OLPH School Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2014
Present:Doug Barta, Jack Berry, Theresa Critchfield, Marina Delaney, Mark Fleck, Jennifer Flowers, Teresa Hennen, Kari Hudson, Robert Jones, Sam Martin, Fr. Jim Vick, Cissy West
Absent:Christopher Champlin, Ralph Christiana, Anna McPeak, Donna Rast
The meeting started at 6:05pm with an opening prayer by Fr. Jim Vick.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved with minor edits. Updated minutes will be sent out along with these.
Finance Report: Fr. Jim Vick
- Ralph sent out information this week to all Advisory Board members regarding the upcoming Home Campaign which will take place in early 2015. One of the attachments included a list of potential projects that the parish may undertake with the donations that come in during the campaign.
- At every Mass this weekend, Fr. Jim will have the ushers distribute this form and ask families to rank the various projects in order of importance. He will also explain that depending on how successful the campaign is at OLPH will determine just how many of these items can be funded. The parish gets to keep 50% of what we collect.
- Some items on the list have a higher price tag than others. It was discussed whether we could list an estimated expense for each potential project, but due to time constraints and needing to get this information back quickly, these will not currently be listed. It was suggested that maybe as we begin raising money, we can mention expected costs to encourage others to help reach our goals.
- Any expense over $10,000 has to be approved by the Bishop.
- Target date for the Home Campaign to start is February 2015 as the Parish Stewardship and Bishop’s Annual Appeal will be wrapping up.
- Kari asked if during this presentation if Fr. Jim could also share what exactly the Building Fund envelopes are used for. All money given through the Building Fund stays directly in the parish. Some parishioners may not be aware of that and may not be using that second envelope on those weekends as a second collection is not taken up that day it’s just in your pack. Fr. Jim said he would check to see what was appropriate to announce.
- Our parish is in a good place. We are not in debt as some parishes are struggling.
- OLPH is committed to the existence of the school and about 2/3 of the contributions goes to support the school.
- Marina mentioned that St. Stephens is having a special marriage renewal mass this weekend and some parishioners may be attending that service and will miss out on the survey. Fr. Jim offered that they could be filled out ahead of time and handed in if anyone knew of someone not coming to OLPH services this weekend.
School Report: Sam Martin
- Enrollment is 338 including PreK (gained a few, lost a few and still about the same)
- Student to teacher ratio is currently about 18:1
- We have 35 graduating 8th graders, 14 pre-schoolers
- Recruitment season is now – people are starting to make decisions about where they are going to send their children next fall
- Dec 19th is the Catholic Diocesan deadline for financial aid applications, so he is going to start his “pulpit tour” promoting OLPH and Catholic education at services in parishes in the Greater Chattanooga/ North GA area.
- On Dec 4th, they are inviting the priests from the area to come to a special luncheon and tour to again get the word out about promoting the benefits of Catholic education.
- His goal is to increase enrollment by 5% next year, which is 18 kids
- Currently 2nd and 6th grade are the largest classes with over 40 students each.
- A committee made of Sam Martin, Cissy West, Teresa Hennen, Coach Idol, and Kari Hudson is currently looking at ways to make sure we are capturing our brand and getting approval on all apparel items. We want to make sure we have better control of what is going out with the OLPH name / logo on it.
- Although this was not discussed in the Advisory Board meeting, in our committee meeting, we did decide that we feel going to a navy color on items is more professional looking and is more consistent with our school uniforms than royal blue. Moving forward new uniforms, paper products, etc will be ordered in navy. We also discussed that we prefer the front facing ram logo that is on our gym floor as our official logo, along with the block letters by themselves.
- Jack put Sam in touch with Albert Waterhouse who could possibly assist with developing a marketing plan.
- Sam has also come in contact with other potential resources who have offered their services in assessing and developing a plan so we can determine what is the best way to use money and to determine our demographic and how to best target them.
- No new hires to report
- Facilities such as the gym floor will need to be addressed in the next 3-5 years. Air condition units will need to be updated as well.
- There is a whole new set of machines in the computer lab via the Dell contract – about $8000 out of Technology budget. Computers with Windows 7 were moved the classrooms but not communicating with the old printers so we may need new printers in the new future.
- There are plans to purchase 8 new iPad 2’s. Not all of the teachers received an iPad last spring and some would definitely benefit from them – such as Mrs. Ron (who does not have her own classroom), Mrs. Monahan, and PreK teachers.
