Tender document
For the work :- Const. of Community Centre at
Gobapal .
Name of the Contractor:-
D.T.C,N :- No. 01 /2011-12
1. Sealed tenders are invited from registered Contractor of P.W.D. / Irrigation / P.H.D. of class…C B Contractors in prescribed form to be eventually drawn in P.W.D. Form F-2 and will be received by the Project Administrator, ITDA, Nilagiri upto 2.00P.M. on date 28.11.2011 . for the work construction of community centre in Gobapal GP on estimated of cost Rs. 12,00,000/-00 . ( Rupees Twelve lakhs only. ) .
2. The prescribed form along with the documents is obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs6000/- + 4% Only per each set. This amount is not refundable. Department will not be responsible if there is any delay in respect of tender documents by the intending Contractors sent by the department through registered post or speed post / courier service . not reach the undersigned office by the last date and time as mentioned in D.T.C.N, , their offers will not be considered on any account even if, the tender documents were despatched by the tenderers before the due date.
3. No tenderers should furnish their tender in their own manuscript papers.
4. The work is to be completed in all respect within 6(six) calander months from the date of issue of the work order. Tenders whose tender is accepted must submit programme of works immediately after issue of work order for approval of Engineer-in-Charge.
5. Bid documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities and the term and conditions of contract and other necessary document can be seen in office of under signed during office hours everyday except on Sundays and Public holidays till last date of sale of tender papers .Interested bidders may obtain further informations at the said address can down loaded from website address “www.baleswore.nic.in”.
6. Bid document is obtainable from O/O-P.A,I.T.D.A, Nilagiri and must be accompanied by EMD amount mentioned above payable at any Nationalized Bank, at Nilagiri as per DTCN and drawn in favour of Project Administrator, I.T.D.A, Nilagiri. The E.M.D. should be in form of KVP/T.D/ Bank Draft/NSC/PassBook etc.
7.. The sale of the Bid documents shall start from 17.11.2011 and close on 26.11.2011 at 5.00 P.M . Bids shall be received in office of under signed only till 2.00 P.M hours on 28.11.2011 along with duly attested, Xerox copies of (a) valid contract license ,(b) Pan card, (c)Vat clearance in form NO-612. Alongwith original No relation certificate and Affidavit of Authenticity of documents. However labour license shall have to be submitted at the time of Agreement .
8. Bids must be send through Regisrered post / speed post having
identification NO- 01/2011—12 . P.A.,I.T.D.A,Nilagiri .
9. Bidding documents requested by mail will be despatched by Regd/speed post on payment of an extra amount of Rs.500/- over the cost of tender paper. The authority will not be held responsible for the postal delay if any or non - receipt of same.
10. Bidding documents downloaded from website will have to pay Rs10,000/-(Rupees Ten thousands only) towords cost of tender paper should be in form of KVP/T.D/ Bank Draft/NSC/PassBook etc payable at any Nationalized Bank, at Nilagiri as per DTCN and drawn in favour of Project Administrator, I.T.D.A, Nilagiri. .
11. The Bid documents will be opened on 29.11.2011 at 11.30 A.M hours in the office of undersigned in the presence of bidder or his authorized representative.
12. The bids quoting less than 10% of the estimated cost will have to deposit differential amount of 90% of amount put to tender and tendered value in shape of bank draft . However, the bids has to be attached with analysis of quoted rates against each item .
13. The SC/ST bidders shall have to furnish XEROX COPY OF CASTE CERTIFICATE and an Affidavit mentioning he has not availed any such preference within last three months at the time of submission of document.
14. The Engineer bidders seeking exemption of EMD must submit . their original license at the time of opening of tender papers,
With the no. of work awarded to them in same financial year .
15. Transfer or adjustment of EMD & ISD amount with other works will not be entertained .
16. Incase the quoted amount is less than 7.5% of the tender call amount then bidder has to submit item wise analysis without which the tender will be liable for rejection.
17. By submission of a tender for the work, a tenderer will be
deemed to have satisfied himself by actual inspection of the site and locality of the work, about the quality and availability of the required quantity of materials . The tendered Rates will be adequate to complete the work as per specification with quantity. He has to bear all difficulties if encountered during progress of work. No extra charges or payments will be entertained for any reason thereof, in case Contractor Claims later on to have misjudged as regards to availability of materials, labour, and other factors.
18. The contractor after receiving of work-order, has to furnish a . work programme with a view to complete the work in stipulated
Time, any deviation to this will be heavily penalized .
19. The E.M.D will be forfeited if the contractor failed to sign the
agreement after acceptance of tender with the stipulated
period . Incomplete tender/ tenders will be rejected.
20. The authority reserves the right to reject any/all tenders
without assigning any reason thereof.
21 ll the tenders received will remain valid for a period of Ninety days from the . date of issue of receipt of tenders. Validity of tender can also be extended
if agree to by the tenders and the dept
22 The rates should be written in both words and figures and in decimal coinage, and the units in words. In case of discrepancy in rates between words and figures the amount in words will prevail. The tender should also show the total of each item and the grant total of whole tender. The tender shall be written legibly & free from using erasures, overwriting or converse of figures corrections where unavoidable should be made by crossing out initiating, dating rewriting.
23. The tenderers carefully study the drawing and specification, liable to contract and all the documents which form parts of the agreement to be entered into the accounted tenders and detailed specifications of Orissa and other relevant specifications and drawing which are not available for sale. Complaints at future date, the plans and specifications have not seen cannot be entertained.
24 . the time of submitting the tender samples of stones metal and chips to be used to be deposited in settled baos duly labeled, nothing the made of quarry dated initial by the tenders in the office of the undersigned.
