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Austin, TX
jounal articles:
Rodriguez, R. local tax authorization and community college status: A study of adaptation. Community College Review. Vol. 109, No. 3, 1977.
Rodriguez, R. Teacher effectiveness guidelines: Monocultural anglo teachers and bicultural chicano children. New MexicoSchool Review, Spring 1978, 54(1).
Rodriguez, R., D. Mancus, and R. Suchman. A teacher center consortium for rural school districts: Goals and rational. NSPI Journal, November 1978, 17(9).
Gallegos, R., R. Rodriguez, and J. Cole. Cashing in on cognates: a method for teaching basic vocabulary to intellectually handicapped-bilingual children. Pointer, Spring 1979.
Rodriguez, R. and J. Cole, et. al. Bilingualism and biculturalism for the special education classroom. Special Education and Teacher Education, Summer 1979, 2(4).
Rodriguez, R. and D. Manus. Rural teacher centers: new roles for teacher educators. The Rural Educator, Winter 1980-81, 2(2).
Gallegos, A. and R. Gallegos, and R. Rodriguez. The exceptional bilingual child. Journal of Bilingual Education, Fall 1980, V(1)
Rodriguez, R. and R. Gallegos. Spanish-English word relationships: facilitative sight vocabulary buildup. Journal of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1982.
Gallegos, R. and R. Rodriguez. Bilingual-bicultural teacher education: a field-based approach. Journal of Multicultural Education, Vol.1, No.1, Spring 1982.
Bramlett, P. and R. Rodriguez. Part-time faculty, full-time concern. Community and Junior College Journal, Vol. 53, No. 4. 1982.
Gallegos, A., R. Gallegos, and R. Rodriguez. Los inocentes: considering the special need of the Mexican-American child. Contemporary Education, LIV, No. 2, 1983.
Gallegos, A., R. Gallegos, R. Rodriguez. Los inocentes: Considering the special needs of the mexican american child. In R. A. Gilman and L. M. Moody Multicultural Education, Ginn Press, 1984.
Rodriguez, R. Implications for discipline approaches in predominantly Hispanic junior high schools. American Secondary Education, Vol. 13, No. 3, 1984, page 14.
Rodriguez, R. Disciplinary procedures against a teacher: Legal rights and responsibilities. Journal of Educational Law, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1985.
Rodriguez, R. and S. Speegle. The oil and natural gas industry in new mexico: Implications for education. New Mexico Elementary Principal, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, 1986.
Rodriguez, R. and I. V. Rodriguez. Attracting and retaining hispanics in math and science teacher education. The Teacher Educator, Vol. 21, No. 4, 1986.
Rodriguez, R. The New Mexico 1986 Educational Reform Act: An innovative approach to due process for teachers. Educational Law Journal, Vol. 21, 1986.
Rodriguez, R., Rules of evidence for due process hearings: administrative responsibilities. American Secondary Education, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1986.
Rodriguez, R., New Mexico public school reform act: Implications for school administrators, Journal of Educational Law, Vol. 35, No. 4, 1986.
Leas, D. and R. Rodriguez. The ineffective university dean: case studies. Thought and Action, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1987.
Rodriguez, R.C.,and Cano, J. New Mexico’s school boards: a history of diversity. AmericanSchool Board Journal. Vol. 50, No.1, 1987.
Morgan, P. and R. Rodriguez. Home school: a rural survey. The Rural Educator, Vol. 10, No.1, Fall 1988.
Berning, J. and R. Rodriguez. The principal as catalyst in parental involvement. Momentum, Vol. XX, No. 2, April 1989.
Cole, M. and R. Rodriguez. Principals as special education leaders. The School Administrator, Vol. 46, No. 6, June 1989.
Brown, D. and Rodriguez, R. A valid self-appraisal instrument for community college administrators. Community/Junior College Quarterly of Research and Practice, Vol. 13, No. 3-4, 1989.
Cole, M. and R. Rodriguez. The elementary school principal and special education: special skills to administer special programs. CapstoneJournal of Education, Vol. IX, No. 4, Summer 1989.
