April 27, 2015

6:30 p.m.

Board of Education


Mr. Tom Merritt, President

Mrs. Kate Johnsen, Vice President

Mr. Scott Dixon

Mrs. Carla Frame

Mr. Frank Maus

Mrs. Gina M. Helmick, Treasurer

Dr. John P. Kronour, Superintendent


Tipp City Exempted Village Schools

Board of Education Meeting

Monday – April 27, 2015

6:30 p.m.

I.  Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

II.  Attendance of Board of Education Members

III.  President’s Comments

Prudential Spirit of Community Award – Emma Moore

IV.  Citizens Comments

V.  Adjourn to executive session for purposes authorized under Board of Education Policy 0166 and ORC121.22(G)(1) to consider the employment of a public employee.

VI.  New Business

a.  Recommend approval for the following administrative position, effective August 1, 2015

Superintendent 4 year term

VII.  Communications

a.  Student Achievement Kate Johnsen

b.  Tippecanoe Educational Endowment Carla Frame

c.  Boosters Carla Frame

d.  May Levy Update Kate Johnsen

e.  Miami Valley Career Technology Center Frank Maus

f.  Tipp Monroe Community Services Frank Maus

VIII.  Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent’s Report

a.  Race to the Top (RttT)

b.  Curriculum Committee – short presentation on the Maps

c.  Summer Programs Offerred

d.  Safety Drill Update

e.  OSFC Update

IX.  Ratification of Minutes

Recommend approval of the minutes for the Regular Meeting on March 23rd and the Special Meeting on April 6th.

Attachment I

Tipp City Exempted Village School District

Board Agenda

April 27, 2015

Page 2

X.  Treasurer’s Report

a.  Approval of the Monthly Financial Report

Attachment II

b.  Approval of FY15 Appropriation Modifications

Attachment III

c.  Approval for the ORC 5705.41 Purchase Order Certification, Then and Now FY15

Attachment IV

d.  Approval to authorize the issuance of Bonds in the amount of not to exceed $6,860,000 for the purpose of refunding a portion of bonds issued in November 2005; and authorizing and approving related matters.

Attachment V

e.  Approval to transfer from General Funds for FY15 Waivers:

Nevin Coppock $2,106.00 009 9300

Broadway $3,327.50 009 9200

LT Ball $4,342.00 009 9400

TMS $5,073.50 009 9450

THS $4,278.74 009 9500

TOTAL $19,127.74

XI.  Old Business

XII.  New Business

a.  Personnel

Recommend approval of internal substitution rate to utilize for our certified staff when covering a class that does not have an assigned substitute teacher.

Attachment VI

Recommend approval of the following resignations:

Maggie Atkinson THS Intervention Specialist 08/31/15

Angie Burris THS & TMS Psychologist 08/31/15

Jeff Mann THS Guidance Counselor 06/12/15

Recommend addendum to resignation dates, previously approved, for the following staff members:

Merrilee Dillon from 07/31/15 to 08/31/15

Tipp City Exempted Village School District

Board Agenda

April 27, 2015

Page 3

Recommend employment for the following certified position for the 2015/2016 school year, pending proper certification and paperwork:

Rachel Everhart HS Guidance Counselor M Step 0

17 extended days

Training = BS Wright State University

Med Wright State University

Traci Mader 5th Grade Teacher B Step 2 Training = BS University of Dayton

Christine Schmidt HS Guidance Counselor M Step 2

17 extended days

Training = BS Ohio University

MEd University of Dayton

Recommend employment of the following supplemental positions for the 2015-2016 school year, pending proper certifications and paperwork:

Joel Derge Head H.S. Football Coach Step 0

Andy Holderman Head H.S. Girls Basketball Coach Step 0

Joel Visser Head H.S. Boys Basketball Coach Step 0

Recommend employment for the following Summer School positions for the 2014-2015:

Allyson Barker Summer School Teacher - Summer Academy

Heather Bledsoe Summer School Teacher - Summer Academy

Patty Cahill Summer School Teacher - OGT

Susan Clodfelter Summer School Teacher - Summer Academy

Diana Creekmore Summer School Teacher - OdyseyWare

Nick Culver Summer School Teacher - OGT

Madison Freeman Summer School Teacher - Summer Academy

Mallory Gray Summer School Teacher - Summer Academy

Tyler Hoffman Summer School Teacher - OGT

Dan Malott Summer School Teacher - OGT

Jason Salyer Summer School Teacher - OGT

Ashley Stearns Summer School Teacher - Summer Academy

Charles Tackett Summer School Teacher - OdyseyWare

Cindy Wildermuth Summer School Teacher - OGT

b.  Recommend acceptance of the following Miami County Grants:

DISTRICT Leslie Selanders AED Replacement & Training $ 3,187.00

MS/HS Heather Marsh Music Stands & Stand Rack $ 1,970.00

TOTAL: $ 5,157.00

Tipp City Exempted Village School District

Board Agenda

April 27, 2015

Page 4

c.  Recommend approval of Upper Valley Occupational Health Center as the agent for 2015-2016 driver physicals and drug/alcohol testing.

d.  Recommend permission to contract transportation with Troy Christian Schools for the 2015-2016 school year. Troy Christian will provide transportation for students enrolled at Troy Christian but reside within the Tipp City Exempted Village School district.

XIII.  Miscellaneous

a.  Discussion on the First Read of the New/Revised/Deleted Policies and Guidelines.

b.  The next regular Board of Education Meeting will be Monday, May 18th, at 6:30pm at the Board of Education.

c.  Adjourn to executive session for purposes authorized under Board of Education Policy 0166 and ORC121.22(G)(2)-(6) to prepare for negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.

XIV.  Adjournment