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Institutional BioSafety Committee
Biosafety Level 1 Checklist for Labs
Principal Investigator: / Location of Lab:
Checklist Completed By: / ______
Signature of Individual Completing Checklist
Date Completed:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) established criteria for four levels of containment called Biosafety Levels (BSLs). This checklist contains statements from the CDC’s and NIH’s Biosafety Level 1 section of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th edition, 2007. This checklist is to be used to ensure compliance with federal regulations regarding biosafety level 1 laboratories. Each question must be answered by checking the appropriate response. Contact the Lab Manager you have any questions or require assistance.
A. Primary Containment – Microbiology Practices/Techniques Check yes, no or not applicable (n/a)1. Have lab personnel received specific training in those procedures conducted in the laboratory? / yes / no / n/a
2. Is the lab supervised by a scientist with general training in microbiology? / yes / no / n/a
3. Is access to the lab limited when experiments are in process? / yes / no / n/a
4. Do lab personnel wash hands after handling cultures and before exiting the lab? / yes / no / n/a
5. Is eating, drinking, applying contact lens or cosmetics, and the storage of food in the lab prohibited? / yes / no / n/a
6. Is mouth pipetting prohibited? / yes / no / n/a
7. Is the “sharps” policy instituted? / yes / no / n/a
8. Do all procedures minimize the creation of aerosols? / yes / no / n/a
9. Are work surfaces decontaminated after spills and at the end of the day? / yes / no / n/a
10. Is there a written waste disposal policy instituted? / yes / no / n/a
11. Are biohazard signs posted at the entrance when infectious agent(s) are present, with the name of the agent(s) and name/phone number of the supervisor posted? / yes / no / n/a
12. Is there an insect/rodent control program in effect? / yes / no / n/a
Comments/Notes for Standard Microbiological Techniques:
B. Primary Containment – Safety Equipment - Check yes, no or not applicable (n/a)
1. Is work performed on an open bench top? / yes / no / n/a
2. Are lab coats, gowns, or uniforms to be worn to protect street clothes? / yes / no / n/a
3. Are gloves available to wear if skin on hands is broken or if a rash is present? / yes / no / n/a
4. Is protective eyewear available for procedures in which splashes are anticipated? / yes / no / n/a
5. Have personnel wearing contact lenses been instructed to also wear goggles or face shields? / yes / no / n/a
Comments/Notes for Safety Equipment:
C. Secondary Containment - Facilities - Check yes, no or not applicable (n/a)
1. Is a sink available for hand washing? / yes / no / n/a
2. Is the laboratory separated from the general traffic patterns in the building? / yes / no / n/a
3. Does the laboratory have doors for access control? / yes / no / n/a
4. Is the laboratory designed to be cleaned easily? (Carpets and Rugs are not appropriate.) / yes / no / n/a
5. Are bench tops impervious to water and resistant to moderate heat, organic solvents, acids, alkalis or chemicals used to decontaminate the work surfaces? / yes / no / n/a
6. Can the furniture support anticipated loading and uses, with spacing between cabinets, benches and equipment accessible to cleaning? / yes / no / n/a
7. Are windows fitted with screens? / yes / no / n/a
Comments/Notes for Facilities: