8:00 P.M. October 18, 16
The second meeting of the month was held in the Town Hall meeting room with John Kline, Frank Ruehr, Jr., Nancy Vines, from here on out will be address as the BOT, and Fiscal Officer, Jill Corbett present. Chairperson, John Kline called the meeting to order.
Others present – Ron Kotkowski, Jim Corbett, Jo Gobble and Greg Benner.
Copies of the minutes from the October 4, 2016 Regular meeting were made available for those present.
Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to dispense with the reading of the Regular Meeting minutes from the October 4, 2016 meeting and to approve the minutes as written.Motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion carried.
Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer presented the BOT correspondence as follows:
1. A Thank You note from Mike Kerrigan was read.
2. OTA Legislative Alert was presented.
3. Portage County Combined General Health District sent out their quarterly report on the services they provide for the county.
4. Jill received a hand out from NOPEC and it was decided to stay with NOPEC as contracted through Ohio Edison.
5. Jill spoke on her training she attended on Friday, October 7th. for the Auditor of State Hinkle Sytem (Notes). The notes were submitted in the past when the townships were audited and were a part of the Audit. The state is now requiring the Fiscal Officer for townships, villages and cities to submit their notes yearly by mid January after they finished with their year end. This will be quite a large project and they suggested to start on it ASAP. They won’t be able to finish until after they finish with the year ending financials. This is in addition to sending the year end financials to the state.
6. Chuck Casalicchio had left a message over the Senior Dinner with the Knights of Columbus. Reservation will be taken as of November 1st. the number to call 330-274-4982.
Ron Kotkowski asked Jill to fixed his cell number on the Historical Society web page. Ron also talked about the 99 year lease with Shalersville Township. With the township looking to rent the school building, he thought it might be a good idea to have the property surveyed. After discussion, the BOT will contact a surveyor to get pricing on having the Historical Society and the new parking lot by the Shalersville Town Hall re-surveyed.
Road Supervisor, Jim Corbett let the BOT know that he will need to have his spraying licence renewed. The cost is $95. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to spend $95 for Jim’s licence. The motion was seconded by Nancy Vines. All in favor and the motion carried.
Jim has received two calls about trucks on Price Road. Since the bridge is out on State Route 14, traffic has been re-routed to State Route 303 and State Route 44. Jim has looked back at past sign inventories and doesn’t see that there was ever a “No Truck” sign. The BOT said that there cannot be a “No Truck” posted without public meetings.
Jim found a fuel tank for the Mack truck from Brechbuhler Truck Sales. The cost of the tank was quoted as $1,097.00. Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to spend up to $1,150.00 for a new fuel tank. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion was carried.
There will be a Salt Summit presented by ODOT this Thursday, October 20th. Jim and John will be attending this workshop.
Jim asked about a new flag in the Shalersville Town Hall. Nancy said a gentleman had offered to donate one. Nancy Vines made a motion to spend up to $50.00 for a new flag if one is needed. Frank Ruehr, Jr. seconded the motion. All in favor and the motion was carried.
Jim talked about the walking trail at the park. The exercise equipment is up. He needs to spray the grass and put up 1/10 mile markers around the path. By spring signage, benches and flowers will be installed for the dedication.
Greg Benner, Zoning Inspector reported on the junk vehicles at the corner of Notle and Winthrop in Aurora East. He sent a certified letter to Mr. Guido. He will now turn this over to Chris Meduri.
Greg met with William Halazs over his property. He did give him a fence permit. William seemed to be willing to improve the issue of fencing and vehcles on his property. He did have two dumpsters of junk removed, but there is still more to be done.
Greg doesn’t know if website complaint forms are coming to his email. He has had different people try to send him test and they were not coming through. When Jill sent one a month ago, it worked fine. Jill will contact Josh Johnston our webpage consultant to look into this problem.
