General Assembly Meeting
October 16th, 2011
A. Opening prayer The meeting was called to order at 11:45 a.m. and Fr. John offered an opening prayer
B. A quorum was established The Secretary circulated a roster of members in good standing for all those present to sign in. 24 individuals were needed for a quorum, 39 were present and signed the roster. A quorum was thereby established and the meeting continued.
C. Election of Chairman Russ Marcuri was elected chairman of the GA Meeting on a motion by Alex Dalmanieras and 2nd by Emmanuel Kafes. Nominations were closed. Mr. Marcuri assumed chairmanship of the meeting.
D. Approval of the Agenda: The Agenda, as circulated, was accepted on a motion by George Mavros and 2nd by Garfield Aucoin.
E. Reading and Approval of Minutes The minutes from the February meeting were read by Secretary George Mavros and accepted unanimously on a motion by Pam Masoud and 2nd by Emmanuel Kafes.
F. President’s Report The President, Richard Lovelace presented a report (attached)
G. Priest’s Report No Report
H. Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Tzivanis shared the Treasurer’s report for the period Jan 1, 2011 through Sept 30th, 2011. The report showed the following fund balances: General Fund: $ 1,698
Building Fund: $ 25,909
Designated Fund: $ 3,284
Cantonis Fund: $ 19,269
Food Service Acct: $ 4,698
Mortgage Balance: $619,269
I. The report was accepted on a motion by Pam Masoud and 2nd by Emmanuel Kafes.
J. Stewardship Report: Fr. John gave a brief summary of his impressions relating to Stewardship at Archangel Michael since his arrival. Fr. stated he has been very impressed and indeed perceives this to be one of the most hard working parishes he has ever seen. His is pleased with the impressive gift of talents, time and money each of our parishioners give to the community. Over the next few months we will capitalize on these and further improve our stewardship integrating some of the great material we learned of during the recent Metropolis sponsored Stewardship Seminar in Orlando. Mr. Kikareas offered a brief summary of the Stewardship Committee, thanking everyone for their efforts during the past year.
a. The Pledge Cards for 2011 were circulated.
b. The 3rd quarter Stewardship statements were circulated to those in attendance.
K. Submittal of 2012 Budget for tentative approval: George Mavros circulated the preliminary 2012 Budget to all those in attendance and indicated it will be mailed to everyone with the Annual Report in late January. He asked for comments. Dr. Mavros briefly reviewed the budget and budget assumptions and asked for any questions / comments. The final budget will be circulated at the February meeting for final approval. Not hearing any, requested a motion for tentative approval of the 2012 Budget. The budget was tentatively approved unanimously on a motion by Pam Masoud and 2md by Dorothea Aucoin.
L. Nominations for Parish Council: Members of the Elections Committee (Tina Quad, Garfield Aucoin and Eliza Velicu) accepted nominations for the 2012 Parish Council. It was announced that following open council positions exist for 2012: George Mavros, Diane Minnelli, Nancy Ponticos, Peter Kikareas. Mr. Aucoin accepted nominations from the floor.
The following candidates were nominated:
Nominee Nominated by 2nd by
Dart, Barbara Diane Minnelli Sylvia Lovelace
Goss, Constantina George Mavros Sylvia Lovelace
Ponticos, Nancy Diane Minnelli Dorothea Aucoin
Torres, Dan George Mavros Sylvia Lovelace
Kikareas, Panagiotis (Peter) Eliza Velicu Alex Dalmanieras
The following individuals were nominated but declined the nomination:
Diane Minnelli
George Mavros. George indicated that after 32 years it is time for him to take a break from the Parish Council. He thanked everyone for their nomination an support and indicated that although he may not be on the Parish Council he will be available and glad to continue helping and offering assistance wherever requested.
The committee will continue to receive nominations. Elections will be held on December 11th following the Divine Liturgy.
M. Closing Remains by Parish Priest: None
N. New Business:
a. Festival: Pam Masoud thanked everyone who has been planning and working on getting ready for our fall festival. She indicated all is going well. Volunteers are still needed. Please see Pam if you haven’t yet signed up to help.
O. Closing prayer was led by Fr. John
P. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. on a motion by Sylvia Lovelace and 2nd by Alex Dalmanieras
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
George S. Mavros
Secretary, Parish Council
Accepted by the General Assembly:
Chairman. Drosos Marcuri Date
Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. John Hays