Alternative High School Cohort Excel Spreadsheet Submission

Column / Information / Notes
A / Student ID / Per Data Depository
B / Date of Birth
C / Ethnicity
D / Special Ed (Y/N)
E / Safety Net Eligible (Y/N)
G / Low-Income (Y/N)
H / BEDS CODE of School
I / Highest Grade Attended At School
J / Date of First Admission to School
K / Date of Discharge/Graduation from School
L / Discharge Code / Per SIRS
M / Alternative Cohort Year / See definition below
N / ELA Measure 1 / Regents, RCT, NYSAA, etc.
O / Highest Score on ELA Measure 1
P / ELA Measure 2 / For RCT, etc.
Q / Highest Score ELA Measure 2
R / ELA Performance Level (1-4)
S / Math Measure
T / Highest Score on Math Measure
U / Math Performance Level (1-4)


The high school alternative cohort in any given year shall consist of those students enrolled in the high school on the first Wednesday of October three years previously who were still enrolled in the school on the first Wednesday of October two years previously minus those students who subsequently transfer to another high school, enroll in an approved GED program and remained enrolled in the program until the end of the cohort time period or receive a GED, become incarcerated, leave the country, or die. Students may be members of only one alternative high school cohort. In the 2009 alternative high school cohort, include students who first enrolled in school between the day after BEDS day 2009 and BEDS day 2010 who were still enrolled in the school on BEDS day 2011. Data should be submitted to by Friday, October 4, 2013.

For accountability decisions based on 2012-2013 school year data, if the 2009 alternative high school cohort consists of fewer than 30 students, then data for the 2008 school year alternative high school cohort should be provided. If the district would like SED to compute a safe harbor target for the school, and the 2008 alternative high school consists of fewer than 30 students, then 2007 school year alternative high school cohort data should also be provided.