Annual Quality Review

This Annual Quality Review document must be completed by the Prince’s Trust (sections A, B and C.1.) and the Delivery Partner (C.2.) between August and September each year.

The scores for each section completed by the Prince’s Trust can be averaged across all the Delivery Partner’s programmes in that year, and the headline Key Strengths and Areas for Development will form the basis of the equivalent sections in this document.

AQR is completed by the Prince’s Trust, and the Delivery Partner confirms the details.

When AQRs are complete, The Prince’s Trust staff should send an electronic copy to the regional/ country programme head.

Delivery Partner:
Date of Review: / Review Period: / Date of last review:
Delivery Partner Lead:
Prince’s Trust Lead:


Data / Actual 2013/14 / Targets2013/14
Number of Teams
Number of young people supported (programme starters)
Average Team size
Qualification Pass %
Positive Outcomes
GRADE (this review)
GRADE (last review) / N/A

DP details updated on TrustonTrack?YesNo

Inspection Framework and Guidance for Grading

The overall grade in this review is rated against the inspection framework ratings detailed below. The scores for sections A, B and C should be averaged and rounded to the nearest significant figure:

Grading / Definition / Guidance
1 / Operates at minimum standards. Surpasses all KPIs and targets set. Provides evidence of innovation and/or programme development. / Average Team Review score > 11.5
2 / Operates at minimum standards and has achieved KPI for all of retention, positive outcomes and Qualifications. / Average Team Review score between 10 -12
3 / Generally meets minimum standards. / Average Team Review score between 9 - 12
4 / Regularly falls short of minimum standards. / Average AQR score 8 or below

A.LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE (completed by The Prince’s Trust)

Did the Delivery Partner’s Team programmes help the young people achieve?

This is based on Average scores for Section A from all the Delivery Partner’s Teams this year

Key Strengths and Key Areas for Development from individual Team Reviews

Areas to consider
Adherence to 12-week programme framework (i.e appropriate time on work placements / community project / team challenge)
LLN support provided
All young people given opportunity to gain a Prince’s Trust qualification
Young people’s feedback / Positive activities planned for evenings on residential
Range of next steps workshops / evidence of progression planning
Final presentation reflects suitable sense of achievement
EP’s learning objectives agreed and planned
Indication of increased Team ownership / responsibility
Key Strengths:
Key Areas for Development:

(completed by The Prince’s Trust)

How well did the programme meet the needs and interests of young people?

Average scores for Section B from all the Delivery Partner’s Teams this year

Key Strengths and Key Areas for Development from individual Team Reviews

Areas to consider
Team base resources include access to computers, private 1.1 room, suitable teaching resources and internet.
Induction activities create a strong Team atmosphere, including Team contract
Evidence of wide range of teaching styles and methods / Teams comprise of an appropriate mix
Additional support is available to young people, and work review / target setting is used
Good quality residential of 4 days / 3 nights to a high standard
ILRs completed to a good standard & regularly
Young people’s feedback
Key Strengths:
Key Areas for Development:


(completed by The Prince’s Trust)

How effective was the Delivery Partner in fulfilling its roles responsibilities?

Average scores for Section C from all the Delivery Partner’s Teams this year

Key Strengths and Key Areas for Development from individual Team Reviews

Areas to consider
DPs return all required paperwork to agreed timelines with good quality (pre / during and post programme)
Young people’s feedback is asked for on their assessment of progress / outcomes
All young people are in the programme target profile
H&S is adhered to, including risk assessments and SMSR completed, and A&Is are reported and investigated, DBS disclosures completed for all staff / TLs and DTLs are TL trained
EPs are met pre programme
Equal opportunities offered to all young people including additional learning needs
DP shows commitment to continuous improvement
Key Strengths:
Key Areas for Development:


(completed by the Delivery Partner)

How effective was The Prince’s Trust in fulfilling its roles responsibilities?

Areas for Delivery Partners to consider
Commitment to supporting Delivery Partners’ programme delivery and quality improvement
Willingness of PT to acknowledge and act on feedback / Access to The Trust’s network of corporate volunteers, employed Team members and other partnership opportunities where possible
Key Strengths:
Key Areas for Development:

Action Plan for Year AheadFor (period) …………………………..

For those completing Prince’s Trust Qualifications (or similar), please also refer to the actions from the Lead EV report when creating an action plan

Actual 2013/14 / Targets set 2014/15
Number of Teams
Number of young people supported (programme starters)
Average Team size
Qualification Pass %
Positive Outcomes
GRADE (this review)

Last Year’s Actions

Actions from last year / Comments: outstanding or completed / Date

Actions For Current Year

Development Area / Action/s / Person
responsible / Due date

SIGNATURES (or Prince’s Trust staff name and date sent to DPM)

Delivery Partner Manager:
Name: / Signature: / Date:
The Prince’s TrustProgramme Manager:
Name: / Signature: / Date: