FAS Admin Systems Access Request Form

Please complete this form and return it in its original MS Word document format, not as a pdf file.

Requestor Name (Department Admin or Supervisor): Department:

New User Name: HUID:

If you are disabling or modifying someone’s access, please skip to the Comments section at the end of the document.

If mirroring someone’s access, please provide name and HUID of the user to copy below and no other information is required on this form. However, please make sure you review user’s access that you are copying on the “Admin Systems Security Roles” Ruffas report.

Name of user to copy: HUID to copy:

Access to System(s):
Asperin (please go to next section below)
Aurora (please go to next section below)
CARAT (Common Application for Research and Travel) Indicate dept. name:
Equipster - only (read only) is available Indicate Asperin dept. name:
GCAST (Graduate Candidate Application Selection Tool) Indicate dept. name:
OARS (Outside Award Reporting System) Indicate dept. name:
Roster Wizard: If access is requested for Harvard College, prior approval is need from Carina
Myteveli at - please forward email with approval.
Others indicate Asperin dept. name:
Gifts and Endowments Reporting
Indicate Asperin dept. name:
Access on Gifts and Endowments is limited to DAs; if access for additional staff members is needed please provide explanation:
Asperin Access- Check the action type(s) the user should have access to
Lookup only
Department(s) name:
e.g. CHEM or Chemistry, MATH or Mathematics
Existing specific workgroup(s) within department:
e.g. Zhou Lab
Please specify which rank(s) are needed:
e.g. Exempt staff, Non-exempt staff, Temp, Student temp, Lecturers, Less than half time, etc.
Should user also see salaries for the ranks above? YesNo
Appointment Actions
(This role includes the lookup function. User will also see salary information)
Department(s) name:
e.g. CHEM or Chemistry, MATH or Mathematics
Existing specific workgroup(s) within department:
e.g. Zhou Lab
Specify which rank(s) are needed:
e.g. Exempt staff, Non-exempt staff, Temp, Student temp, Lecturers, Less than half time, etc.
Select one of the roles below:
Preparer only
Indicate who will serve as a department approver:
Preparer/Dept. Level Approver (includes the ability to prepare appointments)
Extra Comp Actions
e.g. CHEM or Chemistry, MATH or Mathematics
Existing specific workgroup(s) within department:
e.g. Zhou Lab
Specify which rank(s) are needed:
e.g. Exempt staff, Non-exempt staff, Temp, Student temp, Lecturers, Less than half time, etc.
Select one of the roles below:
Please indicate who will serve as a department approver:
Department Level Approver (includes the ability to prepare extra comp appointments)
Aurora Access- Check the action type(s) the user should have access to
Basic view( does not include salaries)
Lookup only
Department(s) name:
e.g. CHEM or Chemistry, MATH or Mathematics
Existing specific Aurora group(s) within department:
e.g. Zhou Lab
Please specify which rank(s) are needed:
e.g. Exempt staff, Non-exempt staff, Temp, Student temp, Lecturers, Less than half time, etc.
Should user also see 61up salary rank? YesNo
Action Initiator : preparer role– Currently only available for TATF actions
Department(s) name:
e.g. CHEM or Chemistry, MATH or Mathematics
Existing specific Aurora group(s) within department:
e.g. Zhou Lab
Please specify which rank(s) are needed:
e.g. Exempt staff, Non-exempt staff, Temp, Student temp, Lecturers, Less than half time, etc.
Dept Admin : department approver role - Currently only available for TATF actions
Department(s) name:
e.g. CHEM or Chemistry, MATH or Mathematics
Existing specific Aurora group(s) within department:
e.g. Zhou Lab
Please specify which rank(s) are needed:
e.g. Exempt staff, Non-exempt staff, Temp, Student temp, Lecturers, Less than half time, etc.


Please email completed forms to

Revised August 2016