Rodriguez, R.C., Maltby, G. and Calvin, A. Public School Collective Bargaining in New Mexico. American Educator, Vol. XXII, No. 4, 1990, pages 178-205.
Peterson, J.R. and R. Rodriguez. Student code of conduct policies in community colleges: Implication for due process. College and University, Vol. 22, No. 3, 1990.
Rodriguez, R.C.Secondary school principal and site based management: an attitude study of three states. American Journal of Education, Vol. 20, No.1, 1992, pages 201-205.
Rodriguez, R.C., Solis, E. and Cardenas, M. Perceptions of secondary counselors towards Hispanic students on juvenile probation. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 8. No. 2., 1992, pages 606-610.
Rodriguez, R.C. Interacting with at-risk children: the positive position. Principal, Vol. 72, No 1. Sept. 1992, page 26.
Calvani, J.E. and R. Rodriguez. Act decisively when teachers faces criminal charges. The School Administrator, Vol. 50, No. 11, December, 1993.
Rodriguez, R.C. and Shuster, A. The effects of immigrants from mexico on the educational policies of four border school districts. Educational Administration Quarterly. Vol. 58, No. 4, 1994, pages 405-409.
Rodriguez, R. C. Raising school effects while ignoring culture: Local conditions and the influence of classroom, teaching tools, rules, and pedagogy. Review of Educational Research, Vol. 64, No. 1, 1994, page 119.
Rodriguez, R.C. The American Indian administrators in New Mexico education: status and progress. Journal of Educational Equity and Leadership. Vol 5, No. 2, 1995.
Ellis, P.A. and Rodriguez, R. Language minority students: are community colleges meeting the challenge? Community College Journal. Vol. 6, No. 6, 1995, page 26.
Rodriguez, R. C. What is multicultural education? Community College Journal, Vol. 65, No. 3, 1996, page 10.
Rodriguez, L. and R. C. Rodriguez, Performance Evaluation of Spanish Speaking Employees at a StateUniversity. College and University Personnel Association Journal. Spring, 1998, Vol. 48, No.1. ˜
Quiz, F. and R.C. Rodriguez, School board members along the US-Mexican border: views on the school principalship. Executive Educator. Vol. 101, No. 212, 1999.
Munoz-Quiz, M. and R.C.Rodriguez, Hispanic high school principals on the US-Mexican border: leadership and culture. American Secondary Education. Vol. 89, No. 45, 1999.
Armendariz, A. and R. C. Rodriguez, Administrative Accountability in a HispanicHigh School: A Mentorship Model. NASSP Bulletin, Vol. 84, No. 619, November, 2000.
Armendariz, A., Villarreal, M., Rodriguez, R. C. An Alternative Administrative Concept for a HispanicElementary School: La Familia. Principal Vol. 81, No. 1, September, 2001, pages 18-20.
Valverde, M. R. and Rodriguez, R.C. Increasing Mexican American Doctoral Degrees: The Role of Institutions of Higher Education. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 2002, page 51.
Quiz, F.Z. and Rodriguez, R.C. Rural Higher Educational Opportunities: Education Administration Preparation Along the Texas-Mexico Border. National Forum of TeacherEducation Journal, Vol. 13, # 3, 03-04, page 103.
Rodriguez, R.C., Martinez, J. Latino success in math developmental programs in six New Mexico community colleges, Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, vol. 6, #4, 05.
Dent, N., Rodriguez, R.C., Women, philanthropy and higher education. Journal of Philanthropy, vol. XXVI, #2, 05.
Rodriguez, R. C. and Novak, R. Substance versus Politics: Through the Dark Mirror of Governance Reform in Universities. Educational Policy, Vol. 17, No. 2, pgs. 141-162, 2006.
Rodriguez, R. C. Another Reason Why State Legislatures will Continue to Restrict Public University Autonomy. The Review of Higher Education. Vol. 20, No. 2, pgs. 23-29, 2006.
Rodriguez, R. C., Solis, E. Hispanic Leadership in Today’s Community College, Community College Review, Vol. 35, #2, pgs. 145-150, 2007.
