The material in this list (04/12) is
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371.8 POT / POTGIETER, E / Ontgroeningspraktyke in sekondêre skole: ’n beleidsondersoek / M Ed, UFS, Jan 2012407 DEL / DE LANGE, JC / Stand van moedertaal na 1994: ’n gevallestudie van die Xhariep-distrik / MA Linguistics, UFS, Feb 2012
507 VDM / VAN DER MERWE, R / Formative assessment in senior phase mathematics / D Phil, UFS, June 2011
001.4 RIC / RICHEY, RC / Design and development research / Methods and strategies, with examples and explanations.001.9420973 BRO / BROOKESMITH, P / UFO / USA government files on these objects.
004 ROO/J / ROONEY, A / Computers / Juvenile book on how computers help to solve crimes, what cyber threats are threatening the world, etc.
004.16 GOO / GOOKIN, D / PCs for dummies / How to set up and configure a PC, manage its power, explore internet safely, etc.
004.65 LOW / LOWE, D / Networking for dummies / How to share files, printers, databases; network troubleshooting tips, etc.
005.117 SCH / SCHACH, SR / Object-oriented & classical software engineering / Guide to explain the process.
006.686 OBE / OBERMEIER, B / Photoshop elements 7 for dummies / Ways to organize and manage photos, creative applications for filters, effects, styles, etc.
006.754 ABR / ABRAM, C / Facebook for dummies / How to find and connect with friends, how to navigate the site, privacy controls, etc.
006.76 CRO / CROWDER, DA / Building a web site for dummies / How to create basic page in Dreamweaver, inexpensive ways to get a site online, etc.
025.00285 LIB / KAPITZKE, C / Libraries: changing information and space / How libraries as place and as space blend together in ways that may be complementary and contradictory.
028.55 KNO / KNOWLES, E / Boys and literacy / Practical strategies for librarians, teachers and parents.
032.02 FAR / FARNDON, J / 4000 more things you should know / Facts and illustrations on science, building, transport, geography and plants.
032.02 MOR/J / MORRIS, N / Fun finding out / Quizzes, puzzles, projects, etc on a variety of things – juvenile book.
153.83 MUN/J / MUNITICH, B / Challenge, choice and change / How to handle these aspects in life. . To be integrated with Languages.153.852 CIA / CIALDINI, RB / Influence / Psychology of persuasion.
153.9 CAM / ERICSSON, KA / Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance / Presentation of research and theory of expert performance.
155.2 MUN/J / MUNITICH, B / Who am I? / Journey of self-discovery. To be integrated with NS, SS and Languages.
2 0 0 ~ RELIGION
220.61 GEO / GEOGHEGAN, J / Bible for dummies / Interfaith perspective of the Bible’s cultural influence.3 0 0 ~ SOCIAL SCIENCES (incl EDUCATION)
300.720968 THE / MOUTON, J / Theory and method in South African human sciences research / Analysis of the advances and innovations in research.302.14076 COZ / COZENS, G / Life skills. Grade 1, Learner’s book
Life skills. Grade 2, Learner’s book
Life skills. Grade 3, Learner’s book / Helping learners to master essential content and skills. Developed for CAPS. Teacher’s guide also available.
302.14076 DLA / DLAMINI, PD / Inclusive Life Orientation. Grade 8, Learner’s book
Inclusive Life Orientation. Grade 8, Teacher’s guide
Inclusive Life Orientation. Grade 9, Learner’s book
Inclusive Life Orientation. Grade 9, Teacher’s guide / Supports an integrated approach by linking across all learning areas.
303.342 STI / STIFF, JB / Persuasive communication / Introduction to study of messages and their effects.
303.8961068 BAR / BARNARD, A / Hunters and herders of southern Africa / Comparative ethnography of the Khoisan people.
306.43 DAV / DAVIES, L / Education and conflict / Relationship between schooling and social conflict, as well as conflict internal to schools.
320.968 NTS / NTSEBEZA, L / Democracy compromised / Chiefs and the politics of land in SA.
330 FLY / FLYNN, SM / Economics for dummies / Consumer behaviour, model of supply and demand, recessions, etc.
330 KHU / KHUZWAYO, NM / Inclusive Economic and management Science. Grade 8, Learner’s book
Inclusive Economic and management Science. Grade 9, Learner’s book / Activities and assessment strategies to accommodate different levels of learners’ competence. Teacher’s guide also available.
