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Chapter 18 Section 4: “Suffrage at Last”

Outline Worksheet

Setting the Stage:

For roughly 70 years, women’s organizations actively campaigned for the right to ______. As the movement grew, ______


In speeches and articles, anti-suffragists voiced their genuine fears of many Americans:

Would women become ______,

as critics suggested?

Would they be easily manipulated by ______?

Would politics distract them from their duties ______?

One of the most persuasive arguments against suffrage was that:


Anthony and Stanton: Preparing the Way:

American women activists formally demanded the right to vote in


Together, ______, a tireless strategist and organizer, and ______, a skilled speaker and writer, would take the women’s suffrage movement into the 20th century. In 1866, they founded the______

The movement later split into two groups. The National Women Suffrage Association, ______

Meanwhile, the newly formed American Women Suffrage Association


When Wyoming entered the union in 1890, it became the ______

Suffragist Strategies:

Suffragists continued to follow two paths toward their goal. One path was to press for a ______

The other path pursued by suffragists was to get individual ______

At first this approach was ______

especially in the ______

Suffrage at the turn of the Century:

In 1890, formed the ______

Anthony served as president of NAWSA from ______

The beloved leaders of the suffrage movement, Stanton and Anthony, ______

without ______

A New Generation:

One new leader who emerged to re-energize the movement was


As head of the NAWSA, Catt insisted on ______


Alice Paul also rose as a leader in the women’s suffrage movement.

She learned her tactics from the ______


Paul transformed her committee into a new organization, the


A Split in the Movement:

Following Paul’s action, a split occurred within the suffrage movement. Paul’s CU called for an ______


The leadership of NAWSA opposed Paul’s plan, believing it would


In 1914, they expelled the ______.

The CU went on to stage ______


They set aflame ______

Exasperated authorities ______

Meanwhile, NAWSA continued to back the state suffrage campaigns.

Carrie Chapman Catt was reinstated ______


In addition, NAWSA decided to focus on getting Congress to


By 1917, NAWSA had grown ______


In the fall of that year, ______

Impact of World War I:

The United States entered ______.

Women across the country hastened to do their ______


Arguments of separate ______

Victory for Suffrage:

In 1919, Congress formally proposed the ______.

It would end, August, ______, when Tennessee became


The 19th amendment marked the last ______
