Course Description
The course is designed to provide the student with fundamental knowledge and skill in gymnastics and fitness activities. Spotting and safety techniques will be stressed and are of the utmost importance. Apparatus skills leading to routines and conditioning activities promoting personal fitness will be emphasized.
Course and Objectives
- To learn the proper spotting techniques and how to use them.
- To learn the basic skills on various pieces of apparatus.
- To provide students with an opportunity for vigorous physical activity and the knowledge of its value.
- To develop timing, coordination, and self-confidence.
- To provide opportunities for developing creative gymnastic activities.
- To challenge the student to seek new limits both physically and mentally.
Course Requirements and Evaluation
- Class attendance, preparation, and active participation on all apparatus, including the helping and spotting of classmates, will comprise 0f 50% of the final course grade.
- Each skill, exercise, or activity will be subjectively evaluated by the instructor and will be given a point value. All skills or stunts checked off on the skill sheets must have been performed during the class period, show good form and execution, and be done in most cases with no spotter, to receive the maximum point value. No skills done outside the class will count. 25% of the final grade will be composed of this section.
- Satisfactory performance on the written exam which will comprise 25% of the final course grade.
Dress and Conduct
- You must wear proper foot wear to class every day. DO NOT come to class in just your socks or bare feet. Points will be deducted from your grade. Several warm-up and skill activities require proper foot wear.
- All jewelry is to be kept in the locker room. The teacher will not hold any valuables and is not responsible for lost items. Rings, big hoop ear rings, watches and bracelets can be a potential hazard to yourself and the equipment.
- If you have long hair, you may want to bring a hair tie to keep the hair out of your face. Hair clips are not recommended. Baggy and oversized clothes also may cause problems will doing certain activities or skills.