- Someone asked how often the Osborne Foundation could be solicited for funds as we did last year and no one was certain, but possibly every year. Jack knows members of the committee who make some of those decisions if we decide to ask again this year.
- OLPH needs to find grants we can write to in an effort to secure additional funds. Sam has had several people offer their services to help with grand writing including Robert’s wife.
- Fr. Jim commented that the school is running exceptionally well right now and a lot of that has to do with our new principal Sam Martin. He also thanked everyone on our board for all that we do to make a positive difference at OLPH.
- Sam is looking into funding via Title 1, 2 and 3. There appears to be about $10,000 which we are due based on those who qualify. A+ Educators made visits to all 10 schools in our Diocese and help identify areas where OLPH is due funding. Some of this funding will go towards a principal conference in AZ, some to a Diocesan retreat and the rest hopefully to improve technology and buy literacy items. For a fee, A+ Educators will provide us with online programs, pre-made lessons, etc all tied to the common core as OLPH incorporates it. They can also file forms for us. This funding would free up some technology money. It would be nice to have Apple TV’s for all flat screens in the classroom, upgrade the access point, get more smart boards, etc. A+ Educators that in comparing the schools in our diocese that there were major differences among them but that OLPH was “robust” in regards to technology at other schools in our diocese.
- EPB has offered to help set up city stream, show the students how to produce productions, etc. for FREE. May end up getting upgraded to fiber in the future.
- We need to put a lot of money into professional development in an effort to help the teachers optimize their potential with the technology we hope to continue to add.
- Today Mrs. Hale showed her 7th grade students how to great an iMovie on the iPad.
- Cool toys in front of technology savvy people yield wonderful results.
- Sam has currently been doing teacher observations.
Corporate Relations and By Laws Committee Updates: Theresa Critchfield
- Family Resource Book – Survey Monkey was sent out to all parents of students last spring asking if they owned or worked at a business that would like to promote to the OLPH community. It was also asked if they had a family member who owned or worked at a business they would like to promote. It was also asked if the contact info they listed could be shared.
- 31 parents responded via the Survey Monkey and 20 turned in forms (although need to track these forms down)
- It was suggested that we send out this survey again maybe with the subject line “FREE ADVERTISING for your business with OLPH”. It was also suggested to possibly to also ask these questions again at registration – whether it be on paper or online. It was also discussed at sending this information out to the entire OLPH parish as well – which was the initial plan of the Marketing Committee – start with the school and build with the parish.
- Sam suggested setting up an OLPH domain which would lead you to this survey and also suggesting setting the form up as a google doc which allows you to offer different questions based on how you answer the proceeding question. If you do not have a business you wish to promote, it would skip the questions asking for contact info, website, etc and go on to next topic. It would be set up more like a job application than a survey.
- Jennifer brought up that she indicated that she didn’t want to share because she works for a whole sale supplier and would not be able to help a lot of individual requests, but would not mind seeing if her work could assist with a major project the school might be doing. We discussed whether to have better clarification of whom info could be shared with and/or we could have an area where one could indicate specifics such as work directly with contractors.
- Theresa mentioned hoping to tie in information we gather from the resource book with corporate relations. We patronize these businesses and offer them local support, but then be able to have lists of potential donors for future projects, events, etc.
- BYLAWS: Theresa met with Sam to discuss what our board’s role is to best serve the school as well as Home & School Association’s role as she will be helping with the bylaws for both groups.
- We do want to reach out to get more parish involvement. The Home Campaign is a great time to strengthen the fabric of tying school and church together.
- She will be meeting with Fr. Jim and Sister Mary Marta soon and then redraft.
Development: Cissy West
- Moving towards online applications / enrollment – First step has been aligning the bank accounts and now getting the forms into web pages.
- She has added a “donate” line to connect with Annual Fund.
- There is a 2.75% fee for these applications, but unfortunately the $100 application fees were not always collected. Ren Web charges $20 for applications and $10 for renewals.
- Next fall parents will be able to register online which will drastically reduce paperwork. They will still have a registration day for those who choose not to fill out forms online, as well as to sign up for sports, clubs, etc. Cissy would like to see it be more of an orientation where parents can be instructed on how to use RenWeb, do Scrip, etc.
- OLPH, St. Jude and NDHS advertised together in the relocation guides which come out once a year and are used by real estate agents, accessible in hotels, at VW, etc. These are good resource books for those moving into the area. If OLPH was going to invest in just one ad, this was the best one to reach out to potential students/families.
- May later do an ad in Chatter. Blush has an edition with summer camps, schools, etc but ad is about $1800.
