Denise M. Anderson
216 Heather Drive
Central, South Carolina 29630
(864) 506-0750
Clemson University
Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
263 Lehotsky Hall
Box 340735
Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0735
(864) 656-5679
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Doctor of Philosophy in Leisure Behavior
Concentration: Leisure Services Management
May 2000
Dissertation: Do Male and Female Public Parks and Recreation Professionals’ Perceptions of Equity Affect Their Workplace Attitudes?
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston
Master of Science in Physical Education
Concentration: Sport Administration
August 1993
Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington
Bachelor of Arts in English
Minor: Physical Education
May 1992
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Graduate Administrative Assistant Fall 1997 to June 2000
Responsible for duties as assigned by Dr. William McKinney, Department Head. Primary duties: writing and editing of the Department of Leisure Studies Alumni Newsletter, serving as an ex-facto member of the Alumni Advisory Board, and serving as coordinator of the annual department educational institute.
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Instructor Fall 1999 to May 2000
Responsible for the instruction of the undergraduate core course “Leisure Services Programming and Leadership”. Duties: developing syllabi, advising students, preparing all class handouts, delivering lectures, and preparing and grading examinations.
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Graduate Research Assistant Fall 1997 to May 2000
Responsible for conducting research for various projects under the supervision of Dr. William McKinney, Department Head. Duties: conducting literature review for introductory management textbook as well as writing rough drafts of chapters and editing chapters.
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Graduate Teaching Assistant Spring 1999
Responsible for assisting with undergraduate core course “Research Applications in Leisure Studies” taught by Dr. Cary McDonald. Duties: developing and teaching two weekly discussion groups, grading homework and grading exams.
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Graduate Research Assistant Spring 1999
Responsible for conducting research for a study on women’s career development in Illinois parks and recreation agencies under the supervision of Dr. Kimberly Shinew. Duties: data collection, data entry, data analysis, literature review, and article development.
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
Graduate Research Assistant Spring 1999
Responsible for conducting research for a study on the Champaign Park District’s ACE Mentorship Program, a local at-risk program for African-American youth. Duties: data collection, data entry, interviewing, transcribing, data analysis, literature review, and article development.
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
Graduate Assistant for Campus Intramural Program August 1992 to June 1993
Primary responsibilities included managing personnel for all campus recreation programs. Duties: supervising, recruiting, selecting, training, scheduling and evaluating office workers, seven team sports supervisors and 50-60 sports officials; coordinating officials’ training clinics and team sports managers’ meetings; and assisting the Director of Intramural Sports in daily maintenance of the overall program and evaluation of the department’s programs.
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
Clemson University
Associate Dean of Undergraduate StudiesOfficial Start Date: July 1, 2016
Responsible for developing, promoting, assessing and communicating the undergraduate programs for the College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences. This includes developing a culture of student support, building and sustaining programs of national distinction, and instilling a sense of collaboration and innovation among the faculty and partners (internal and external). Serve as the College liaison to the Office of Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies and provide oversight for undergraduate program activities relative to new programs and outreach initiatives.
Major responsibilities include: recruiting and retaining high performing students; creating and sustaining state-of-the-art technological infrastructure and classroom environments that enhance the focus and capabilities for the College’s instructional programs; creating opportunities for student placements, collaborations and partnerships (internal and external); assessment of all College undergraduate programs; and fostering a culture of continual learning that links teaching, research and public service.
Other activities include giving oversight and monitoring the development of new undergraduate programs to include the process for initiating programs through the Board of Trustees and the Commission on Higher Education approvals; and representing the College on the CU Curriculum Committee.
Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Clemson University
Assistant Professor Fall 2003 to 2009
Associate Professor/Graduate Coordinator Fall 2009 to 2015
Professor Fall 2015 to present
Responsible for the instruction of undergraduate and graduate community recreation, sport and camp management (CRSCM) courses as well as courses within the core curriculum, advising undergraduate and graduate students, and service within the department and university, including serving as Coordinator of the graduate program and coordinator of the CRSCM concentration. Also responsible for conducting and disseminating research in the field and seeking both internal and external funding for research projects. Specific duties include developing syllabi, advising students, preparing all class handouts, delivering lectures, preparing and grading examinations, applying for grant funding, writing research articles, and presenting at various conferences.
Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism
University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Assistant Professor Fall 2000 to 2003
Responsible for the instruction of undergraduate and graduate leisure management courses, advising undergraduate and graduate students, and service within the department and university. Also responsible for conducting and disseminating research in the field and seeking both internal and external funding for research projects. Specific duties include developing syllabi, advising students, preparing all class handouts, delivering lectures, preparing and grading examinations, applying for grant funding, writing research articles, and presenting at various conferences.
Champaign Park District
Champaign, Illinois
Adult Sports Program Coordinator November 1993 to August 1997
Primary responsibility was to coordinate all aspects of the Champaign Park District’s adult sports programs as well as various special events, camps, clinics and trips. Programs included a 17 league summer adult softball program, an 8 league adult basketball program, a 6 league fall softball program as well as youth football and soccer clinics and various special events. Duties: developing new programs; managing a budget totaling $125,000; hiring, training and supervising 40-50 seasonal employees, scheduling league and tournament play as well as coordinating facility usage; ordering supplies; supervising field maintenance; developing and enforcing rules and policies; developing staff manuals; and maintaining weekly payroll.
Inaugural Presidential Faculty Fellow, Summer 2014-present
Phil Prince Innovation in Teaching Award, Fall 2014
Selected for Inaugural Provost’s Leadership Summit, Spring 2014
HEHD Innovation Award as part of PRTM EDGE Semester Faculty Team, Spring 2011
Named Outstanding Female Faculty by President’s Commission on the Status of Women, Clemson University, Spring 2008
Nomination for College of Health, Education, and Human Development Outstanding Teaching Award, Clemson University, Spring 2007, Spring 2008
Nomination for President’s Commission on the Status of Women Faculty Award, Clemson University, Spring 2006, Spring 2007
Travel Scholar Award, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Fall 2000, 2001, 2002
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Department of Leisure Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Spring 2000.
Alumni Outstanding Student Award, College of Applied Life Studies, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Spring 2000.
Research Award for article “Is there a glass ceiling in parks and recreation?” Illinois Parks and Recreation 30(3), 23-26, presented by Illinois Parks and Recreation Association, January, 2000.
Associate Editor, Journal of Leisure Research (2007 to present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (2002 to present)
Associate Editor, Illuminare, (1998)
Clemson University, Career Workshop Taskforce, Chair (2015-2016)
Clemson University, COACHE Leadership Team, (2014-present)
Clemson University, Strategic Planning Phase II Task Force on High Impact Learning, Chair (2015)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development Elections Committee (2014-
Clemson University, President’s Commission on the Status of Women (2013-2016)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development Time Out of School Task
Force (2013-2015)
Clemson University, University Assessment Committee (2013-2016)
Clemson University, Task Force on Faculty Rank (2013-2014)
Clemson University, Vice Provost/Dean of the Graduate School Search Committee, Chair 2013)
Clemson University, Campus Recreation Director Screening Committee, Chair (2012)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development Transition Team (2012-
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development Dispositions Post-Doc Selection Committee (2012)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development Academic Grievance Committee (2011-2015)
Clemson University, Athletic Admission Review Committee (2011-2016)
Clemson University, Faculty Senate (2009-2013)
Secretary (2012-2013)
Faculty Senate Policy Committee (2009-2010)
Faculty Senate Bookstore Advisory Committee Representative (2009-2010)
Faculty Senate Recreation Advisory Committee Representative (2010-2013)
Faculty Senate Welfare Committee (2010-present; Chair 2011-2012)
Faculty Senate Library Advisory Committee (2011-2012)
Clemson University Grievance Counselor (2011-2013)
Clemson University Athletic Council (2009-present; Welfare, Equity and Sportsmanship Committee Chair
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development Budget Committee (2010-
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development, Student Learning Dispositions
Ad-hoc Committee (2008-2009)
Clemson University, Graduate Student Grievance Committee (2008-2011)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development, YLI/HEHD Partnership
Committee (2010)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development, Youth Development Faculty
Search Committee (2008)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Chair Review
Committee (2012)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Promotion and Tenure
Committee (2010-2013)
- Co-chair (2010)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Ad-hoc Budget
Committee (2010-2014)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Curriculum Redesign
Committee (2007)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Outdoor Laboratory
