Hunt Valley Swim Club

Board Meeting

April 28, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at Hunt Valley Pool

Attendance: Kurt Lorenz, Mary Mulligan, Liz Krein, Bonnie Krysinski, Robin Lermo, John Chapman, Mark Toler (by proxy), Shannon Kiser and Sheila Costin.

Absent: Doug Gelbach,

Other Attendees: Geoffrey Ballou, Donna McCraith, Eric and Shoko Gray

Business: A motion was made and seconded to nominate Shannon Kiser to the Board as Secretary. The motion was unanimously approved.


Treasurer: Liz Krein

·  The Treasurer provided a budget status.

·  The child protection policy required by the insurance company has been written to incorporate the guidelines provided by our insurance broker and tailored for our particular needs. The Board discussed the revised policy. A motion was made and seconded to approve the proposed child protection policy for our contracted coaches and volunteers. The motion was approved

·  NV Pools will be doing the background checks as part of our new policy.

·  With this increase in sensitive documents, the treasurer is looking into securing a safety deposit box for storage of documents. A motion was made and seconded to secure a safety deposit box up to $250 per year. The motion was approved.

Proposed Capital and Maintenance Plans: Geoff Ballou

·  Geoff has developed a list of capital improvement needs and preliminarily weighted them according to necessity, value, and need as a methodology for prioritizing.

·  The Board agreed it would be helpful to break down this list into subcategories for handyman projects and contractor projects.

·  Geoff will send out this revised list for Board input, will collate that input, and will bring an updated list of priorities to the next meeting.

·  The Board thanked Geoff for his work on this endeavor.

Membership: Robin Lermo

·  12 membership sales transactions have been completed. 2 permanent memberships waiting to be sold and 1 more will sell at the end of the season. The wait list is currently at 133.

·  2 reminders have been sent about dues. We are awaiting payment from 146 members. Membership will send another reminder alongside the pool work day reminder.

·  Currently 50 temporary memberships.

·  After May 10, membership cards will be mailed to all who have paid their dues.

·  Report about alternate membership programs. Discussed one potential program that seems to fit our needs well. Will look into other options, and bring recommendation to next meeting.

·  Special request from member to have her non-resident grandson participate in Lil Rays. Motion made and seconded that if by June 26th members have not taken all the Lil Rays slots, the grandchild of the requesting member will be able to be enrolled in the Lil Rays program. Motion passed.

·  Board has received request from a realtor to hang an advertisement at Hunt Valley Pool. The Board is open to advertisement/sponsorship banners being displayed at home swim and dive meets. Those who wish to advertise would make a donation to the pool for the opportunity to hang their advertisement.

Operations: Doug Gelbach

·  No report this month.

Competitive Activities: John Chapman

·  Back to Pool Night was successful, and coaching staff and plans for the season were received

positively by the families.

·  Dive promotion day is being organized, and invitation will be sent out to the whole membership and not just the swim team.

Buildings & Grounds: Mary Mulligan

·  New trash contractor for trash and recycling.

·  Clean up day May 7. Need lots of participation.


·  No report this month.

Social: Bonnie Krysinski

·  Contacts are being made with food trucks for potential summer dates to locate in the parking lot for pool patrons to access

·  Inquiring about free movie night

·  Crab and Kegger will return this summer

Old Business:

·  Kurt brought samples for a brick fundraiser. Need to research installation costs.

New Business:

·  A motion was made by email to permit an extended family member of one of our members to be included as a family member because she will be visiting for the summer. The board voted by email and the motion passed.

·  A motion was made by email to permit our neighbor church to use the pool on June 5 at 10 AM for an hour, as in previous years. The Board voted by email and the motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Next meeting to be held on May 19, 2016 at Hunt Valley Pool at 7:00 PM.