Books/Chapters in books:
Rodriguez, R. and R. Gallegos. Hispanics, Engineering and the Sciences: A Counseling Guide. Las Cruces, NM: Educational ResourcesInformationCenter (ERIC) Clearinghouse on Rural Education and SmallSchools, 1981.
Rodriguez, R. Mexican American Civic Organizations: Political Participation and Political Attitudes. Palo Alto, CA: R & E Research Associates, 1981.
Rodriguez, R. Community College Personnel Issues: Legal Implications, in Edwards, H.T. and Nordin, V. D., Higher Education and the Law, Institute for Education Management, HarvardUniversity, 1982.
Vacca, R., Rodriguez, R.C., Law and Education: Contemporary Issues and Court Decisions. The Michie Company, 1991.
Rodriguez, R. Tort Liability in American Public Schools, in Imber, M. and T. Van Geel, Education Law, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.
Rodriguez, R. Students and the Courts, in Yudof, M.G., K. David, and B. Levin, EducationalPolicy and the Law, West Publishing Co., 1994.
Rodriguez, R. "Local Activism by Mexican Americans in Local Voluntary Associations," Southwest Social Science Association. Denver, CO, 1972.
Rodriguez, R. "Political Activism by Mexican Americans in Local Voluntary Associations in El Paso, Texas: Civic Competence and Political Participation," Cross-Cultural Southwest Ethnic Groups: Socio-Political Environment and Education, University of Texas at El Paso, 1972.
Rodriguez, R. and R. Gallegos. "Integrated Content: Model and Method," Seventh Annual International Bilingual-Bicultural Education Conference. San Juan, PR, April 1978.
Rodriguez, R. and R. Gallegos. "Cultural Collections and Children: Oral Language Development in Micro-Teaching Settings, "Eighth Annual International Bilingual-Bicultural Education Conference. Seattle, May 1979.
Mancus, D., R. Rodriguez, and R. Suchman. "TeacherCenter Consortium for Rural School Districts: A Model," Association for Teacher Education Conference. Washington, DC, 1980.
Gallegos, R. and R. Rodriguez. "Bilingual-Bicultural Instructional Vehicle: Learning Centers in a Learning Environment," Ninth Annual International Bilingual Education Conference. Anaheim, CA, 1981.
Gallegos, R., R. Rodriguez, and A. Gallegos. "Los inocentes: Considering the Special Needs of the Mexican American Child," Council on Exceptional Children's Conference on the Exceptional Bilingual Child. New Orleans, 1981.
Rodriguez, R. "Legal Rights of Students," New Mexico Education Association. Las Cruces, NM, 1981.
Gallegos, R., R. Rodriguez, and A. Gallegos. “Mexican American Children in Special Education Environments: Teaching Methods," Seventh Annual California Association for Bilingual Education Conference. San Francisco, 1982.
Rodriguez, R. "The Hispanic Political Experience," Hispanic Awareness Conference for Mental Health Workers in New Mexico. Las Cruces, NM, 1982.
Rodriguez, R. "Teachers' Rights and Responsibilities," New Mexico Federation for the Council of Exceptional Children. Las Cruces, NM, 1982.
Rodriguez, R. "Teachers' Legal Responsibilities to School Districts," First Annual Southwestern Conference for Rural Education. Albuquerque, NM, 1982.
Gallegos, R., R. Rodriguez, and A. Gallegos. "Bilingual-bicultural Education Approaches with Special Education Children and Adults: Findings and Recommendations," American Education Research Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, 1983.
Rodriguez, R. "Microcomputers for Academic Users: A Practitioner's Response," American Association for Higher Education Special Workshop. New Orleans, 1984.
Rodriguez, R., "Temporary Faculty and Community Colleges: Legal Implications," American Association of Community Junior Colleges. San Diego, 1985.
Rodriguez, R. "A Review of New Mexico's Public School Reform Act," New Mexico School Board Association. Albuquerque, 1986.
Brown, D. and R. Rodriguez. "Improving Community College Administrator Productivity Through Performance Assessment," 67th Annual Conference of the American Association of Community Junior Colleges. Dallas, 1987.