Associate Director Search Committee, Chair (2006-2007)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, SPRE Teaching Institute Co-Chair (2005-2007)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Advisory Committee (2005-2007)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development, Youth Development Coordinator Search Committee (2005)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Graduate Committee (2004-present)
Co-Chair (2005-2009)
Chair/Graduate Coordinator (2009-2016)
Clemson University, University Admissions Committee (2004-2007, 2010-2016)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Sport Management Faculty Search Committee (2004-2005)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Community Recreation,
Sport, and Camp Management Curriculum Coordinator (2003-2016)
Clemson University, College of Health, Education, and Human Development, Awards and Scholarships Committee (2003-2006)
Clemson University, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, Awards and Scholarships
Committee (2003-2006)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, Student
Association Faculty Liaison (2000-2001, 2002-2003)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, Academic Policies and Procedures (2002 to 2003)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, School of Health and Human Performance, Teaching
Awards Committee (2002 to 2003)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, Women's Studies Program, Transitions Committee
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, School of Health and Human Performance, G-Sams
Committee (2000-2001)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, School of Health and Human Performance, Diversity
Committee (2000 to 2002), Chair (2001 to 2002)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, School of Health and Human Performance, Curriculum
Committee (Spring 2000)
The University of North Carolina Greensboro, Women's Studies Program, Recruitment Committee
University of Illinois, College of Applied Life Studies, Awards Committee (1999)
University of Illinois, Department of Leisure Studies Graduate Student Network, Treasurer
University of Illinois, Department of Leisure Studies, Awards Banquet Committee (1998-2000)
University of Illinois, Department of Leisure Studies, Faculty Search Committee (1998)
National Recreation and Park Association Accreditation Site Visitor (2013 to present)
The Academy of Leisure Sciences (2013-present)
- President Elect (2015)
State Accreditation Reviewer
- University of Arkansas Department of Recreation and Sport Management
- East Carolina University Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
American Association for University Women (2005 to 2011)
National Recreation and Park Association (1995 to present)
Society of Parks and Recreation Educators (1999 to 2010)
- Educator’s Network Advisory Board (2010 to 2014)
Society of Parks and Recreation Educators (1999 to 2010)
- National Governing Board (2008 to 2011)
- Co-Chair, SPRE Teaching Institute (2005-2007) (2009-2011)
- SPRE Leadership for the Future (2006)
South Carolina Recreation and Parks Association (2003 to present)
- Vision Task Force Member (2005)
North Carolina Recreation and Park Society (2000 to 2006)
North Carolina Recreation and Park Society Educators' Branch (2000 to 2006)
- Chair-Elect (2002-03)
- Secretary (2001-02)
Girls’ and Women’s Access to Recreation Opportunities
Youth Development, Youth Sport
Leisure Education and College Student Development
Articles & Chapters
Anderson, D. M., Caldwell, L. L., & Walters, K. A. (2016). The power of leisure as a developmental context for adolescents. In D. Kleiber & F. McGuire (Eds.), Leisure and human development(pp 81-105). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
Mainieri, T., Anderson, D. M. (2015). “There was more out there than our street”: Exploring summer camp as a context to foster civic engagement and social capital after camp. Research in Outdoor Education, 13(2015), 38-58.
Shaw, K., Anderson, D. M., & Barcelona, R. (2015). Parent perceptions of constraints to family-based outdoor recreation experiences. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership.
Mainieri, T. L., & Anderson, D. M. (2015). Exploring the post-camp civic outcomes and the supporting program features of the Teens Leading & Connecting program. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 33(2), 54-72.
Mainieri, T. L., & Anderson, D. M. (2015).Thinking inside the ‘black box’: Applying implementation evaluation to a structured camp curriculum. Journal of Experiential Education, 38(2), 144-161.
Clark, B.S., & Anderson, D. M. (2014). Not yet a woman, not yet a mom: The leisure experiences of pregnant adolescents. Journal of Leisure Research, 46(5), 509-524.
Anderson, D. M., Clark, B. S., Evans, K. E., & Schmalz, D. L. (2014). “I didn’t want to look stupid”:
Exploring the impact of an all-women leisure education class. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 32(3), 1-14.
Anderson, D. M. (2013). Overarching goals, values, and assumptions of integrated curriculum design. Schole
Stegelin, D., Anderson, D., Kemper, K., Wagner, J. & Evans, K. (2013)Exploring daily physical activity and nutrition patterns in early learning settings: Snapshots of young children in Head Start, primary, and After-school settings, Early Childhood Education Journal 41(4).
Evans, K. E., Hartman, C. L., & Anderson, D. M. (2013). “It’s more than a class”: Leisure education’s influence on college student engagement. Innovative Higher Education, 38(1), 45-58.
Anderson, D. M. (2012). The nature of recreation and leisure as a profession. In Introduction to Recreation and Leisure, 2ndEd. (pp. 365-383). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishing.
