2016[GV1] Veteran’s Day Assembly

November 10, 2016

Time / Person Responsible / Activity/Verbiage
7:15 / Aukai? available / Begin prelude music- Patriotic music on CD
Mia/Eric / Band students to gather instruments from Keawe 201 and in position between 8th grade Diamond Head bleachers; choral music in place
7:30 / Gay/Nozomi / Make sure guests and keynote (Admiral Kihune) are in place
7:35 / Nakia / Please stand for the posting of the colors.
(Who is first student speaker?- Stand off to the side of the podium.)
7:37 – 7:38 / Insert name of student / Please remain standing as we recite the Pledge of Allegiance.(Turn towards the flag and place you right hand over your heart and begin reciting the pledge. You may move to the side of the podium.)
(?begin by reciting the first line)
I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all. Immediately following the Pledge of Allegiance,
The choral music students and the band students under the direction of Kumu Mia Porreca and Kumu Eric Bloxh will perform our National Anthem.
7:38 – 7:41 / Kumu Porreca & Bloch / National Anthem
7:41 / ? / Please remain standing as the choral music students under the direction of Kumu Mia Porreca, will lead us in singing Hawaiÿi Ponoÿi. (Stand at the podium)
7:41 – 7:45 / Kumu Porreca / Hawaiÿi Ponoÿi
After the song ends,? return to seat and ? and?moves to the podium.
7:45 – 7:46 / *? / Please remain standing for pule. (student to compose pule)We ask this in your precious name Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. You may be seated.
7:46 – 7:49 / ?
– distribution of makana to staff and guests as they are recognized
Assist with distributing makana:
(need vol) / Veterans Day occurs on November 11 each year. This special day gives Americans the opportunity to honor and give our mahalo to America’s veterans and active-duty military. We take this day to honor these men and women’s amazing bravery, will and heart to fight for and protect our country. We honor America’s veterans and active-duty military for their patriotism on this day. At this time we would like to acknowledge our staff members who have served our country in the armed forces. Staff member; please stand as your name is called. Audience, please hold your applause until everyone has been introduced.
(Pause after each member is called)
  1. Mr. Mike Kawakami-Army Reserve, 8 years
  2. Mr. Palani Williams -Army, 4 years and Hawai’i National Guard, 6 years
  3. Chef Doc, Rasheem Prentice? – Army, 15 years
  4. Lt. Col. Heather Moriyama (update)
  5. Add other parent names and Gideon names
Let’s show our appreciation for their service (applaud). You may be seated.
7:49 - 7:51 / ? / We would like to recognize the family members of KMS students who are either currently on active duty or who have retired from military service. Family members please stand and be recognized. Audience, please hold your applause until everyone has been introduced.
Dale Akeo, father of Joseph Akeo, 23 years, retired Sergeant First Class US army Reserves.
  1. (add other names)
We would also like to acknowledge the high school students (names) who under the direction of Mr. Nakia Braffith provided the color guard –(insert name of hs students) Let’s show our appreciation for their service (applaud). You may be seated.
7:51 – 7:52 / ? / (need to interview Admiral Kihune for intro…add introduction
7:52 – 8:02 / Keynote speaker – Vice Admiral Robert Kihune
8:02 – 8:03 / *? / Thank you, Vice Admiral Kihune for your manaÿo. We are thankful for all the sacrifices that our veterans and active duty military personnel have made for our country. Freedom is not free. Let us remember those sacrifices on Veteran’s Day.
Veterans, as well as being warriors, are also everyday ordinary people. They are regular citizens who respond to need, and become heroes. While we may not all go on to serve in the military, we can all follow their example and become everyday heroes in our own communities by applying the values of truth, justice and peace.
8:03 – 8:04 / *? / Join me as we close in prayer. Please stand. (pause)(student to compose pule)
Maka'i noa, o ka måkua, a me ke keiki, a me ka 'uhane hemolele, amene. You may be seated. Faculty, staff and honored guests, you are dismissed. Students, Mr. Atabay will dismiss by teams.
All Student Leaders are expected to assist with this ceremony and arrive in Founder’s Day attire. (You may change after the assembly is pau) As soon as you arrive to school, report to Keawe Gym, store your bag in the back mauka side of the gym and find Mrs. Ozaki, Ms. Murakami or Aunty Lisa to check-in. Students with speaking roles are to report to Keawe Gym for a microphone check. Others are to report to Keawe 101 for hosting duties. Everyone is to help with clean-up
7:00am / Reception – Keawe 101
7:00am / Microphone Check at Keawe Gym - Speakers
8:15am / Keawe Gym - Everyone help with clean-up
  • Emcee and other leaders directly involved with the program are seated nearthe podium. All student leaders are to report to school in Founder’s Day attire. 8:15 Devotion ends; student leaders helpto clean up – see chart attached for kuleana

Choral/Band Students – insert new student names


  1. [GV1] Comments: band performance was great! Good to see many choral students.
  2. Ok to have band move on/off court.
  3. Pause to start pule AFTER the band has moved from the area.
  4. Play background music as makana given to vets
  5. Include Gideons in the program and distribution of Bible
  6. Good # of chairs on floor
  7. Good to have students giving makana sit on bleachers near the podium. Reminder….students to get up ONLY for those present.
  8. INCLUDE final choir #
  9. Good inclusion of Hawaiian recitation in pule.
  10. Watch sharing of our students with other perf art groups.