330.0712 KHU / KHUZWAYO, NM / Inclusive Economic and management Science. Grade 8, Teacher’s guide
Inclusive Economic and management Science. Grade 9, Teacher’s guide / Guide on how to facilitate the learners’ activities in the Learner’s book (also available) and how to integrate with other learning areas.
333.79 ALL / ALLEN, JE / Energy resources for a changing world / Availability, applicability and environmental impact of important energy resources.
333.916215 WHA / WHARTON, G / Managing river environments / How to manage with the minimum damage to the river environment.
338.47910968 VIL / VILJOEN, S / Rural tourism development in South Africa / HSRC occasional paper on the trends and challenges.
339.0968 NAT / NATTRASS, N / Macroeconomics / Theory and practice in SA.
361.06 COM / LEWIS, JA / Community counseling / Empowerment strategies for a diverse society.
362.1969792 VAND / VAN DYK, A / HIV/AIDS care & counselling / Knowledge, skills and support for every aspect of living with the disease.
362.2913 BAR / BARNARD, M / Drug addictions and families / Impact on families and extent to which current practice meets their needs.
363.34 MAN / MANUEL, M / Hazards / Case studies on how people interfered with natural processes which led to hazards.
363.73874 STE / STERN, N / Economics of climate change / Review on economics and policy implications.
364.973 CRI / BLUMSTEIN, A / Crime drop in America / Various explanations for the decline in violence.
368 BER / BERNSTEIN, PL / Against the gods / Remarkable story of risks in different spheres of life.
370.115 HOO / HOOKS, B / Teaching community / Shows that democratic education is not only confined to a classroom.
370.116 EDW / EDWARDS, R / Globalisation & pedagogy / What is the role of the teacher in globalisation, what curriculum is appropriate, impact of technologies, etc.
370.15 DON / DONALD, D / Educational psychology in social context / Case studies and examples explain the theory.
370.1523 WHI / WHITAKER, P / Managing to learn / Aspects of experiential and reflective learning in schools.
370.711 GOR / GORDON, A / Restructuring teacher education / How it was organised in apartheid era and how policies and legislation changed. Booklet from Centre for Education Policy Development.
370.917340968 GAR / GARDINER, M / Education in rural areas / Meaning of urban and rural, relationships between schools and communities. Booklet from Centre for Education Policy Development.
370.968 MOT / MOTALA, E / Transformation revisited / Transformation in the SA schooling system. Booklet from Centre for Education Policy Development.
371.042 DOB / DOBSON, L / Ultimate book of homeschooling ideas / More than 500 fun and creative learning activities.
371.100968 PHU / PHURUTSE, MC / Factors affecting teaching and learning in South African public schools / Report by the HSRC and ELRC.
371.1024 POR / PORTEUS, K / Alternatives to corporal punishment / Growing discipline and respect in classrooms.
371.1024 ROT / ROTHSTEIN-FISCH, C / Managing diverse classrooms / Strategies developed by teachers that build on cultural values and strengths of learners.
371.106 REE / REEVES, DB / Reframing teacher leadership to improve your school / How to infuse the classroom and school with enthusiasm, meaningful teaching, improved results and satisfaction
371.2009685 MACD / MacDONALD, L / Fear only to stand still / Transformation in die education management in FS.
371.2011 DUI / DUIGNAN, P / Educational leadership / Key challenges and ethical tensions.
371.2012 THO / THOMSON, P / School leadership: heads on the block? / Detail on the complexities of headship, the risks, stresses and dissatisfactions of real leadership in schools.
371.203 HOA / HOADLEY, U / Managing to learn / Instructional leadership in SA secondary schools.
371.2060968 PAM / PAMPALLIS, J / School fees / Why school fees were introduced after 1994, fee exemptions, etc. Booklet from Centre for Education Policy Development.
371.320968 MACK / McKINNEY, C / Textbooks for diverse learners / Critical analysis of learning materials used in SA schools.
371.334 AUS / AUSTIN, R / e-Schooling / Benefits and costs to changing to this far reaching changing in education.
371.334 LEA / NAIDU, S / Learning & teaching with technology / Principles and practices.
371.36 JAQ / JAQUES, D / Learning in groups / Handbook for face-to-face and online environments.
371.39 EDU / COLE, RW / Educating everybody’s children / Diverse teaching strategies for diverse learners.
371.782 SCH / CONOLEY, JC / School violence / Guidelines for multimodal intervention at school, learner and system levels.