Anderson, D. M. (2012). Yes, I’m a girl...and I have a disability...but I’m also an athlete! In Freysinger, V. J., Henderson, K. A., Shaw, S. M., & Bialeschki, M. D. (Eds.). Leisure, women, and gender. State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Anderson, D. M., Toperzer, L., & Barcelona, R. W. (2011). Best practices in student development for campus recreation professionals. Recreation Sports Journal 35(2).
Clark, B. S., & Anderson, D. M. (2011). “I’d be dead if I didn’t have this class:” The role of leisure education in college student development. Recreational Sports Journal.
Anderson, D. M., McGuire, F. A., & Cory, A. L. (2011). The first day: It happens only once. Teaching in Higher Education, 16(3), 293-303.
Anderson, D. M. (2009) Adolescent girls’ involvement in disability sport: Implications for identity development. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 33(4), 427-449.
Anderson, D. M., Wozencroft, A., & Bedini, L. A. (2008). Adolescent girls’ involvement in disability sport: A comparison of social support mechanisms. Journal of Leisure Research 40(2), 183-207.
Schmalz, D. L., Kerstetter, D. L., & Anderson, D. M. (2008). Gender schema and stigma consciousness as predictors of children’s participation in recreational vs. competitive sports. Journal of Sport Behavior, 31(3), 276-297.
Anderson, D. M. , & Dixon, A. W. (2008). Winning isn’t everything: Goal orientation and gender differences in university leisure-skills classes. Recreational Sports Journal 33(1), 54-64.
Anderson, D. M., & McGuire, F. A. (2007). A systematic approach to documenting teaching effectiveness. Schole, 22, 25-38..
Anderson, D. M. (2007). Get physical! Sports ‘n Spokes, 33(4), 40-42.
Gladwell, N. J., & Anderson, D. M. (2006). The new and relocating recreation and parks faculty market: The factors affecting job decisions. Schole, 21, 47-68.
Anderson, D. M. (2006). We create community through people, parks, and programs. Recreation and Parks in South Carolina, 22(1), 14.
Anderson, D. M., Bedini, L. A., & Shinew, K. J. (2005/2006). Perceptions of organizational justice
held by CTRS professionals: An examination of gender equity in a female-dominated profession. ATRA Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, 14, 70-84.
Anderson, D. M., Bedini, L. A., & Moreland, L. (2005). Getting ALL girls into the game: Physically active recreation for girls with disabilities. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 23(4), 78-103.
Bedini, L. A., & Anderson, D. M. (2005). I’m nice, I’m smart, I like karate:
Recreation of girls with physical disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 39(2), 114-130.
Anderson, D. M., & Stone, C. F. (2005). Cultural competencies of park and recreation professionals: A case study for North Carolina. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration,23(1), 53-74.
Anderson, D. M., & Gladwell, N. J. (2004).A major challenge for recreation, parks and tourism education: An importance performance analysis of factors that influence the recruitment and retention of faculty. Schole, 19, 27-49.
Bedini, L.A. & Anderson, D.M. (2003). The benefits of formal mentoring for practitioners in therapeutic recreation. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 37(3), 240-255.
Anderson, D. M., & Shinew, K. J. (2003). Gender equity in the context of organizational justice: A closer look at a reoccurring issue in the field. Journal of Leisure Research 35(2), 228-247.
Gladwell, N. J., Anderson, D. M., & Sellers, J. R. (2003). An examination of fiscal trends in public parks and recreation from 1986 to 2000: A case study of North Carolina. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 21(1), 104-116.
Anderson, D. M., & Bedini, L. A. (2002). Perceptions of workplace equity of therapeutic recreation professionals. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 36(3), 260-281.
Anderson, D. M. (2001). Is what's good for the goose, good for the gander? Parks and Recreation Magazine 36(5), 22-28.
Anderson, D. M., & Shinew, K. J. (2001). A national examination of gender equity in public parks and recreation. Journal of Leisure Research 33(4), 470-491.
Sellers, J. R., & Anderson, D. M. (2000). Local government park and recreation services. In
P.L. Gaskill (Ed.), Introduction to Leisure Services in North Carolina, 4th Ed.Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co.
Shinew, K. J., Anderson, D. M., & Arnold, M. L. (2000). Perceptions of discrimination and inequity among professionals working in public recreation agencies: An extension of an earlier study. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 18(4), 73-91.