Diocesan Council
March 17, 2016
Members present:
Bishop Franklin, Pat Bradley, Elisabeth Brauza, Cheri Maytum-Krull, Brian Miller, Colleen O’Connor, Charlie Ohl, Gloria Payne-Carter, Kim Rossi,
Others present:
Cathy Dempesy-Sims, Howard Gondree, Maria Manocchio, Vicki Zust
Bishop Franklin called the meeting to order with prayer at 6:00 pm
February minutes were approved.
Bishop’s Report:
- Attended Bishop Malone’s 70th birthday party today. Bishop Franklin gave Bishop Malone a Book of Common Prayer and a bottle of bourbon.
- Was interviewed by Catholic Radio today and by ESPN last week. Connected reconciliation, racial reconciliation & evangelism
- These were similar themes as were discussed in the House of Bishops’ meeting
- Presiding Bishop Curry presided at the House of Bishop’s meeting for the first time
- Lots of conversation at the House of Bishops about the Jesus movement and evangelism
- Tomorrow the Bishop & Gloria Payne-Carter will be going to the Province II provincial council. On the agenda is the possible abolition or the Provincial structures. This conversation will continue through the triennium
- Thank you for the vestry and wardens day
- This Tuesday is the Renewal of Ordination Vows at the Cathedral at 12:05 pm everyone is invited.
- The Bishop hopes everyone will go to church during Holy Week and Easter
- On Pentecost Sunday there will be a Discover Sunday event at Chautauqua
- Update on the Lockport project: The Diocese is continuing to explore possible locations for the Lockport Family Center
- The Bishop had to leave the Standing Committee early for Bishop Malone’s birthday. In his absence the Standing Committee passed a resolution regarding deanery restructuring. The Standing Committee will be communicating with the Council.
Sub-Committee Reports:
Deanery Restructuring:
- Structure should support the parishes as the prime entity.
- Presbyterians are exploring the same issues in similar ways.
- Methodists have consolidated their judicatories
- Conversation is beginning in the Niagara region about ways to share ministry
General Convention Resolutions
- A158 & 159 will be taken up by the Hope Center
- Committee will be on C020 – Ministry to People with Mental Illness
- Committee will also be focusing on D077- Uniting families
- Letter was sent to congregations regarding the 2017 budget process
- After March 31st the Council committee & Finance committee will meet jointly regarding the 2017 budget
Warden & Vestry Day
- Bishop feels that we should do it again in the future
- Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive
- What went well
- First time more than 1 person would come from Olean. Everyone had positive things to say.
- Happy with the content & the workshops
- Stuck to the schedule – ending on time
- Flow was good
- Coffee was flowing
- Fully subscribed ahead of time spoke to good organization
- Movement of people happened
- Content, organization & hospitality
- People were attentive and engaged
- People stayed until the end
- New vestry member was extremely impressed
- Impressed with workshops
- “Will there be more”
- Council took ownership & were the hosts
- Personal ask made a difference
- What could we have done differently
- “I didn’t know there was a deadline”
- Smaller workshops & more conversation
- Coat racks
- Planning for next steps
- Maybe do another one in the fall for potential vestry members
- Two would be possible
- It was nice to see everyone here
- The energy of a full house was tremendous
- There is less opportunity to meet with others in a full room
- Could we build in more opportunity for relationship building & dialogue
- Perhaps one like Be Not Afraid and one more workshop centered
- Could we expand the day? – possibly but keep in mind travel differences
- Collect & distribute e-mail addresses from and to the people who came
Surplus Committee Report
- Committee was: Bishop, Liz, Cathy, Pat & Bob Matson
- Recommendation is that:
- $8,000 - $9,000 be used to subsidize meals & coffee at Convention. The Council agreed that this was a good use of the money.
- Increase our pledge to The Episcopal Church. A $5,000 increase had already been put into the finalized budget. We are currently at 10%, the asking is 15%. The difference between our budgeted number and the Episcopal Church asking is $23,954. Colleen moved and Kim seconded an additional increase of $5,000 in our giving to the Episcopal Church with the additional funds coming from the surplus. The Council voted in favor.
- $75,000 would be set aside for capital improvements on Diocesan properties
- $75,000 would be set aside the fund three collaborative ministry projects:
- Projects must include two or more congregations or a congregation and a social service agency
- No more than 25% of a clergy’s person’s salary may come from the project. Every project must include a sustainability plan, understanding that we have no expectation of the Diocesan budget increasing.
- An RFP will be developed by the finance sub-committee of the council and the subcommittee will review the proposals reviewed and make a recommendation to the Council as a whole for approval. The deadline for the first submissions will be Aug 1 with a September 1, 2016 disbursement and a deadline of May 1 or a second disbursement June 1, 2017.
- Council approved these decisions.
- Vicki will work on a draft of how to communicate these decisions to the Diocese. Council members are invited to e-mail Vicki their thoughts on this communication
Budget Process
- Budget application was finished and are on the web-site and have been sent out in Postings. All applications are due March 31.
- The Finance Committee will work on a proposed budget to bring to Council in June.
Financial Report
- Maria presented the Financial report. There were no questions on the financial report.
Description of the Role of Council for the Convention Arrangements Committee
- Liz moved and Brian seconded the approval of the description of the Diocesan Council
Bishop Franklin adjourned the meeting with prayer at 7:54
Respectfully submitted by Vicki Zust