25 It must be definitely understood that the Govt. accepted any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the trial borings shown in the Cross Sections.
26 Each tenderers must pay an earnest money of Rs 11000.00 along with the form of State Govt. Loan bonds or National Saving Certificates, Postal Pass Books pledge to the Project Administrators, ITDA, Nilagiri in no other form.
27 The tender will not be considered unless the tenderers enclosed a true copy of the Income Tax Clerance Certificate , valid labour license and Vat Clearance Certificate along with the tender and Original Certificates are produced before the Officer concerned at the time of opening of the tender.
28 The tenderer may at his, option quote reasonable rate for each items of work carefully so that the rate for one should be un-workable low and for other too high.
29 The tender containing extraneous conditions not concerned by the tender notice are liable for rejection and quotations should be strictly in accordance with the items mentioned in the call notice. An change in the wording will not be accepted.
30 Letters etc. found in the tender raising or Lowering the rates of detailing with the points in connection with the tender will not be considered.
31 A schedule of quantity accompanies the tender notice. It shall be definitely understood the Govt. does not accept any responsibility for the corrections of this schedule and that this schedule is liable for alteration or omissions deductions or additions as set forth in the condition of contractor. Such omissions, deductions additions or alterations shall in no way in all date the contract and no extra monetary compensation will be countersigned.
32 The earnest money will be retained in the case of successful tenders and will be dealt with as provided in the contract form. The earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenders in application after intimation is sent on rejection of their tender.
33 The tenders whose tender is selected for acceptance and who has not fixed deposit with the Govt. of Orissa, shall within a period of seven days upon written instruction being given to him for acceptance of his tender, make an initial security deposit in the form of State Govt. Loan bonds of the Orissa State or National Saving Certificates and in no other form which including the amount already deposit as earnest money shall be 2% of the value of the tenders amount and sign the Agreement in the P.W.D. Form No. F-2 Schedule LLV No. CL fulfillment of the contract in the office of the undersigned as directed. This security deposit together with the earnest money and the amount withheld according to the provision of F-2 Agreement shall be retained as security for the due fulfillment of the of this agreement.
34 Failure to enter into the required agreement and to make the security deposit as above shall enter for forfeitere of the earnest money. No tender shall be finally accepted until the required amount of security money deposited. The written Agreement to be executed in between the contractor and the Govt. so the Contractor shall be deemed to be unaccepted until the Agreement first sign by the Contractor and then by the proper officer unlessotherwise mentioned. The Government security will be refunded six months after completion of the work and payment of the final bill.
35 The contractor should be liable to fully identify the department for payment of compensation Workman Compensation Act VIII of 123 on account of workman employed by the contractor and full amount of compensation paid will be received from the Contractor.
36 Tenderers as they are registered labour license holders are required to abide by the fair wages clause labour Department Letter No. GA-VIIIR 18/5225 dt. 25.2.85 and No. 11M/56.62/28842(5) dt. 27.9.81. and all enacted labour rules alongwith enhanced labour rates .
37 The tenderer shall bear cost of various incidental sundries and contingencies necessitated by the work fall within the following work similar categories.
a) Rent, Royalties and other charges of materials, Octroi/ vat duty all other taxes including sales taxes, ferry tools, Conveyance, Charge and other costs on account of land and building including temporary buildings required by the tender of the collection of materials storage, housing of staff other purpose for the work no rent will however by payable to Government for temporary occupation of land owned by the Government at the site of work.
b) Labour camp or huts necessary to a suitable sale including conservancy and sanitary arrangements therein to the satisfaction of the local Health Authorities.
c) Fees and dues levies by Municipal canal or water supply whenever available for the staff and labour as well as for the.
d) Fees and dues levied by Municipal or water supply authorities.
e) Suitable equipments and warning apparatus for the labour engaged for the risky operation.
f) Suitable fencing barriers, signals, including paraffin and electric signals where necessary at works and approach in order to protect the public employees from accident.
g) Compensation including cost of any suit for injuring to persons or property due to neglect or any major precaution also of which become payable due to operation of the Workman Compensation Act.
h) The contractor has to arrange adequate lighting arrangement for night works over necessary at his own cost.
38 No payment will be made for bench marks, levels pillar profiles and benching and leveling the ground if required. The rates to be quoted should be for finished items of work inclusive of carriage of a materials and all incidental items of work.
39 After the work is finished all surplus, materials should be removed from the site work Preliminary works such as vatsmixing platforms etc. should be dismantled and all materials removed from the site and premises left neat and clean and this should be inclusive in the rates.
40 It should be understood clearly that no claims whatsoever will be entertained in regards extra items of works extra quantity of any items, besides estimated amount. A written order must be obtained from the undersigned officer and rates settled before the extra items of works or extra quantity of any item of work is taken up.
41 The tender shall have to abide by the C.P.W.D. safety code rules introduced by the Govt. of India Ministry of Work Housing and supply in their standing order No. 44 to 55 dated 25.11.57 which can be seen in the office of the undersigned on working days.
42 No part of the contract shall be subject without written permission of the Project Administrator,I,T.D.A,Nilagiri or transfer be made by the Power of Attorney authorizing others to receive payment on the contractor’s behalf.
43 If further necessary information is required, the Engineer-in-Charge will furnish such it must be clearly understood that tenders must be received in order and according to instructions
44 (a) The contractor shall have to furnish a certificate along with the tender to effect that he is not related to any officer of ITDA of the rank of Asst. Engineer and above and any officer of the rank of Asst. Secretary and above of he Works Department.