Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting July 8, 2014

Present:Mayor Plumb and Councilmembers Brown, Jeffko, Olson and Vugteveen.

Staff:Attwood, Burks and Jensen

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm and the flag salute was given by all.

Public Comment: None

Water Ranch and Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center Report: Linda Black, TVBRC Manager and Water Ranch Organizer, was present and gave an updated to the Mayor and Council. Linda gave a timeline history of the extensive process of putting together the Water Ranch Splash Park. The idea for the splash park came to Linda in 2011 after learning the Tonasket Swim Pool would be permanently closed. Linda has raised the funds for this project through many months of hard work. The Water Ranch is almost ready to begin construction but has run into a problem regarding the drainage of the run off from the splash park. Linda very much would like the City Council to make a decision on the type of drain system to install. The Mayor stated that Linda deserves to be acknowledged for the wonderful work she has done to get this project underway and that she is very much appreciated.

Linda also reported the Visitor Center is open and things are going great. The website is up and it looks fantastic.

Kurt Danison Report: Kurt gave a synopsis of the progress of the drainage system for the splash park and the status as of now. City Engineer Mark Varela has prepared a Memo that includes 3 options for the drainage system for the splash park. It was determined that Option 3 would be the best and most cost effective system. Option 3 would discharge directly into cell #2 with a pump system and line to the cell. There could be long range plans to eventually tie the system into the actual wastewater treatment system. The Mayor and Council discussed the importance of making sure the City is protected when it comes to the drainage issue.

Motion to inform Linda Black, Water Ranch Splash Park Organizer, that the City Council selected Option 3 from the Memo dated July 8th, 2014 from Varela and Associates with the single pump rail system with a spare pump which is recommended by staff. M/Jeffko, S/Olson. Carried 4:0.

Kurt Danison Report Continued: Kurt asked the Council to provide him with the priorities they would like to see added to or are already included in last year’s Six Year Transportation Plan. The Mayor stated he would like to see some of the City’s alleys included in the plan. Kurt stated to go ahead put them in. Projects can be categorized as to the funding programs that may eventually fund them.

Kurt also briefly discussed the Economic Alliance and the .09 funds. The Economic Alliance is looking for review of projects that the .09 funds were used for.Also, to go ahead and set project priorities for .09 funds if the funds were available.

Kurt reported on the status of the proposed mosquito district. He reported the County Commissioners have approved holding a public hearing on whether or not to include the proposal on the November ballot for the General Election. There was brief discussion on the funding of a mosquito district. There will be a meeting on July 21st at the Commissioner’s office regarding the mosquito district.

The Mayor stated he wanted to publicly acknowledge Hugh Jensen and staff for receiving the Wastewater Treatment Plant Outstanding Performance Award again.

Mayor/Council/Committee Reports

Vugteveen: Had a question about one of the vouchers paid, it was for $31,000—the City Clerk answered the check was for the Police Car. Vugteveen stated an idea for the Street Plan would be a retaining wall for the State St. /Tonasket Ave. so the street could be widened and sidewalks added. This could be put on the Six Year Transportation Plan.

Brown: Reported he is impressed with the new Police car and that it looks awesome. He also stated the hospital is now placing the garbage dumpsters on the street and was wondering what can be done. The City Clerk will contact Building Official, Christian Johnson regarding this matter and also invite him to a Council meeting to discuss current topics.

Jeffko: Reported the trail at Chief Tonasket Park continues to be destroyed and something needs to be done. Also reported people are asking about the Splash Park.

Olson: Reported the Food Bank volunteers are applying for a grant from the Department ofCommerce and will be needing information from the City to finish the grant application. Also reported he is concerned about the number of yards in the city that are fire hazards. This will be turned over to Christian Johnson, Building Official.

There was a brief discussion on fireworks in the City and the possibility of not allowing certain fireworks such as the ones that drift.

Mayor: Reported he attended Princeton Racing Days and it was a very nice event. Princeton is Tonasket’s Sister City. Princeton has an Ambassador program that local student Jensen Sackman may be interested in implementing. The Mayor plans on attending other events in Canada this summer.

Department Head Reports

Burks: None

Jensen: Apologized for not getting the rocks placed on the trail at Chief Tonasket Park as of yet.

Reported there is a drainage problem on SR20 that is causing a concern on the McCallum property below SR 20. The washout is quite large. Christian Johnson has been working on this problem with WSDOT.

The Mayor suggested that an evaluation be done on the One Way traffic in Chief Tonasket Park in September.

The City Clerk was instructed to invite Paul Mahre and Greg Boatright, WSDOT, to a Council meeting in August to discuss transportation issues.

Attwood: Reported the interviews with engineers for the US 97 Pedestrian Improvements project will be held on Tuesday, July 15th starting at 1:00 pm. Councilmembers Olson and Jeffko will be on the selection Committee along with Kurt Danison, Hugh Jensen, Darren Johnson and Alice Attwood.

Motion to set a public hearing on August 26th, 2014 during the regular City Council meeting for the purpose of declaring certainutility items surplus. M/Olson, S/Vugteveen.

Carried 4:0.

There was brief discussion on Energy Efficiency Grants that are available through the Department of Commerce.

The matter of mandatory public officials training was discussed. The recent legislation went into effect July 1, 2014. This requires basic open government training for local and statewide officials and records officers.

Motion to authorize payment of $9,199.85 to H.D. Fowler for water meters. M/Olson,S/Vugteveen. Carried. 4:0.

Motion to approve the consent agenda which consists of the minutes of the previous meeting, the July bills (5118, 5132-5181) $77,689.68 and June Payroll (5119-5131 and Direct Deposit Run 6-26-2014) $58,453.85. M/Vugteveen, S/Brown. Carried 4:0.

There being no further business the meeting was declared adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm.


Patrick Plumb, Mayor


Alice J. Attwood, Clerk-Treasurer