A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


A. This Section includes provisions for Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Groundcovers, Lawns, Edgings, Mulches, Topsoil, Soil Amendments, Initial Maintenance, Warranty Periods, and Guarantee.


A. Subcontract landscape work to a single firm specializing in landscape work, and having a proven history of successful, timely completion of projects of like quality, scale, and scope.

B. Product Quality: Obtain plant materials from growers recognized in the industry, and members of the American Nurseryman's Association. Ship landscape materials with all Certificates of Inspection required by governing authorities.

C. Do not make substitutions. If specified materials are not obtainable, submit proof of non-obtainability to Landscape Architect, together with proposal for use of equivalent material. Landscape Architect reserves the right to locate other sources for specified material(s) and, if found, purchase those materials and reduce landscape contractor=s fee by that amount.

D. Analysis and Standards: Packaged standard products with manufacturer=s certified analysis. For other materials, provide analysis by recognized laboratory made in accordance with methods established by the Association of Official Agriculture Chemists, wherever applicable.

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E. Plant materials shall be, at minimum, in compliance with the standards as set forth in the "American Standards for Nursery Stock", or as stated in the contract documents - whichever is greater in terms of size and quality. Provide trees, shrubs, plants, groundcovers, and turf grass of quantity, size, genus, species, and cultivar shown and scheduled for landscape work. Provide healthy vigorous stock grown in accordance with good horticultural practice and free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun-scald, injuries, abrasions, girdling, or disfigurement.

F. Where formal arrangements or consecutive order of trees or shrubs are shown, select stock for uniform height and spread, and label with number to assure symmetry in planting.

G. Label at least one tree and one shrub of each variety with a securely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. Label should be attached in a manner that will not girdle a branch, stem or leader.

H. Inspection: The Owner and Landscape Architect may inspect trees and shrubs at any time, with 24 hours notice, at the supplying nursery prior to delivery, or any time after delivery to the site for compliance with requirements for quality, size, genus, species, cultivar, and handling. Owner and Landscape Architect retain the right to further inspect trees and shrubs for size and condition of root-balls and root systems, insects, injuries, and latent defects, and to reject unsatisfactory or defective materials at any time during progress of work. Remove rejected plant materials from the site immediately.

I. Topsoil: Coordinate delivery of topsoil with General Contractor. Before delivery of topsoil, General Contractor shall furnish Landscape Architect with a written statement giving: location of properties from which topsoil is to be obtained; names and addresses of owner(s); depth to be stripped; total depth of topsoil; and crops grown during the past two years. Deliver sample of topsoil as needed to Landscape Contractor for his use in obtaining a topsoil analysis.


A. Plant and Material Certification

1. Certificates of Inspection as required by governmental authorities.

2. Manufacturer=s or Vendor=s Certified Analysis for soil amendments, and fertilizer materials.

3. Label data and Photographs substantiating that plants, trees, shrubs, and groundcovers comply with specified requirements.

4. Seed/Sod Vendor=s certified statement for each grass/seed mixture required, stating botanical name, Common name, percentages by weight of all ingredients, percentages of purity, germination, and weed seed.

5. Samples of Mulch(es) to be used.

6. Certified topsoil analysis. Topsoil analysis shall include recommendations for amendments, application rates, and preparations of beds specific to the plant materials to be installed.

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B. Proposed Landscape Installation Schedule identifying stages of work, early start and finish dates, late start and finish dates, and coordination items affecting those dates. Correlate with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance during progress of work and from date of substantial completion. Once approved, revise dates only as approved in writing, after documentation of reasons for delays.

C. Unit-Price-Installed for each material listed in the schedule of materials shall be submitted to the Landscape Architect and General Contractor. Totals, when applied to plant material schedule, shall equal contractor=s bid. The Unit-Price-Installed shall include all mark-up, profit, labor, overhead, etc. Unit-Price-Installed shall apply to additions and subtractions of materials.

D. Maintenance Manual: The maintenance manual shall be submitted to the Owner and Landscape Architect. Contractor shall provide two bound or stapled copies of the maintenance manual along with a copy on 3.5" diskette. Maintenance manual shall contain instructions recommending procedures to be established by Owner for maintenance of landscape work throughout one calendar year. Submit prior to expiration of required maintenance period(s).


