St. Joseph’s PTA, Sale - AGM
25th September 2014
Angie Hilton, Ruth Davies, Lisa Logan-Virden, Jackie Heaven, Barbara Harrold, Liz Taylor, Anne Chinoy, Catherine Callen, Helen Ward, Lizzy Jones, David Field, Kevin McCormack, Jackie Beales, Jennifer Rafferty, Jenny Brochwicz –Lewinski, Richard McCarthy, Phil Davies, Clair Visco, Andrew Jackson, Laura Potter, Bernadette Flynn.
- Apologies for absence:
Helen Reddington, Bernadette Dwyer-Ross, Nicki Martin, Carolyn Stuart, Katrina Madden.
- Minutes of the last AGM:
There were no outstanding actions. Minutes were signed and dated by Ruth Davies.
- Treasurer’s report:
Lisa presented the accounts for the year ending 31st August 2014.
The accounts have been independently reviewed and have been signed by Peter Terry, Partner at Mazars. An independent review is required where gross income exceeds £25,000.
The surplus for the year was £7,035 (2013/14: £12,198).
Net income from events in the year totalled £19,388 (2012/13: £20,502). The Christmas Fair raised £5,768 (2012/13: £5,121), the Summer Fair £4,600 (2012/13: £4,393) and the two Leasowe Lighthouse Abseils £2,777 (2012/13: £NIL). £2,182 was received for sales of canvas bags.
Purchases made for school totalled £13,961 (2012/13: £8,998). The most significant of these were the laptop trolley and 16 laptops, 2 white boards and the canvas bags art project at a cost of £6,162, £3,710 and £2,932 respectively.
New Initiatives
New initiatives in the year included the St. Joseph’s Wheelers team bike ride from Manchester to Blackpool, which raised £1,097, the Quiz Night, which raised £1,739, Style Junky Fashion Boutique event, which raised £199 and Bumps and Bashes first aid course, which raised £50.
The PTA continued to use MyDonate, the free online fundraising service from BT to raise sponsorship for events. The Leasowe Lighthouse Abseils and the Manchester to Blackpool bike ride were all open to online sponsorship – over £2,600 out of £3,874 (67%) was pledged online.
Cash at Bank
Total cash balances at the year-end were £33,084 (2012/13: £18,799). £8,000 of this balance is a donation from St. Joseph’s Pre-school and is being held for St. Joseph’s Nursery. This is disclosed as restricted income in the annual accounts. The PTA balance is £25,084. There were no uncredited lodgements at year-end. There were 5 unpresented cheques totalling £168.49 from June and July.
A total of £1,000 matched funding is due: £300 from Mercer and £700 from Barclays in relation to the 2014 Summer Fair. This has been included as income in the Income & Expenditure Account and shown as a Debtor in the Balance Sheet.
A £500 deposit has been paid for the 2015 Spring Ball, which has been treated as a prepayment.
Future Commitments
The PTA agreed to the following contributions/purchases totalling £16,898 in 2013/14, which are designated funds out of the total unrestricted reserves:
Field re-surface£12,000
St. Joseph’s Nursery Purchases£725
If the activities for this academic year generate a similar income as the average for the previous three years, (£12,500 excluding the Summer Ball and one off events), approximately £20,500 would be available for school purchases. This takes account of designated expenditure totalling £16,898 (above).
Vote to reappoint Mazars Chartered Accountants to review the 2014/15 accounts.A vote was taken and it was unanimously agreed that Mazars are re-appointed in that role.
Annual Accounts 2014/15
Lisa proposed to change the format of the annual accounts going forward, to use the Charity Commission template, which currently meets the recommendations of SORP 2005 and the requirements of law and can be used for submission to the Charity Commission.
The SORP provides a comprehensive framework of recommended practice for charity accounting and reporting and enables charities to meet the legal requirement for their accounts to give a true and fair view and provides consistency in the interpretation of accounting standards. The SORP has been updated for reporting periods beginning on or after 1st January 2015.
Annual Return & Annual Report
As income for the financial year was over £10,000, by law, an annual return must be completed and submitted to the Charities Commission, no later than 10 months after year-end. This will be completed and submitted online.
All charities registered with the Charities Commission must also prepare a Trustees Annual Report (TAR), which summarises the PTA’s structure, aims, activities and performance for the financial year. The TAR has been prepared,and is presented to Committee today, which reflects the detail of this report. The TAR will be signed at the same time as the annual accounts at the AGM.