371.9 WIN / WINKLER, G / Elke kind kan leer / For the teaching of children with learning problems.
371.904447 KLI / KLINGER, KJ / Teaching reading comprehension to students with learning difficulties / Practical resource for the classroom.
372.21 MEI / MEIJ, M / All-in-one. Gr R, Teacher’s guide
All-in-one. Gr R, Resource book for teachers
All-in-one. Gr R, My workbook
Alles-in-een. Gr R, Onderwysersgids
Alles-in-een. Gr R, Hulpbronboek vir onderwysers
Alles-in-een. Gr R, My werkboek / Fully integrated package – covering Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills.
372.241 ALL / BEST BOOKS PANEL / All-in-one. Gr 1, Teacher’s guide
All-in-one. Gr 1, Resource book for teachers
All-in-one. Gr 2, Resource book for teachers
All-in-one. Gr 3, Resource book for teachers
Alles-in-een. Gr 1, Onderwysersgids
Alles-in-een. Gr 1, Hulpbronboek vir onderwysers
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Onderwysersgids
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Hulpbronboek vir onderwysers
Alles-in-een. Gr 3, Onderwysersgids
Alles-in-een. Gr 3, Hulpbronboek vir onderwysers / Fully integrated package – covering Literacy, Numeracy and Life Skills.
372.37 ALL / BEST BOOKS PANEL / All-in-one. Gr 1, Workbook Life Skills
All-in-one. Gr 2, Workbook Life Skills
All-in-one. Gr 3, Workbook Life Skills
Alles-in-een. Gr 1, Werkboek Lewensvaardighede
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Werkboek Lewensvaardighede
Alles-in-een. Gr 3, Werkboek Lewensvaardighede / Part of the All-in-One integrated learning programme for Life Skills, Numeracy and Literacy.
372.37044 BAR / BARKER, GP / Inclusive Life Sk
ills. Grade 1, Teacher’s guide
Inclusive Life Skills. Grade 2, Teacher’s guide
Inclusive Life Skills. Grade 3, Teacher’s guide / Guide on how to facilitate the activities in Learner’s books (also available).
372.4 WAL / WALPOLE, S / Differentiated reading instruction / Strategies for primary grades.
372.6 ALL / BEST BOOKS PANEL / All-in-one. Gr 1, Workbook and reader Literacy Home language
All-in-one. Gr 1, Workbook and reader Literacy Additional language
All-in-one. Gr 2, Workbook and reader Literacy Home language
All-in-one. Gr 2, Workbook and reader Literacy Additional language
All-in-one. Gr 3, Workbook and reader Literacy Home language
All-in-one. Gr 3, Workbook and reader Literacy Additional language
Alles-in-een. Gr 1, Werkboek en leesboek Geletterdheid Huistaal
Alles-in-een. Gr 1, Werkboek en leesboek Geletterdheid Addisionele taal
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Werkboek en leesboek Geletterdheid Huistaal
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Werkboek en leesboek Geletterdheid Addisionele taal
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Werkboek en leesboek Geletterdheid Huistaal
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Werkboek en leesboek Geletterdheid Addisionele taal / Part of the All-in-One integrated learning programme for Life Skills, Numeracy and Literacy.
372.7 ALL / BEST BOOKS PANEL / All-in-one. Gr 1, Workbook Numeracy
All-in-one. Gr 2, Workbook Numeracy
Alles-in-een. Gr 1, Werkboek Syfervaardigheid
Alles-in-een. Gr 2, Werkboek Syfervaardigheid
Alles-in-een. Gr 3, Werkboek Syfervaardigheid / Part of the All-in-One integrated learning programme for Life Skills, Numeracy and Literacy.
372.7044 COZ / COZENS, G / Mathematics. Grade 1 Teacher’s guide
Mathematics. Grade 2 Teacher’s guide
Mathematics. Grade 3 Teacher’s guide / Guidance for lessons and assessment. Developed for CAPS. Learner’s book also available.
372.72044 GOV / GOVENDER, R / Inclusive Numeracy. Grade 1, Teacher’s guide / Guide on how to facilitate the activities in Learner’s book and Workbook (also available).
372.8 COZ / COZENS, G / Life skills. Grade 1, Teacher’s guide
Life skills. Grade 2, Teacher’s guide
Life skills. Grade 3, Teacher’s guide / Guidance for lessons and assessment. Developed for CAPS. Learner’s book also available.
373.1102 PIT / PITOUT, DN / Education for secondary school teachers / As tool for assisting children on their way to adulthood.
373.1262 MAR / REDDY, V / Marking matric / History of assessment, meaning of standards, different outcomes in different contexts, etc.