Rodriguez, R. "Alternative Approaches to Administrator Preparation," University Council for Education Administration Convention, Cincinnati, OH, 1988.
Rodriguez, R. "Legal Issues Affecting Non-Public Schools," New Mexico Association of Non-Public Schools Conference, Albuquerque, 1989.
Ramirez, R., Solis, E., Rodriguez, R. "Assessing Minority Opportunities in Vocational Education," 71st Annual Conference of the American Association of Community Junior Colleges, Kansas City, MO, 1991.
Levin, B., D. Kirp, and R. Rodriguez, "The Growing Fear of Tort Liability: A Survey of Ten Elementary Schools in New Mexico and Texas," National Organization of Legal Problems in Education National Conference, New Orleans, La., 1993.
Coleman, M., Rodriguez, R., and Vaugban. S.M., "Re-engineering School Leadership," American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA., 1995.
Rodriguez, R. “Issues Pertaining to Enforcement of the American With Disabilities Act in Higher Education,” Education Law Association , Carlston, SC. 1998.
Contrera, M., Reyes, R., and Rodriguez, R.C. “Preparing School Leaders for Minority Populations in the Age of Accountability,” University Council for Educational Administration, Minneapolis, MN. 1999.
Rodriguez, R.C. “School Violence in New Mexico’s Public Schools: Influences of Border Gang Violence,” Education Law Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 1999.
Rodriguez, R. C. and Ortiz, F.I., A Training Model for Hispanics Educational Leaders in the 21st Century: Hispanic Border Leadership Institute. American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA, April, 2001.
Dominguez, R., Prentice, M. and Rodriguez, R.C., Distance Education with a Human Touch: A Leadership Doctoral Program. National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development, 25th Annual Conference, Austin, TX, 2003.
Rodriguez, R. and Dominguez, R,. A Community College Doctoral Leadership Distance Education Model. 13th Annual International Conference for Community College Leaders, Chair Academy Conference, Reston, VA, March, 2004.
Rodriguez, R. Hispanic Leadership in American Community College: The Decline, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, San Antonio, TX, March, 2005.
Rodriguez, R. and Dominguez, R. Action Research Dissertation from a Community College Leadership Cohort Program, American Association of Community Colleges National Conference, Long Beach, CA, April, 2005.
Rodriguez, R.C., A New Generation of Hispanic Community College Administrators: What is Their Mission?, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education National Conference, San Antonio, TX, March, 2006.
Rodriguez, R.C., Distance Education as a Tool to in the Preparation of Community College Administrators. American Association of Community Colleges, Long Beach, CA, April 22-25, 2006.
Rodriguez, R. C., A New Generation of Hispanic Community College Administrators: What is Their Mission?, American Association of Hispanics in higher Education national Conference, San Antonio, TX, march 2-4, 2006.
Rodriguez, R. C., Murray, J., Distance Education as a Tool to the Preparation of Community College Administrators. American Association of Community Colleges, Long Beach, CA, April 22-25, 2006.
Rodriguez, R. C. A Plan for West Texas: DistanceEducationCommunity College Leadership. National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development (NISOD), Austin, TX, May 20-23, 2007.
Rodriguez, R. C., Building Distance Education Leadership Programs: A new Opportunity for Hispanics in Administration. American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education National Conference, Long Beach, CA, March, 2007.
Rodriguez, R. C., Community C9ollege Presidency: The Need for Diversity. American Association of Community College national Conference, Tampa, FL, April, 2007.
Rodriguez, R. C., West Texas Community Colleges: A Need for Diversity in Administration. National Institute for Staff & Organizational Development (NISOD), Austin, TX, May, 2007.
Rodriguez, R., Huerta, M. Achieving the Dream: Enhancing Developmental Studies in Community Colleges, Lumina Foundation, $450,000, 2004-08.
Solis, E., Valverde, L., Cardenas, R., Rodriguez, R. Hispanic Border Leadership Institute. W.K. Kellogg Foundation, $2.5 million, 1996-2001.
