Minutes of a FULL HIGH KELLING PARISH COUNCIL MEETING which was held on Tuesday 19th April 2011 in the ‘Constance Gray Room’ at the Social Centre, commencing at 7.30pm.
Present:- Carol Otty (Chairman), Robin Johnson (Vice-Chairman), David Knowles, Bob Prescott, Jan Kemp, Irena Chinn & Chris Chinn.
Clerk:- Tracey Bayfield. Public:- 2.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – District Cllr, Henry Cordeaux may arrive a little late, due to attending another meeting first.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Carol Otty declared “a personal interest in item no. 6.1. as I know the applicants and a personal interest in item no. 9.2. as my son is in the army.” Jan Kemp declared “a personal interest in item 9.2. as my husband is the chairman of the Royal British Legion Nfk Branch.” Robin Johnson declared “a personal interest in 8.2. as chairman of the parish plan steering group.”
3. It was proposed & agreed that “the MINUTES of the full council meeting dated Tuesday 15th March 2011 are signed as a true record.” The Clerk also advised that she had an updated report re; dwellings to be built in Holt as reported in the January 2011 minutes, and it was agreed to add this information as an appendix.
4.1. Holt Safer Neighbourhood Report – No report received in their absence, but Bob advised that the next meeting is on 20th April.
4.2. Parish Council Election – The following 5 people have stood for the 9 places for High Kelling Parish Council; Christopher Chinn, Susan Gravenor, Robin Johnson, Carol Otty & Bob Prescott. Hence these 5 people will be elected uncontested and there will not be an election for High Kelling Parish Council. NNDC will send details with regard co-option in due course. Janice Kemp and David Knowles both apologised for having missed the deadline for nominations but expressed their desire to continue via the co-option procedure.
4.3. Community Resilience Workshop – This was originally planned for Monday 28th March, and our Clerk was going to attend. This event has been postponed until a later date.
4.4. Annual Parish Meeting – This meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th May commencing at the earlier time of 7pm, and will be followed by the Annual General Meeting and Full Council Meeting. It was proposed & agreed that “we have the plans for the Social Centre front lobby presented to us as
previously agreed and then continue with the basic APM agenda, AGM and Full Council.” Carol will place a board outside the hall on the evening, advising people to enter via the back so as not to disturb the bridge players in the main hall.
4.5. Parish Council Website – Robin Johnson reported that the Project Involve system as was offered by NCC has been withdrawn and replaced by a different system, which is proving difficult to work with initially.
5. COUNCILLOR REPORTS – Henry Cordeuax (District Cllr) advised that this will be his last meeting as District Councillor for High Kelling. After 20 years serving on North Norfolk District Council, he will be stepping down at the forthcoming elections. In 1991 Henry joined the Planning Committee at NNDC immediately and has remained on it since. Much has changed during the 20 years, including the structure and working of the planning committee, and how political parties used to meet before full council meetings. The Chairman thanked Henry on behalf of all the Parish Council for his support and assistance during the past years.
6.1. Application no. PF/11/0438 Proposal: Erection of single-storey rear extension at Pine Cottage, 32 Pineheath Road – It was proposed & agreed that “we have no comment/no objection.”
7.1. It was proposed & agree that “the Accounts for the month are paid.”
7.2. It was proposed & agreed that “we set up a Direct Debit to avoid late payment fees for B.T. due to the length of time between meetings.”
8.1. Holt Area Patients Group held their recent meeting on 7th April and members were updated on the new referral management system, teething problems with the new pharmacy, a soon to be reintroduced telephone service for repeat prescriptions, plus items/invites from other local groups. The Holt Area Partnership are to hold their AGM on Tuesday 24th May at The Stables, Holt Hall from 6.30pm, our representative is Bob Prescott, who will attend on our behalf.
