1.What acid does the human body produce during continuous exercise? LACTIC

2. How often does the village of Brigadoon appear, according to myth?

ONCE EVERY 100 YEARS – more precisely, one day every 100 years

3. ‘He’s off like a baggie up a Border burn’ was a phrase sometimes used

by which sports commentator? (‘baggie’ = minnow) BILL McCLAREN

4. In 1971, what did the Middle East area of the Trucial States get re-named as?


5. ‘Young teacher, the subject of schoolgirl fantasy’ is the opening to a number 1 hit

for which group? THE POLICE – ‘Don’t stand so close to me’

6. In what sport do you dig, set, spike and block? VOLLEYBALL

7. Which famous toy has been made with such variants as: wheelchair, pregnant

and bald (not necessarily all together!) BARBIE

8. In Spain, what is ‘El Gordo’ (the fat one) ? A LOTTERY – the Spanish Christmas lottery

9. Used by sculptors, what is metamorphosed limestone called? MARBLE

10 Lady Jane Grey was queen of England for 9 days. Which two monarchs ruled on

either side of her short reign? (2-part answer) EDWARD 6TH and QUEEN MARY

11 You may put 5W 40 engine oil in your car; what does the W stand for? WINTER

12 How could 11 (one, one) represent 3? IN BINARY CODE

13 Which European country was created in 1949?

EAST GERMANY / GDR. Or, equally, West Germany

14 In a tale written around 1410AD, where was the Wife of Bath going?


15 What do you call a bicycle with 2, 3, 4 or more seats? A TANDEM

16 Formed in 1844, how is the Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers now known?


17 Which prestige car marque has a trident as its radiator badge? MASERATI

18 If you have a cicatrix on your body, what have you got? A SCAR

19 Which Mexican/Spanish dish has a name which means ‘little strips’ ? FAJITAS

20 In the bible, who settled a baby-ownership dispute by suggesting cutting it in half?


21 What bit of your body is your hallux? BIG TOE

22 In the story of his travels, what was Gulliver’s first name? LEMUEL

23 Condoleeza Rice was the first female member of which notoriously male-only


24 Where would you find a gunwale? ON A SHIP – the top edge of the side

25 Who is Angelina Jolie’s father? JOHN VOIGHT

26 What nationality was playwright Henrik Ibsen? NORWEGIAN

27 In what sport do Indian states compete for the Ranji Trophy? CRICKET

28 What one word is the term for what is commonly called the ‘New Stone Age’


29 Which neighbouring Asian countries have the won as their currency?

KOREA – North and South

30 Some 2600 years ago, Thespis was the first famous ……what? ACTOR

31 Where in the world would you have a lei put round your neck? HAWAII

32 In what year in their time at university is a sophomore? SECOND YEAR

33 Before he ‘retired’ in 2012, what colour jacket did Johnny Walker wear on his

whisky bottle? RED

34 What sort of food-stuff could be borlotti, pinto or cannellini? BEANS

35 What word connects a Saharan African country and a U.S. election paper-punch?


36 What is the most widely-spoken Slavic language? RUSSIAN

37 What relationship to Fidel is Cuban president Raul Castro? BROTHER

38 Fought in 1876 in Montana, what do we call what First Nation Indians call the


39 What does the title of the German newspaper Der Spiegel mean – it’s much the

same as a leading UK paper. MIRROR

40 Starbucks got their brand name from a sailor in a novel. What novel?

MOBY DICK – mate on the ‘Pequod’