An EGM will be required to be called to adopt the new model PTA-UK Constitution, which can precede a Committee meeting.
A formal reserves policy will be drafted and reviewed by Committee for adoption during the autumn term.
Extend a special thank you to Paula and Peter Terry for giving their time and expertise to carry out the independent review of the PTA annual accounts. The completion of the independent review to coincide with the AGM is appreciated.
- Chairperson’s address:
-Ruth thanked Lisa Logan-Virden for all her hard work in preparing all the financial paperwork and her detailed reports.
-Ruth commented on what a great year last year was.In layman’s terms the PTA raised approximately £20,000 to add to school funds.
-Ruth said she was equally pleased that people had such good fun and enjoyed the fundraising events.
-Any new parents who would like to see details of last year’s events could look on the PTA website.
-Ruth’s highlights of the year were:
- The Christmas fair, especially Santa and the ponies.
- The Masquerade disco which the children loved. The discos will continue each year as they have always gone down so well.
- The quiz night – great fun had by all.
- The sponsored abseils.
- St George’s day – a lovely day in the playground.
- The summer fair.
-Ruth thanked the committee for supporting her throughout the year. In particular, Ruth thanked Angie Hilton who was stepping down from the committee for all her hard work and dedication to the PTA over the years.
-Ruth also thanked Anne Chinoy, Carolyn Stuart, Clair Visco, Debbie Loftus and Grainne Graham and other regular supporters for the roles they play.
-Thanks also went to all the school staff for their support.
-Particular thanks go to the office staff who ‘put up with us’ and support us so well.
-Thanks also to all the parents who come along to PTA events and contribute in many ways.
- Headteacher’s address:
-Mrs Harrold gave thanks to Ruth for leading the team and all her work.
-Thanks were also given to Angie Hilton who is standing down from the committee and Mrs Harrold hopes that the new parents at the meeting will follow a similar path to Angie, continuing to be involved and increase their involvement through the years.
-The all weather pitch is due to be completed next week. Trafford have agreed to pay £80,000 towards the field but it couldn’t have gone ahead without the PTA giving the additional £12,000 required.
-Mrs Harrold reported that Paula Terry had contacted her after finalising the annual accounts to comment on the meticulous detail and hard work put into the accounts by Lisa. A big well done to Lisa.
-A big welcome to the new parents.
-Thank you to everyone for everything.
- Dissolution of the Current PTA:
At this point the committee stood down in preparation for the election for the new committee.
- Election of a new PTA committee:
The new committee were elected as follows:
-Chair – Ruth Davies. Nominated by Jackie Heaven, seconded by Angie Hilton.
-Treasurer – Lisa Logan-Virden. Nominated by Ruth Davies, seconded by Jackie Heaven.
-Secretary – Nikki Martin. Nominated by Lisa Logan-Virden, seconded by Clair Visco.
- Appointment of non-elected PTA roles:
-Vice Chair – Jackie Heaven
-Assistant Treasurer – Helen Ward
-Event Organisers – Jenny Brochwicz-Lewinski, Bernadette Flynn and Laura Potter
-Newsletter editor – Carolyn Stuart
-Wednesday coffee rota – Clair Visco
-Weekly draw – Clair Visco
-First Holy Communion party – Debbie Loftus and Grainne Graham
-Web page co-ordinator – Anne Chinoy
-School liaison – Angie Hilton
-Parish liaison – Angie Hilton
-Nursery liaison – Lisa Logan-Virden
Nominations (after election of new Committee)
Nominate and re-appoint Ruth Davies, as the re-elected Chair to be the promoter for the Small Societies Lottery.
The Elected Committee members and Vice-Chair should be noted in the minutes as authorised signatories for the PTA bank accounts.
The signatories will therefore be Ruth Davies, Lisa Logan-Virden, Nicola (Nikki) Martin and Jackie Heaven.
Lisa will arrange for the signatories to be changed with the banks etc.
- A.O.B.
Lisa asked for it to be minuted that we thank Peter and Paula Terry for their support in reviewing the end of year accounts, without charge. They are happy to carry out the review free of charge again next year.
It was agreed that the PTA will purchase 2 ipads for Reception to be used for electronic assessment.
It was also agreed that the PTA would pay for the purchase of new Bibles for a ‘travelling Gospel’ project.
- Date of next meetings:
Meeting for newly established committee: 1st October 2014.
Next PTA meeting – Tuesday 4th November (EGM will take place at the start of this meeting for the change of the Model Constitution)
Christmas fair – Sunday 7thDecember
First fair meeting TBC