Waste category/ Office examples / Accounting & book-keeping examples
Transportation /
- Unnecessary movement of paperwork, files or information between processes
- Excessive email attachments
- Assisting students to find their way around the Institute
- Global emails , mailing lists that you should not be a part of
- CC emails that do not require your action
Inventory /
- Filled ‘in boxes’ (electronic and paper)
- Batch report processing
- Overstocked stationery cupboards
- Keeping printed copies of documents for auditing
- Filing cabinets full of out of date resources
- Assessment storage
- Excess enrolment paperwork
Motion /
- Walking to/from copier, filing area, fax machine, or other offices
- Searching for things: looking for forms
- Finding the right person to ask a question
- Walking to the printer, walking away when its occupied
- Staff offices not close together
- Finding enrolment paperwork
Waiting /
- System downtime, slow system response time
- Delayed approvals from others
- Awaiting information from customers or support departments
- Waiting for training, printing, etc.
- Special consideration
- Queues for student records
- Attendance information to go to international department
- Waiting for others to respond to email
- Waiting to use shared printer
Inappropriate processing /
- Glossy presentation of simple reports
- Doing a presentation when an informal chat will do
- Unnecessary or excessive reports
- Excessive checking
- Not marking rolls appropriately/on time
- Duplication of enrolments
- Printing paperwork or purchasing items before they are needed
- Processing paperwork before the next person is ready for it
- Excess enrolment paperwork (often bulk printed before needed and excess is thrown out)
- Tests (print room/copier)
- Over printing
Defects /
- Making errors
- Inspecting for errors
- Correcting errors
- Staff turnover
- Poor quality work
- Result entry errors
- Faulty enrolment paperwork
Underutilised resources
- Having limited authority for basic tasks
- Not allowing people to make suggestions for other areas
- Result amendments can’t be done by teachers