More Online Report Card Help/Info - Frequently Asked Questions
How can I do one section of the report card (i.e. Do all the math grades for my students)?
For this you will want to click on Enter by Standard. Then use the drop-down menu to access just one part of the report card, say: Language Arts. By clicking on the heading LANGUAGE ARTS <ALL STANDARDS> All items of the L.A. section will be shown, one student after another.
So if you want to enter grades just for one area at a time, use the Enter by Standard function (Thank you, Gayle MacNish!)
How do I apply a favorite comment to all my students’ report cards?
At this time, we cannot add/take away anything on the report card (i.e. the Pre-Worded comments). Any changes will wipe out all the grades anyone has entered. We will not be doing that.
If you want a favorite comment, you can copy and paste it into the comment box of each student. You must Submit Changes before clicking on the next student.
Why does it always go back to the first child after Submitting Changes? Can anything be done about this?
This is the way that Aeries is designed and nothing can be done about it.
Can shading be applied to the K report card to show that no grades are being given at this time, saving the K teachers the time and effort of using the * to show that something is not taught at this time?
All K teachers were given a blank report card. One blank report card per student may be run off and given to the parent at the first conference. You do not need to put in the * in all spaces.
Is there a Spell Check in Aeries?
No, but if you are using Firefox, it will underline suspicious words for you to check. Like in Word, it will not pick up the incorrect use of homophones. If you write your comments in Word, grammatical errors will be picked up before copying and pasting into your report card Comment box.
Can two teachers in an Option 2 classroom work on report cards at home at the same time?
I logged in to one account from two computers. If both computers are working on the same child, what ever the LAST change made is with Submit Changes, that is the grade the student will receive.
If teachers are working on different students, and then Submitting Changes, it appears the grades will be reflected on the other computer. When I worked on one student and Submitted Changes, then went to that student (on the other computer) and used the drop-down menu to locate the student, the grades I gave him on computer #1 showed up on computer #2, while logged in as the same account.
Recommendation: Play it safe, pick up the phone and let the other person know when you will be working on the report cards and on which ones you will be working. If you are going to be on at the same time, do one report card and call your partner back and double check. It will be worth the effort to make a call to your partner.
Why can I see a time-out countdown on my PC but not my Mac?
Aeries has been made aware of the problem and we will follow up after the grading period ends. The program will time out after 15 minutes of not submitting changes.
“Is there a way to put info (teacher name, school, grade, etc.) onto each report card without typing it into each one?”
This has already been done for you. You do not have to do this. Note: In addition to your name, your principal’s name is there too, and the student’s ID # and Birthday. See the sample grade level report card delivered to you at your school.
What is the situation regarding Parent Signatures?
When the report card is printed, it will print with a line for Parent Signature. During the first conference, the parent signs your copy and you keep it.
“Who can we turn to for tech support? Sometimes we don’t have a week or two to wait until Jeanne is coming? Sometimes she doesn’t have the answers, then what? Who do we call to ask questions that come up?”
I am available by email: . Phone number (when not at school sites or training): 818-880-4000 ext. 393. If I do not have the answer to a question, I ask Linda Gall, the Student Information Data Specialist. She has most of the answers. Only Linda Gall can call Aeries with a problem she cannot solve on our end.
What is the Missing Grade link?
When you are finished with a student’s report card, Submit Changes and then click on the Missing Grade link to check if you have forgotten to give this child a grade in any of the areas.
Note: I find it easier to do when you click the Show Options button (which shows the circles/buttons to fill in) because at the left of the buttons is a circle with a dot in the middle. If it is filled in, then you need to give the child a grade in that area. It is easier to scroll down and find all the buttons that are filled in at the beginning of the line and thus easier to locate the area/s you need to give that child a grade.
After you have checked over your report cards for spelling and for missing grades, you are now ready to notify your administrator or Aeries manager that your report cards are ready to be printed. It is very important that your report cards are as up-to-date and all errors fixed before you notify your Aeries manager.
The Aeries managers were trained on Oct. 29 on how to print the report cards. They will be updating your attendance before printing. They will not be able to check for spelling errors, etc.
Hopefully your school will have a plan in place so that all teachers do not give the Aeries manager all of the report cards to print on Nov. 14. She will have Nov. 12, 13, and 14th to print the report cards. Estimate that it will take 10 minutes/teacher this first time through. Please be thoughtful of your Aeries manager. Please give her adequate time to print your report cards.
She has been asked to make two copies of your report card. One for you and one for your parent. There will be a Signature line on the report cards. This first time through, your parents will sign on YOUR report card (which you will then keep) and you will give them the other one to take home.
Note: Some teachers in other district use their copy of the report card in the next recording period to enter by hand the next grade for their students thus making it even easier to enter the next round of report cards.
In the event that you need to change a grade: the Aeries managers have a form for you to fill out if you need to have her make a grade change.
1)You need to make the change first on the web side before Dec. 2.
2)Then fill out the form and submit it to your office manager and she will UPDATE the change on the back end.
If a parent loses the report card and asks you to reprint the card: Parents have been sent a form from Mike Carmody to register for access to student grades on Aeries. It is their responsibility to register to see their child’s grades online. Once the grading period is closed (in our case it is Dec. 2), parents will be able to see their child’s grades online and they will be able to print out another copy of their child’s report card (or a 2nd parent will be able to see their child’s grades online). They will now have a way to see their child’s grades online and you will not have to print additional report cards.
NOTE: In the event a family does not have access to a computer, you/Aeries manager can print another copy of your copy of the report card on the Lanier (using the 8 x 14 drawer).
With this being the first time we are using Aeries online report card in our district, there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. After leveling out those bumps, it will be easier the 2nd time through. Please be patient and hang in there.
Note: At the end of this recording period we will be asking you about changes you see that need to be made to the grade level report cards. Please write them down as you are going through the report cards so we can fix/make changes before the next recording period.
Thank you very much for being such great teachers. You are all awesome!
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