Request for Proposals
For The
Management for the Betteravia Child Care Center
On behalf of:
The County of Santa Barbara
Cover Sheet
This cover sheet must be attached to each proposal. Please type or print clearly.
Name of Organization:Street Address or P.O. Box:
City, State, and Zip:
Fax Number:
Contact Person:
E-Mail Address:
Date of Submission:
Signature of Authorized Representative:
Provide your organization’s mission statement and an executive summary of the resources, experience, and corporate culture.
A. Operator Information and Background
1. Provide a copy of your organization’s most recent annual report.
2. Provide the number of years you have been in business.
3. Describe your company’s culture.
B. Qualifications and Experience
1. Describe your approach to and experience with:
- Child care for infants, toddlers and preschoolers
- Operating child care in a building not owned by you
- Employer-sponsored child care
- Comprehensive services
- Financial Support for families
- Service collaboration with other agencies
- The Santa Maria community
- Local government
2. Describe your commitment to and experience with the operation of high-quality programs, as defined by NAEYC accreditation and Santa Barbara County’s Preschool and Child Care Quality Counts Quality Rating and Improvement (QRIS) system.
3. If you currently manage at least two child care sites, or if this center would be your second site, please describe your approach to, and experience with, managing multiple sites.
4. Describe the qualifications of the leaders within your organization who provide expertise in child care operations and programming. Provide a company organization chart.
C. Relationships
1. Describe the resources your organization will offer to COSB to enable the County to realize the maximum value of the center.
2. Provide 3 client references, including the name, address, and phone number for each contact.
A. Customization of Services
1. Describe the range of services your organization offers, and your approach to developing customized, creative, responsive services and child care options for COSB.
B. Center Transition, Operations, and Support
1. Describe your proposed plan for success in assuming management of the Center, including a preliminary timeline for the transition of the center.
2. Describe your organization’s systems of center oversight and program management.
C. Program/Curriculum
1. Describe your program, and how it would be implemented in the center. Include any ancillary programs that your organization may provide.
2. How does your program ensure that the needs of individual children are being met? Include in your response your approach to providing care to children with special needs and/or diverse backgrounds.
3. How does your organization measure the success of your programs? Include in your response any data your organization has collected regarding the success of children graduating from your programs.
A. Parent Communications and Involvement
1. Describe how your organization encourages and supports parental involvement in your centers, and your methods for maintain and assessing parent satisfaction. Please include the results of any recent parent surveys.
B. Marketing
1. What will be your marketing efforts if you assume management of the Center?
2. Describe your expertise in internal and external marketing of the program; include in your description examples of successful marketing activities.
3. Describe techniques you will use to ensure that enrollment does not suffer during the transition.
A. Recruitment, Screening, and Retention
1. Describe your organization’s plan for transitioning and retaining the center’s existing employees, should they decide to stay.
2. Describe your approach to recruiting and screening potential center staff, should this be necessary.
3. Describe your training programs and approach to providing opportunities for professional growth for center staff.
4. Describe your organization’s initiatives to retain center staff; include your organization’s staff retention rates for centers under your management and how this rate is calculated.
5. Describe your approach to staff diversity.
6. What systems do you have in place to assess center staff satisfaction?
B. Compensation and Benefits
1. Describe your compensation and benefits packages; provide a detailed description of the benefits provided to center staff.
2. Describe how your organization ensures adequate staffing when classroom staff are ill or on vacation/leave.
A. Risk Management
1. Describe your approach to risk management and specify monitoring tools and reporting procedures used by your organization.
2. Describe the systems used by your company to ensure compliance by all licensing and regulatory agencies, including your response to correct deficiencies and non-compliance.
3. How do you protect each child from communicable diseases while at the center?
B. Quality Assurance
- Describe systems and specific monitoring tools in place to measure your company’s success in delivering high quality services.
A. Describe the insurance coverages provided by your company, including identification of your insurance carrier.
Program Assumptions: Please identify the classroom configurations upon which all operating budgets are based for this RFP:
Center Capacity & Classroom ConfigurationAge / Capacity / % of Total / Staff-Child Ratios / Group Sizes
Infants / # / #% / 1: # / #
Toddlers / # / #% / 1: # / #
Preschoolers / # / #% / 1: # / #
Total / # / 100%
A. Financials - Provide evidence of your organization’s financial stability.
B. Provide a proposed transition budget for assuming management of the center outlining costs using the following format. In addition, provide detailed narrative descriptions of each line item included in the transition budget.
Transition ExpensesPersonnel Expenses / $
Recruitment / $
Staff Training and Orientation / $
Marketing and Communication / $
Travel and Out-of-Pocket Expenses / $
Subtotal Transition Expenses / $
C. Provide a summary of any recommended changes to the center’s current operating plan, which are reflected in your company’s proposed budgets.
D. Operating Budgets: Provide a three-year operating budget for the COSB program.
E. Detailed Budget Narrative: A detailed budget narrative should also be provided that includes the following:
- Parent fees by age group presented in the following table format.
Proposed Monday-Friday Tuition Rates
Based on 9-Hours per Day; Full day/fully week equivalentAge Group / County employees / Community
Weekly / Monthly / Weekly / Monthly
Infants / $ - / $ - / $ - / $ -
Toddlers / - / - / - / -
Preschool / - / - / - / -
- Proposal for provision of financial assistance to a portion of the parents. Please include any proposed: Alternative Payment, CalWORKs, or other 3rd party subsidies; partnerships with other subsidized child care vendors; and self-funded or other scholarships. Identify the number or percentage of children projected to be subsidized by each.
- Number of full-time equivalents (FTEs) teaching staff, broken out by month and by age group at the current level of enrollment.
Months Following Transition
Age Group / Month 12 / Month 24 / Month 36
Lead Teacher
Assistant Teacher
Lead Teacher
Assistant Teacher
Lead Teacher
Assistant Teacher
- Anticipated salaries and wages by position. Include detailed information on the staffing levels that have been assumed in the proposed budget. Positions listed are included for thoroughness only – all are not required to be utilized.
Full-Time Equivalent Staffing Configuration
Annual/Hourly Pay Rate / FTE / Percentage
Position / (Year 1 ) / Staff / in Ratio
Director / $0 / Annually (+ any Bonus) / 0.0 / 0%
Assistant Director / $0 / Annually / 0.0 / 0%
Program Coordinator / $0 / Annually / 0.0 / 0%
Administrative Assistant / $0 / Annually / 0.0 / 0%
Cook / $0 / Annually / 0.0 / 0%
Lead Teacher (Core Program) / $0 / Per Hour / 0.0 / 100%
Teacher (Core Program) / $0 / Per Hour / 0.0 / 100%
Assistant Teacher (Core Program) / $0 / Per Hour / 0.0 / 100%
Additional Bonuses (as applicable) / $0 / Non-Director Bonuses
Average Teacher Wage (per Hour) / $0 / Total Staff FTE’s / 0.0
- Anticipated benefits and payroll taxes.
- Anticipated food costs.
- Other financial assumptions for each expense line item.
- Any in-kind contributions included in your budget that are to be provided.