A. Packaged materials shall be delivered and stored in original manufacturer's containers showing weight, analysis, and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from contamination, deterioration, or loss during delivery, storage, and handling.

B. Sod shall be delivered and installed within 24 hours after stripping.

C. Trees, shrubs and plant materials shall be delivered to the project site after preparations for planting have been completed, and shall be installed within 6 hours of delivery. If it is necessary to store materials at the site, coordinate location of nursery with project superintendent. Location shall be in shade or under shade cloth, and plant materials shall be mulched with bark mulch or similar material, and watered as necessary to prevent moisture loss, drying of rootballs, or wilting. Materials shall be protected from mechanical or weather damage. Broken rootballs shall be rejected. Do not prune shrubs and trees prior to delivery. Do not remove containerized stock from containers until time of installation.


A. Utilities: Landscape contractor shall verify location of all utilities, whether shown on drawings or not, and shall perform work in a manner which will avoid damage to utilities. Hand excavate as required. Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all damages to utilities and their associated structures, and for loss of service, caused by landscape installation operations.

B. Conditions detrimental to plant growth such as rubble fill, poor drainage, toxins and contaminants in soil, trash, and obstructions shall be brought to Owner Representatives' attention immediately prior to any installation operations.

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C. Coordinate all landscape operations with other contractors and trades.


A. Warranty lawns for a period of not less than 90 days and through to final acceptance.

B. Warranty trees and shrubs and plants, for a period of one year from date of substantial completion and provisional acceptance, against defects including death, decline, and unsatisfactory growth, except when those defects occur as a result of neglect by Owner, or vandalism.

C. Remove and Replace plant materials that are dead, diseased, and/or declining immediately (during warranty period). Install replacement materials during growing season following warranty period. If condition of any plant is doubtful at the end of the warranty period, the Owner's Representative may, at their sole discretion, choose to extend the warranty period for one full growing season. Contractor may choose to replace those materials rather than extend the warranty.

1. Another warranty inspection will be conducted at the end of the extended warranty period to determine acceptance or rejection. Only one replacement shall be required per tree or shrub.



A. Landscape Contractor shall furnish, deliver, and install all materials (except topsoil) and equipment required to complete preparation and installation of the landscape as designed and indicated in the Drawings, Notes, Schedule of Materials, and Details; and all materials shall meet or exceed the specified sizes, quality, and condition of materials.


A. Topsoil shall be fertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil. The topsoil shall be

reasonably free of subsoil, clay, lumps, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger

than 2 inches in any dimension, weeds and other liter, and other extraneous or

toxic matter harmful to plant growth


A. Amend soil as required by certified topsoil analysis to provide a nutrient rich,

well drained loamy planting mix. Amend backfill for trees and shrubs to promote

quick establishment of a healthy, vigorous root system. Planting beds shall be

amended accordingly and tilled to a minimum depth of 8 inches. In heavy clay

soils amend soil as required to provide a healthy growing environment.

B. Drainage: Provide for additional drainage as required by site conditions in the form

of gravel sumps, perforated drain tile, or other approved means. Conduct percolation

tests in tree pits wherever clay soils are encountered and at least one test shall be

done per 20,000 square feet of landscaped area.

C. Mulch: Organic mulch free from deleterious materials, weeds, leaves, etc., and

suitable for top dressing of trees, shrubs, or plants and consisting of one of the following:

1. Shredded hardwood or cypress

2. Ground or shredded bark.

3. Pine straw


A. Quality: Provide trees, shrubs, and other plants of size, genus, species, and variety

shown and scheduled for landscape work and complying with recommendations and

requirements of ANSI Z60.1 “American Standard for Nursery Stock”.

B. Deciduous Trees: Provide trees of height and caliper scheduled or shown and with

branching configuration recommended by ANSI Z60.1 for type and species specified.

Provide single stem trees except where special forms are shown or listed.

C. Deciduous Shrubs: Provide shrubs of the height shown or listed and with not less

than the minimum number of canes required by ANSI Z60.1 for type and height of

shrub required.