374.130968 MOO / MOODIE, U / Framework for the development of learning programmes for adult learners in outcomes-based mode / For programme planners and educators.
375.001 EFF / O’NEILL, J / Effective curriculum management / Co-ordinating learning in the primary school.
378.170281 REA / REARDON, DF / Doing your undergraduate project / Advice on all stages of the project to ensure success.
379.15350968 NAR / NARSEE, H / Districts / Looking for a place in the education system. Booklet from Centre for Education Policy Development.
379.158 SCH / SCHEERENS, J / Educational evaluation, assessment, and monitoring / Guide on the how to as well as the what.
379.68 EDU / MAILE, S / Education and poverty education strategies / The link between the two and the role of cross-sectoral coordination and policy coherence to break the trap.
381.41 KOH / KOHLS, RL / Marketing of agricultural products / Facts, principles and values involved in food marketing.
382.30967 AZA / AZAM, J / Trade exchange rate and growth in sub-Saharan Africa / Accessible analysis of the open economies of the region.
4 0 0 ~ LANGUAGE
401.4 FIN / FINCH, G / Word of mouth / Introduction to language and communication.418.02 LIA / ERASMUS, M / Liaison interpreting in the community / Topics such as contextualisation, practice, training and professionalization, with examples.=, specially for SA.
428.0071 ASH / ASHWORTH, M / Effective teachers effective schools / Second language teaching in Australia, Canada, England and the USA.
428.24 DEV / AUGUST, D / Developing reading and writing in second-language learners / Lessons from the report of the National Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth.
428.6 REA / DYER, D / Reading matters. Grade 8
Reading matters. Grade 8 / Stories, songs, poems, with colour illustrations, to inspire young readers.
496.39855 BAL / BALFOUR, W / Udidiyelo lwesiXhosa. Ibanga 8, Incwadi yabafundi
Udidiyelo lwesiXhosa. Ibanga 8, Incwadi katitshala / Xhosa grammar textbook and teacher’s guide.
496.39855 UDI / MDEKAZI, NJ / Udidiyelo lwesiXhosa. Ibanga 9, Incwadi yabafundi
Udidiyelo lwesiXhosa. Ibanga 9, Incwadi katitshala / Xhosa grammar textbook and teacher’s guide.
496.39865 BUT / BUTHELEZI, MP / Sikleza ogwansile. Ibanga 9, Incwadi yabafundi
Sikleza ogwansile. Ibanga 9, Incwadi kathisha / Grammar textbook and teacher’s guide.
496.39865 DLA / DLAMINI, P / Imvubelo yesiZulu. Ibanga 8, Incwadi yabafundi
Imvubelo yesiZulu. Ibanga 8, Incwadi kathisha
Imvubelo yesiZulu. Ibanga 9, Incwadi yabafundi
Imvubelo yesiZulu. Ibanga 9, Incwadi kathisha / Zulu grammar textbook and teacher’s guide.
496.39865 ZON / ZONDI, NM / Imvubelo yesiZulu. Ibanga 11, Incwadi yabafundi / Zulu grammar textbook and teacher’s guide.
5 0 0 ~ SCIENCE (incl MATHS)
508.68 CHA / CHAMBER, R / Aspects of life / Natural history of Southern Africa.510 NEI / NEILL, P / Pure mathematics 2 & 3 / Questions and answers for study purposes as part of the Cambridge advanced level mathematics.
510.76 COZ / COZENS, G / Mathematics. Grade 1 Learner’s book
Mathematics. Grade 2 Learner’s book
Mathematics. Grade 3 Learner’s book / Helping learners to master essential content and skills. Developed for CAPS. Teacher’s guide also available.
510.9 SHE / ANDERSON, M / Sherlock Holmes in Babylon and other tales of mathematical history / History spanning almost 4000 years is discussed by distinguished historians.
513 GOV / GOVENDER, R / Inclusive Numeracy. Grade 1, Learner’s book
Inclusive Numeracy. Grade 1, Workbook / Activities and assessment strategies. With Teacher’s guide (also available).
515 DUN / DUNHAM, W / Calculus gallery / Shows the development of calculus through the work of the practitioners.
515.35 ZIL / ZILL, DG / First course in differential equations / Explanations, examples, exercises.
530 RAE / RAE, AIM / Quantum physics, illusion or reality? / Mysteries of the interpretation and philosophy.
551.6 BUR / BURROUGHS, WJ / Does the weather really matter? / Social implications of climate change.
551.6 COT / COTTON, WR / Human impacts on weather and climate / Theories, data and modelling studies surrounding the anthropogenic impacts on the earth’s climate.