8.2. Parish Plan – 211 forms were completed and the percentages quoted below are based on this. The following related items were considered;
· Speed Awareness – (60% want enforcement of speed limits) Steve White (NCC Highways Engineer) has confirmed that NCC cannot support the additional expense of placing double white lines through the village, even near the dip along our section of the A148, as there is no evidence to support such a scheme. The statistics show only 4 accidents in this section over the past 5 years and none of these have been due to an overtaking manoeuvre. They emphasise that compliance is a matter for the Police. The speed activated signs are now solely funded by each parish/town council. The cost for such signs is in the region of £5k to £7k each depending on the type, and fitting etc. The Parish Council also considered the ‘wheelie bin stickers’ for the parish, although the cost compared to the number required, and the support for, meant that this was not taken forward. Parish gateways have been touched upon in the past, and could be a visible item to make the driver slow down.
It was proposed & agreed that “we have to accept the comments from highways for the time being, and unless the parish wishes to increase the precept to purchase speed signs, then they are not a reality at the moment. We would however, ask the clerk to look further into the costs, procedures etc with regard parish gateways as this may prove to be a less expensive option.” On a positive note, we have had the larger 30mph signs installed! Speedwatch has some new volunteers who are yet to be trained, but hope to be up and running again soon.
· Verge Cutting – Last year NNDC confirmed that they would no longer be cutting the highways verges on behalf of NCC. Therefore May Gurney will be undertaking just 5 cuts per year on behalf of NCC. High Kelling PC have asked for information on cuts and costs for further consideration, and the clerk is trying to obtain this now that we are in the new financial year, it appears as though 2 contractors are initially being recommended. The clerk will update as soon as possible.
· Amenity Land – (57% do not want amenity land & 62% do not want Parish Council money spent on amenity land) – As this had been an ongoing item for many years, up dated information was always being obtained, to be held on file. The clerk had asked for feedback on how many parish councils did own some sort of amenity land. These results would be collated shortly. It was proposed & agreed that “this information will be noted and kept on file.”
· Road Sitelines – (58% would like to see improved access from Avenue Rd to A148) There are concerns over all the junction sitelines that exit onto the A148 to some degree. The Parish Council have in the past met with the NCC Highways Engineers who have undertaken tidies around the sides, and repainted white lines, but feel that there is nothing more that they can do. It was proposed & agreed that “we have spoken with highways and as we do not own any land adjacent the options are basically non existent to the parish council, however, we would ask the clerk to speak to highways about installing mirrors opposite these junctions to aid visibility.”
· House Numbering – (53% do not want house numbering) - Adding house numbers (even where house names are in place) is possible, so long as all the homeowners are in agreement in any road, and the Parish Council would have to back such a decision. It was proposed & agreed that “this information is noted and kept on file.”
· No Cold Calling Zones – (85% would like No Cold Calling Zones) – The Parish Council will seek to take this forward and have requested an application form from Trading Standards. However, it should be noted that the whole village is unlikely to be given this status, hence it will be targeted at the roads with the most vulnerable residents.
· Kelling Hospital/Lascelles Ward (Norfolk Carers Strategy 2011-2014) etc. (72% do not think that Kelling Hospital is not used to best advantage, 75% feel that empty beds should be reopened & 60% think that unused space should be used for other health related purposes.) – It was proposed & agreed that “we contact Charles Simeons/The Friends of Kelling Hospital, and share these comments and ask if there is anything we can do to address these concerns.”
· All Saints’ Church has started up a walking club, in response to the Parish Plan findings.
· Broadband – The clerk advised the meeting that NCC are currently in the process of bidding for a large sum of money to roll superfast broadband out across Norfolk, and that the committee are working extremely hard for this. Everyone should bid for this, as it will aid new business start ups, current businesses, people working from home and the casual user. Further updates will be available when received.
9.1. The Highways Rangers Visit is due w/c 16th May 2011 and any items for them to consider undertaking, should be forwarded to them one week in advance.
9.2. Armed Forces Day ‘Fly a Flag’. This is on Sunday 25th June and this year Parish & Town Councils/all communities are being asked to show support for our military community both serving and retired by flying a flag from a building at the heart of each community. It was proposed & agreed that “the Chairman would ask the Social Centre Committee about using the flagpole at the hall and the Clerk would enquire as to costs of a flag.”
Meeting closed at 9.03pm.
Chairman ______
NNDC PLANNING DECISIONS – i) PF/10/1013 – Proposal; Erection of bus shelter at, Land at Cromer Road, High Kelling – NNDC; Permission granted with conditions.