D. Coniferous and Broadleaf Evergreens: Provide evergreens of sizes shown or listed.

Dimensions indicate minimum spread for spreading and semi-spreading evergreens

and height for other types, such as globe, dwarf, pyramidal, and columnar. Provide

normal quality evergreens with well balanced form complying with requirements for

other size relationships to the primary dimension shown.


A. Grass Seed: Provide fresh, clean new-crop seed complying with tolerance for purity

and germination established by Official Seed Analysts of North America. Provide

seed mixture composed of grass species, proportions and minimum percentages of

purity, germination, and maximum percentage of weed, as specified.

B. Sod: Provide strongly rooted sod, not less than 2 years old, free of weeds and

undesirable native grasses, and machine cut to pad thickness of ¾ inch, excluding

top growth and thatch. Provide only sod capable of vigorous growth and develop-

ment (viable, not dormant).

1. Provide sod of uniform pad sizes and maximum 5 percent deviation in

either length or width. Broken pads or pads with uneven ends will not be

accepted. Sod pads incapable of supporting their own weight when

suspended vertically, will not be accepted.


A. Provide plants established and well rooted in removable containers or integral peat

pots and with not less than the minimum number and length of runners required by

ANSI Z60.1 for the pot size shown or listed.


A. Plastic Edging: Commercial grade black plastic edging of type, size, and finish shown on drawings. Provide steel stakes (if not provided by manufacturer) to secure edging in place. Install per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

B. Anti-Desiccant: Emulsion type, film-forming agent designed to permit transpiration,

but retard excessive loss of moisture from plants. Mix and apply in accordance with

manufacturer’s instructions.

C. Filtration/Separation Fabric: Water permeable filtration fabric of fiberglass or

polypropylene fabric.

D. Perforated Drain Tile: Corrugated 4” dia. perforated drain tile or approved equivalent.

E. Gravel: ¾” to 1 ½” dia. washed river gravel, washed crushed limestone or approved

equivalent (for drainage materials).

F. Stakes and Guys: Provide stakes and deadmen of sound new hardwood, treated

softwood, or redwood, free of knot holes and other defects or painted steel stakes.

Provide wire ties and guys of 2-strand, twisted, pliable galvanized iron wire, not

lighter than 12 ga. with zinc coated turnbuckles. Provide not less than ½ inch dia.

rubber hose, cut to required lengths and of uniform color, material, and size to protect

tree trunks from damage. Flagging shall be visible on all guy wires.

G. Pre-emergent Herbicide: Provide a glandular type pre-emergent herbicide in a

clearly legible, package as provided from manufacturer. Must conform to all local,

state, and federal codes and regulations governing use and distribution of this type

of product.



A. Prepare areas to be planted prior to delivery of plant materials. Finish grade topsoil, removing all clods, debris, weeds, and amend according to topsoil analysis. Stake tree and shrub locations.

B. Excavate pits, beds, and trenches with vertical sides and with bottom of excavation

slightly raised in the center to provide proper drainage. Loosen hard subsoil in bottom of excavation.

C. Dispose of subsoil removed from planting excavation. Do not mix with planting soil.

D. Notify Landscape Architect of any conflicts or discrepancies immediately. Do not install materials until a resolution of the conflicts or discrepancies is obtained from Landscape Architect.

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A. Install all plant materials as specified and shown on plans and details.

B. Plant trees, shrubs, and groundcovers in a manner that provides a healthy growing

environment and is consistent with the drawings and specifications.

C. Install mulch as shown on Drawings and Details, and as per Notes and Specifications. Provide not less than:

1. 4 inches of mulch in tree saucers; 3” of mulch in all planting beds: except

2 inches of mulch in groundcover areas planted with materials that spread

on the surface by rooting at branch nodes, runners, etc.

D. If deciduous trees or shrubs are moved when in full-leaf, spray with anti-desiccant

at the nursery before moving and spray again 2 weeks after planting.

E. Prune trees and shrubs in accordance with standard horticultural practice. Prune

trees to retain required height and spread. Do not cut central leaders, and only

remove dead or injured branches. Prune shrubs to retain natural character. Remove

plants that have been pruned excessively or is deformed from improper pruning.