576.9071 DEM / DEMPSTER, E / Crossing over / Workbook for GET and FET teachers on basics of evolution.
581.38 WIL / WILLIS, KJ / Evolution of plants / Recent studies on the morphological evolution.
590 PAR/J / PARKER, S / Fantastic world of animals / Over 1000 animals are covered with colour illustrations for children.
595.44 ROB/J / ROBERTS, MJ / Spiders are amazing! / Illustrated facts for the young reader.
595.7 TAY/J / TAYLOR, B / Insects and other minibeasts / Introduction facts and illustrations for small children.
597 TAY/J / TAYLOR, B / Fish and other sea creatures / Introduction facts and illustrations for small children.
597.8 TAY/J / TAYLOR, B / Frogs and snakes and their relatives / Introduction facts and illustrations for small children.
610 ROO/J / ROONEY, A / Medicine / For the young to read more about stem cells, genes, superbeams, etc.612 SIE / SIEGFRIED, DR / Anatomy & physiology for dummies / Explaining what the various parts are and how they work together.
612 WIN/J / WINSTON, R / Wat maak jou jy? / Young readers can learn about their bodies that are making them unique.
614.4 BEA / BEAGLEHOLE, R / Basic epidemiology / Basic explanations on concepts, principles and methods.
616.85882 SHO / SHORE, SM / Understanding Autism for dummies / Guide explaining symptoms, how it’s diagnosed and current options for treatment.
616.8917 SUM / SUMMERS, FL / Transcending the self / Object relations model of psychoanalytic therapy, with case illustrations.
618.928982 JAC / JACKSON, L / Freaks, geeks & Asperger Syndrome / 13 year old boy with AS writes about his difficulties end experiences.
620 LLE/J / LLEWELLYN, C / How things work / Through explanations and illustration the juvenile reader can learn more about everyday things.
620.0042 GAR / GARRATT, J / Design and technology / Process, material, systems in engineering design.
621.381 OXL/J / OXLADE, C / Electronics / How it works: MP3s, television, DVDs, etc – for juvenile readers.
623.4 MOR/J / MORRIS, M / Weapons / Which tank is the most powerful, why the Apache helicopter is called a flying tank, etc – answers for juvenile readers.
629.04 MOR/J / MORRIS, M / Transportation / Juvenile readers can discover high speed, power, and performance of different means of transportation.
639.37483 ULT / FLETCHER, N / Ultimate Koi / Anatomy and physiology of Koi, building a pond and how to care for the fish.
641.5637 GOO / GOOD HOUSEKEEPING / Healthy eating / Full-colour recipe book.
646.7 BAR / BARKER, GP / Inclusive Life Skills. Grade 1, Learner’s book
Inclusive Life Skills. Grade 2, Learner’s book
Inclusive Life Skills. Grade 3, Learner’s book / Activities and assessment strategies. With Teacher’s guides (also available).
657 BES / VORSTER, Q / Beskrywende rekeningkunde IFRS-fokus / Guide to accounting documents.
657 TRA / TRACY, JA / Accounting for dummies / Income statements, balance sheets, analyse profits and cash flow, etc.
657.042 BAR / BARNARD, M / Inleiding tot Rekeningkunde
Inleiding tot Rekeningkunde. Onderwsysersgids
Introduction to Accounting
Introduction to Accounting. Teacher’s guide / For Gr 8/9 learners to prepare for gr 10, or for struggling gr 10 learners. Part of Ken & Verstaan / Study & Master series.
658 JON / JONES, GR / Contemporary management / Contemporary account of the changing environment of management practices.
658.1511 HAR / HARTLEY, C / Business accounting and finance for managers / Guide for the non-financial manager.
658.3 KRE / KREITNER, R / Organizational behaviour / How to understand and manage people at work.
658.31240285 CLA / CLARK, RC / e-Learning and the science of instruction / Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning.
658.312430968 FOL / FOLSCHER, E / Skills development practice made easy / Guidelines and resources.
658.406 SCO / SCOTT, CD / Change management / Leading people through organizational transitions.
663.2 WYN/J / HATTINGH, A / Wyn: ’n Handleiding vir die jeug / Story of wine for the young readers.
677.00685 KAD / KADOLPH, SJ / Quality assurance for textiles and apparel / How to understand, evaluate and manage product quality.