Plate It Up, Kentucky Proud!
Objective: To increase consumer purchase, preparation, and preservation of Kentucky grown and value-added commodities through marketing and educational collaborations.
Project Process:
1. Agents send recipes to the Plate It Up Kentucky Proud Committee.
2. Committee reviews recipes and makes priority selection based on commodity and seasonal representation. Recipes are submitted to Dr. Tammy Stephenson by August 1 for fall semester and January 1 for spring semester.
3. Instructors facilitateFood Science students in recipe selection and modification processes.
4. Agent tasting panels review recipes and product samples for taste, nutritional value, and presentation with student teams.
5. Agent tasting panelmeets with Committee to deliver recipe critiques and recipes for review.
6. Recipes receiving excellent ratings are prioritized for inclusion of recipe database and/or resource development.
7. Agent teams take second round of recipe testing and instruction formatting.
8. Selected recipes are again reviewed by the committee and selected forgraphic formatting based on commodity, media script and demonstration guide development.
9. Committee approved recipes will be printed in quantity for each season based on budget funding, with all other recipes will be formatted and available on agent internal website.
Agent Resources:
- Seasonal Recipes-Agents will be supplied with a minimum of three seasonal copyrighted recipes on an annual basis featuring Kentucky Proudcommodities. Agents will be able to select recipes to promote each month duringthe following seasons.
Summer-June, July, August
Fall-September, October, November
Winter-December, January, February
Spring-March, April, May
- Demonstration Guides-Agents will receive a demonstration guide for each recipe featured. Each guide will contain the recipe, grocery list, equipment needs, display pre-preparation, demonstration steps and commodity talking points.
- Media Scripts-Agents will receive media scripts for each recipe featured. The media scripts can be used to market and educate consumers concerning KY Proud products.
- Internal CES Link-Agents will be able to access seasonal recipes, demonstration guides, media scripts and any additional Plate It Up, KY Proud! Resources.
- Kentucky Department of Agriculture KY Proud Website-This website will serve as a resource for agents and consumers featuring approved recipes.
How to use Plate It Up, Kentucky Proud?
- Farmer’s Market
- Cooking School
- Television Segments
- Newspaper Columns
- Blogs
- Workshops
- County Website
- Radio
- Snap-ed
2010-11 Project Schedule
June 30, 2010 Deadline-Agents submit recipes featuring the following commodities:
- apples
- beets
- blackberries
- blueberries
- sweet potato
- greens
- winter squash
- sorghum
- turnips
- strawberries
- tomatoes
- pears
- cantaloupe
- okra
July 1, 2010-Agents will receive formatted recipes, demonstration guides, and media scripts for the five summer 2010 recipes focusing on eggplant, green beans, corn, and blackberries. Agents will also receive formatted recipes, demonstration guides, and media scripts for the fall 2010 recipes focusing on winter squash, apples, beets, and brussel sprouts.
July 25-31, 2010-Farmer’s Market Week
September 1, 2010 Deadline-Agents volunteer for fall tasting panels.
December 1, 2010 Deadline-Agents submit recipes featuring the following commodities:
- onions
- lettuce
- broccoli
- radishes
- cabbage
- summer squash
- corn
- cauliflower
- carrots
- beans
- peppers
February 1, 2011 Deadline-Agents volunteer for spring tasting panels.
Plate It Up, Kentucky Proud! Committee
Janet Johnson, Liz Kingsland, Betsy Ann Tracy, Jennifer Bridge, Pam York, Kelli Bonifer, Kim Adams-Leger, Sara Talbott, Mindy McCulley, Lynn Blankenship, Sarah Brandl, Tammy Stephenson, Kristen Branscum