Miss Doman

Wyoming Valley West School District

Public Speaking

Course Description:

A Guide for Parents and Students


Public Speaking is a course designed to give students the opportunity to gradually build communication skills and knowledge by developing a basic understanding of public communication theory. Through direct experience, discussion, lecture, and readings, students will increase awareness of the vital roles that the principles of communication play on levels of human interaction. Students will develop and practice standards of good oral and aural communication in order to communicate comfortably, clearly and effectively with specificity and precision in all academic, social and professional situations. As a foundation, students will first deal with basic communication theory, including verbal and nonverbal communication, listening skills, and language. With this basic knowledge students will then progress to the practical aspects of public speaking through a step-by-step building process that culminates in a variety of presentations. Formal speech presentations will be enhanced by a number of informal presentations that begin at the onset of the course.


Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

1.  Students will demonstrate an understanding of basic public communication theory, including verbal and nonverbal communication, listening, and language.

2.  Students will explain the importance of public communication skills to everyday situations.

3.  Students will develop effective skills and practices in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in accordance with the Pennsylvania State Academic Standards.

4.  Students will effectively develop, write, present, and critique speech presentations and defend those evaluations with plausible argument.

5.  Students will use traditional and emerging library research technology.

6.  Students will effectively develop and present informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and special occasion speeches.

7.  Students will discuss and exemplify the pedagogical links between Speech and Composition.


The grade for this course for each marking period will be based on several factors:

1.  Primarily, these include quizzes, speech presentations, homework assignments, classroom participation and effort shown, notebooks, reading and writing activities. Rubrics and grading criteria will be provided before each assignment. All required curricular activities must be completed to pass the course.

2.  Students’ grades will be determined by their class grade (homework, quiz, notebook, participation and effort shown, etc.) and their test grade (speech presentations, special assignments, etc.)

a.  QUIZ GRADE (sum of quiz points) + DAILY GRADE (homework, participation, etc) = CLASS GRADE


3.  Students will have announced and unannounced assessments, as well as the opportunity for open book/notebook assignments. Speech presentations and assessments will be announced at least three to five days prior to giving them. Dates of special importance will always be placed on the board for students’ easy reference.

4.  Homework assignments/quizzes missed because of legal absence (note required) must be made up immediately upon return to class if the student was informed about the assignment prior to her absence. NO EXCUSES.

5.  If the student has been absent for a long period of time and was unaware of the announcement, she will be given fair notice of make-up upon return. The presentation/quiz will then be taken on a date determined by the teacher. This may include an alternate format. **Please refer to specific presentation policy for absence/late work, #3 under the following section.

6.  Students may have the opportunity to earn extra credit by attending performances and lectures as applicable. There will, however, be no additional EXTRA CREDIT work issued to save a failing grade. Extra credit work can not possibly be expected to compensate for lax quarterly work.

7.  Cheating in any form will result in an automatic failure (0.0).


In order to receive a passing grade, you must:

1.  Attend classes in accordance with the policy of Wyoming Valley West High School.

Ø  Attendance is important, and students are expected to attend class regularly and be on time. One point will be deducted from the daily grade for each minute late to class. Additionally, students caught skipping class will receive a zero for all work due and completed that day.

Ø  Students must have prior permission from the teacher to miss class for activities. Remember, it is the students’ responsibility to secure all missed work. If you know you are going to miss class, please provide as much advance notice as possible.

2.  Participate actively and appropriately in all class activities. Students are expected to be prepared for class and take an active part in their own learning.

Ø  Each student receives a daily grade based on performance in class. Students are expected to participate actively in all class discussions with the consideration and respect of others’ opinions in mind.

Ø  Students are expected to bring ALL course materials to class every day. This includes any text as assigned, notebook or binder, and a writing utensil. Students who do not bring their materials will loose 3 points from the daily grade for each infraction and must complete an in-class alternate assignment that will be graded.

3.  Complete all reading, writing, and speech assignments on time.

Ø  Students are expected to be prepared to present speeches on the assigned due date. All presentations are due on the assigned due date. Because a speech is an oral examination, students failing to meet the assignment on time, including absence, (except in emergency) will forfeit their opportunity to speak and receive a failing grade. For a legal absence in which the student was unaware of the assignment, the teacher will choose the make-up day.

Ø  HOMEWORK is MANDATORY; it is not optional. Only by practicing can you become a better student. Failure to do any assigned homework will result in a significant point deduction in the final grade.

Ø  Students earn points toward the daily grade for each assignment completed. If a homework assignment is missed because of absence, or not complete, students have until the next morning to hand in their work for partial credit. Afterwards no credit will be given.