- There has been discussion of taking down the sign with OLPH in 3 languages and putting in a leaderboard – which could be a very successful recruiting tool.
- Jennifer asked if OLPH had ever participated in Kids Expo. Teresa H. said that when it was at Memorial Auditorium they did but they discovered a large majority of students were home schooled.
- A survey has gone out to all the teachers regarding their interest in offering a summer camp. Sam’s goal is to try to offer morning and afternoon camps on the same day so it’s a full day for the parents. So far there has been interest from art, sports, cheerleading and science.
- Trying to encourage other parishes to consider purchasing BiLo scrip cards instead of purchasing canned goods to donate.
- ChattiGras – very long discussion about the goal of ChattiGras – community builder vs fundraiser. It would be nice if it could do both. Robert mentioned he’d really like to see us take it to the next level, bringing in higher dollar live auction items, etc. A question was raised if we had people at the event who had big bucks to spend. The consensus was that although we are a private school, that we do not have a lot of overly wealthy families with excessive funds to spend – many live on a budget and just going to the event is a big expense.
- This year ticket price was increased and ticket price basically pays for the venue, food, etc – this is not extra money raised.
- Robert, Kathie and Cissy have added two other committees to assist them this year – One committee which is focusing on the planning details of the event, these volunteers have worked on this event previously as are seasoned. There is also a Leadership Committee, who is made up of about 16 parents (some from each school). This committee’s focus is to work on potential sponsors for the event and to solicit for silent auction items. The goal was that with more people, you have better relations with potential contacts.
- Currently we have $26,000 in sponsorships for this coming event. Memorial is donating $10,000. EPB is a new sponsor and is donating $5000 and in kind media.
- A ChattiGras ad will be placed in Chatter magazine to try to encourage others outside of our Catholic community to attend. Chatter will come to the event and take pics to put in the March edition.
- Track 29 was mentioned as possible option, but they will not guarantee your date until 2 months prior to the event “in case a better act comes available”. This obviously would never work for our event.
Marketing Committee Update: Kari Hudson
- We will continue to work with the Corporate Relations Committee on the Family Resource Book as this will benefit both committees.
- Kari send a draft to Sam and Teresa regarding the Referral Program process. This will outline to appropriate procedure for how someone can refer another potential student/family. If this family does enroll, they will receive $100 credit. Guidelines need to be established and shared. Will send out updates as we have them.
Home & School Committee Update: Marina Delaney
- We had a very successful Trunk or Treat this year thanks to Jennifer Flowers. It was a great community builder for our school.
- Jennifer has solicited feedback from those participating and will use many of the ideas for next year
- The whole back parking lot was full. Six cars dropped out the last week and if they had been there she is not sure where they would have gone.
- H&S had 208 goody bags to pass out and they were all gone within an hour and 15 minutes
- Also during that time almost 240 hot chocolates and chili for 250 was handed out for free.
- Decorating for the event was fabulous – thanks to Jennifer, DeAnna, and Melanie
- Someone did suggest maybe doing photos next year in the area near Nature’s Place and then hand out cards where they can find their pics and download via visiting the OLPH website
- Someone else suggested maybe having the new OLPH Ram mascot there
- Knights of Columbus have not helped with traffic flow last few years because it was not needed but it was definitely needed this year
- They will have more signage next year
- There were food vendors there and will advertise more next year to promote
- Breakfast with Santa is Sat, Dec 6th
- There was good attendance at the last H&S meeting in October with a great speaker
- H&S is starting to collect for teacher gifts
New Business:
- There are 2 new sidewalks – one in front of Holy Family Hall to archway and one cutting across the grass where mulch had previously been laid. The footprints can be removed. It was mentioned that someone wrote their names in the concrete – very possibly the couple who got married the day it was poured.
- Doug asked if it were possible for NDHS students to volunteer at OLPH field day and get service hours. St. Jude has their field day during the year and many leave school to participate. It is definitely a possibility but high school students often need to be monitored to ensure that they are actually helping and not just socializing.
- Safety patrol has volunteers signed up through December. Donna is working on new Volunteer sign up and will send to Cissy. Jack offered to help the first week back at school. It was also mentioned that many kids are running loose in parking lot A. Although we will not post another safety patrol there, we can remind parents that if children are being walked into school, they must stay with their parent/guardian.
- Kari shared that the OLPH Girl Scout Troop went on their first camping trip to Camp Adahi. There were 17 scouts and about 10 adults. It was cold but everyone had a fun time!
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.