Rodriguez, R. and H. Lujan, American Indian Education Recruitment and Retention Initiative at New Mexico State University, ARCO Foundation, 1995-96, $120,000
Simmons, B.J. and R. Rodriguez. Professional Development Collaborative: Goals 2000, America. New Mexico State Department of Education, $192,000.
Hampton, E., Guzman, W. and Rodriguez, R. Systemic Initiative in Math and Science Education, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 1995-96, $138,000.
Rodriguez, R.C. and Cooper, L. G. Beyond Compliance: The Education of New Leaders for Public Schools, Danforth Foundation, $160,000, 1991.
Rodriguez, R., Undergraduate Preparation for Hispanic Math and Science Teachers, Polaroid Foundation, 1990-92, $20,000.
Valencia, A., R. Gallegos, and R. Rodriguez, Summer training institute for bilingual education teachers. The Southwestern Bilingual Education Resource Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the Assessment and Dissemination Center for Bilingual Education, Austin, Texas, 1978, $25,000.
Rodriguez, R. and R. Scuhman. A teacher center proposal for rural school districts. New Mexico State Department of Education, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1978, $10,000.
Rodriguez, R. A career based training program for the preparation of teachers for service in bilingual/bicultural classrooms. USDE, Division of Bilingual Education, $1.2 million,1977-1979.
Rodriguez, R. and C. Stuessy. Science education training for elementary principals and teachers. National Science Foundation, $70,257, 1986.
Valencia, A. and R. Rodriguez, Bilingual education teacher training. USDE, Division of Bilingual Education, $196,000, 1977-79.
Educational Professional Development Act Fellow, Community College Leadership Program, Department of Educational Administration, University of Texas at Austin, 1974-76.
New Mexico National Educational Association, One Hundred Distinguished New Mexico Educators, 1981.
College of Education Dean's Service Award, New MexicoStateUniversity, 1987.
Donald C. Roush Award for Excellence in University Teaching, College of Education, New Mexico State University, 1986.
Distinguished Graduate Award, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin, 1990.
College of Education Excellence Award, New MexicoStateUniversity, Fall, 2000.
College of Education Excellence in Leadership Award, New MexicoStateUniversity, 2004.
American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Association for Teacher Education
New MexicoAssociation of Community Colleges
University Council of Educational Administration
New MexicoSchool Administrators Association
Educational Law Association
American Association of Higher Education
American Education Research Association
Member, National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, Committee on Professional Development School Standards, 1997-present.
Member, Advisory Board for Professional Development, National Association of Elementary School Principal, 1991-present.
Member, Editorial Board, Educational Administration Quarterly, 1990-1993.
Member, Editorial Board, National Forum on Educational Administration and Supervision, 1996-present.
Member, National Task Force on the School Principalship, Center for Educational Renewal, 1989-92.
External Reviewer, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Washington, D.C. 1995-98.
Consultant, Institutos Tecnologicos de Mexico, Oficia del DirectorGeneral, Mexico City, Mexico, 1990-93.
Evaluation Specialist, NationalCenter for Health Education, U.S. Office of Education/NIE, 1991-93.
Research Specialist, National Diffusion Network, Denver, CO., 1992-94.
Desegregation Specialist, Law and EducationCenter, Education Commission on the States, Denver, CO., 1989-91.
Executive Board, Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE), 1974-76.
Plenary Representative, University Council of Educational Administration, 1987-92.
Plenary Board Member, Mexican American Legal and Educational Defense Fund (MALDEF), 1983-86.
Executive Board, Educational Law Association, 1985-89.
University Representative for the State of New Mexico, New MexicoSchool Administrator's Association, 1987-90.
Program Committee, Division A (Educational Administration), American Educational Research Association, 1985-90.
University Member on Advisory Board, New Mexico Community/Junior College Association, 1987-90.
Chair, Higher Education Law Task Force, Educational Law Association, 1994-present.
Executive Committee, Organization of Institutional Affiliates, American Educational Research Association, 1995-1999.
University of Toledo, 1993
OhioUniversity, 1993
IllinoisStateUniversity, 1994
ColoradoStateUniversity, 1995
The University of Wyoming, 1996
UtahStateUniversity, 1997