Ø  In the event of a class absence, students are responsible for obtaining all missed work. If this work is not completed and checked by the teacher, NO CREDIT will be given to the student. Contact the teacher or a classmate to make arrangements to retrieve missed work. This is the student’s responsibility, not the teacher’s. Assignments are required on the due date, and deadlines are strictly enforced. It is the student’s responsibility to make certain all work is completed promptly.

Ø  Assignments will be graded with a rubric and for completeness. All assignments must be handed in as a hard copy. Electronic submissions will be based on teacher approval, but in general no assignment should be e-mailed. If a student does not have access to a printer, contact the teacher to make arrangements.

4.  Achieve a passing grade on all work to be evaluated. Do not wait until the last minute to do an assignment. Bring any special needs or concerns to the attention of the teacher immediately.


Course expectations include:

Ø  Due is due

Ø  Follow directions

Ø  Learn something new every class

Ø  Take responsibility for your actions or inactions

Ø  Respect yourself, others, and property

Ø  Dispose of gum, candy, food, and beverages before entering class, and

Ø  Follow the teacher’s requests and Wyoming Valley West policies


For this course you should have the following materials available for use.

1.  Any materials and textbooks as assigned.

2.  A notebook which can be used for notes, class activities, and writing assignments.

3.  An adequate supply of pens or pencils.

4.  Access to a computer with word processing (You have access to school computers during school hours).

5.  A binder or folder to secure all classroom handouts.

*Students will not be permitted to retrieve missing materials from their locker.


Class time will be used for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing activities and for presenting and demonstrating new material. Class will be composed of lecture, direct/indirect instruction, review, modeling, and whole class, small group, and peer activities.


I will be available outside of class for conference with anyone who wishes to talk about course progress or to provide assistance in preparing course work. You may speak with me before school in room 405 by obtaining a pass from me the day before you are coming. I am also available before or after class, during my duty period, or after school. (You may want to check with me in case I have another obligation or conference.) I can also be reached by e-mail at . If you are experiencing difficulty, I need to know because you may not be alone. I want you to succeed in this course, and your sharing your class problems makes me a better teacher.


My success in Public Speaking is dependent on my commitment to learning. My teacher is committed to helping me succeed. In order to help ensure my own success in Public Speaking, I agree to accept responsibilities with respect to the guidelines, principles, and requirements outlined in the Public Speaking Course Guide. I have read the requirements, and I understand my responsibilities completely. I will keep this guide at all times for use in the course.


Student Signature Date

September 1, 2009

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Public Speaking is one class among the courses on your student’s schedule this year. The aim of this course is to provide students the opportunity to gradually build communication skills and knowledge in a supportive teacher and peer-centered environment by developing a basic understanding of public communication theory. As a foundation, students will first deal with basic communication theory, including verbal and nonverbal communication, listening skills, and language. With this basic knowledge students will then progress to the practical aspects of public speaking through a step-by-step building process that culminates in a variety of presentations. Formal speech presentations will be enhanced by a number of informal presentations that begin at the onset of the course.

Your child will examine, write, and present a variety of texts, and understand the vital roles that the principles of communication play on all levels of human interaction. If appropriate to our study, your child will also be encouraged to attend lectures, performances, and exhibits as local colleges and universities to enrich aesthetic appreciation. Please review the Public Speaking Course Description Guide and discuss it with your child. Parents and guardians are also asked to please read and sign the attached sheet for the course as well as the plagiarism policy contract.

If at any time during the school year you have a question or concern about the course material or your child’s progress, please contact me. The Wyoming Valley West School District has a deep commitment to education, and the education of your child is a cooperative effort. I appreciate hearing from you about any concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact the school at any time during the school day (7:30a.m -2:30p.m). Parents may leave a name, the student’s name, class period, and a phone number. I will return your call as soon as possible. The phone number for the high school is 570-779-5361. Parents also have access to the Wyoming Valley West Parent Portal. Thank you for your cooperation.


Sarah M. Doman

Wyoming Valley West High School

American Authors

Communication Arts

Public Speaking



Student’s last name (please print) First Name Period #

Parents and guardians are asked to please complete the information below and return this page to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Each student must keep the Public Speaking Course Description Guide throughout the school year.

We have received and reviewed the Public Speaking Course Description Guide packet including:

Ø  Course information

Ø  Requirements

Ø  Rules and expectations

Ø  Materials

Ø  Grading/scoring

Ø  Plagiarism policy


Student Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Parent/Guardian Signature Date



Name Phone (day) Relationship to student


Name Phone (night) Relationship to student


Name Phone (other) Relationship to student


Parent/Guardian E-mail Address #1


Parent/Guardian E-mail Address #2


Student E-mail Address