Greg received a complaint call from Lola Hitcock over a neighbors property that hasn’t been mowed. Nancy Vines was told if the property taxes were being paid, we could hire someone to mow and then the taxes will be adjusted to pay for the service that was done to the property.
8:00 P.M. October 18, 16
Frank thought this might work for the abandoned property in Red Fox at the corner of Polly and Bodner.
Greg gave a permit for the solar panel to a property on Infirmary Rd.
On the matter of the Hawkins trailer. The court date is schedule for October 24, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. in courtroom #2. Frank, Nancy and Greg plan on attending this proceeding.
Jo Gobble let the BOT know that she was informed by the Board of Zoning that she can put up a larger shed if she pays for a permit. She will get with Greg Benner.
Nancy Vines talked about the interest coming in to rent the school. To date there has been 4 groups to tour the school. 1; a food hub 2; Recovery First out of Trumball County 3; BIO-MED for their stem school 4; Portage County Board of Mental Health, Townhall II.
John heard back from Jack Knol Reality and the going rate is $2.50-$3.00 per sq. ft. Going by these numbers, the BOT thought a starting number would be $60,000 for an annual rental fee for the whole school.
Jill let the BOT know that for 2015 utilities for electric was; $7,326.00, Dominion East Gas, $6,982.00 and the Portage County water bill was $450.00.
The BIO-MED are very interested and submitted a proposal with questions concerning the cost of renting the school.
The BOT was informed that one board member and fiscal officer could meet with interested parties and then take back to the BOT at a scheduled meeting to report their findings. John will schedule a meeting with BIO-MED for himself and Jill Corbett to meet with them.
Frank Ruehr, Jr. spoke on the Fireboard Inspection that took place on township facilities on October 5, 2016. Jim will address the noted violations.
John Kline will be getting a master key for the school from Bica Locks in Ravenna, Ohio.
Jill let the BOT know that she reallocated $300.00 to cover the AT&T U-verse bills till the end of the year. The funds were reallocated from the continginces fund to the telephone fund.
Jill spoke on the budget and needing to reallocated monies to pay for the Mack Truck bed. She will transfer the monies from the road salt line.
Jill presented the BOT the balanced Bank Reconciliation for signatures.
Frank Ruehr, Jr. made a motion to pay the bills. The motion was seconded by John Kline. All in favor and the motion carried.
Checks were written.
21388 / John R. Benjamin / $ 1,336.3721389 / Clyde J. Corbett / $ 1,446.58
21390 / Gregory S. DeVos / $ 148.99
21391 / Lawrence L. Ruggles / $ 348.36
21392 / AT & T (U-VERSE) / $ 98.50
21393 / Ohio Edison / $ 374.41
21394 / Visa / $ 227.00
21395 / Mantua Auto Parts / $ 234.32
21396 / Cintas Corportation / $ 210.05
21397 / Dix Communications / $ 70.10
21398 / Mantua Hardware Lawn and Garden / $ 60.03
21399 / Ohio Insurance Service Agency / $ 3,067.10
21400 / Waste Management / $ 446.29
21401 / Portage Portable Toilets, Inc. / $ 180.00
21402 / O.K. Brugmann, Jr. & Sons, Inc. / $ 274.13
21403 / Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber / $ 100.00
21404 / Chrome Depot, Inc. / $ 39.80
21405 / Ohio Public Employees Retirement / $ 14.59
21406 / Portage County Urban Search / $ 56.70
21407 / Portage County Hazmat Team / $ 595.35
21408 / Clyde J. Corbett / $ 150.00
21409 / Youngstown Hoist & Body. Inc. / $ 2,500.00
21410 / Nancy Vines / $ 100.00
21411 / Sherry Kleeper / $ 100.00
21412 / Patricia Lovejoy / $ 100.00
Total Amount Paid / $ 12,278.67
There being no further business Chairperson, John Kline directed the meeting to adjourn at 9:24 p.m.
John Kline, Trustee Chairperson Jill Corbett, Fiscal Officer