Task: To create your own feudal manor that illustrates the effectiveness of bringing law, order, and stability to life in the Early Middle Ages. You will sketch, draw, and color your own feudal manor economy. One poster, a chart, and a narrative explaining your manor will be handed in and be worth a total of 60pts
Directions/Components: You will choose a partner/maximum group of 3 for this project
- Requirements:
1. Poster – colorful with a title (40pts)
2. Chart (10pts)
3. 1 paragraph typed narrative (10pts)
**Feudal Manors: (See simulation sheet for example)
- Draw/sketch on the 8x11 sheet provided to practice how it will look
- Come up with a name for your medieval manor economy!
- Create and place a CASTLE (where the Lord lives)
- Divide up the land (fiefs) into AT LEAST 5 manors and appoint a
lord/vassal to run and control this for the higher lord
(name them, they could be your name, celebrities/athletes etc., or made up)
- Each individual estate will have a manor and be self-sufficient with
EVERYTHING needed to work the land, feed the people, and provide
various entertainment, housing and protection. BE CREATIVE!!
**Chart: (see simulation sheet for example)
- Construct your chart and include the names of each of the manors
- Decide how many peasants, serfs, and other skilled workers you will have
on each of the estates.
- Finally, what will each lesser lord(vassal) supply the higher lord with
in return for him being able to run and control the land?

-  You can use modern things like baseball, football fields, and other attractions BUT YOUR MANOR MUST BE SELF SUFFICANT, You must be able to feed and protect your people! You cannot turn to another manor for help! It must be a well oiled machine and run on its own.
What you supply the higher lord with all depends on what you have
constructed and decided your manor economy will have on it.
(Ex. If you have pastures of grain and other crops you are growing you must
provide some of what you grow to the lord.)
- When you are all finished – together with your partner/group explain in detail
how your manor economy works…
- Why did you choose certain elements? Purpose?
- Do you believe your manor economy will be successful?
- How are you going to ensure the safety and stability of your lands?