Leeds University Business School(LUBS) APPLICATION FORM 2017 for the
Laidlaw Undergraduate Research & Leadership Scholarships (LUGRLS)
Applications must be current 1st year students of Leeds University Business School or
Due to join LUBS as second year direct entry students in 2017-18 if via the Lifelong Learning Centre.
Applications and CVs should be submitted as a pdf document via E: j.h.dickinson@.leeds.ac.uk
With thesubject line: ‘UGRLS Application 2017’ on or beforeMIDNIGHT Sunday 12th March 2017
Please select only one research project as your first choice, then rank remaining projects via interest.
Name:School or Faculty: / Leeds University Business School
Degree Programme:
University email address:
1st choice of research project (please include the project title and/or code here:)
2nd (and 3rd) choice of project if more than one project is of interest
Degree Programme
Name of Personal Academic Tutor or Referee (must be from University of Leeds)
Please explain, what particularly interests you about your first choice of research project? (maximum of500 words)
Please explain how will this scholarship enhance your (existing) knowledge and skills? (maximum of 500 words)
Please explain – How will this scholarship contribute to your career plans? (maximum of 500 words)
Please explain – What makes you especially suited to this project (maximum of 500 words)
Please confirm that you have attached an Up-to-date CV with your application /
Please confirm that you have arranged for your personal tutor to support your application by writing a one-page (maximum) academic reference - to be emailed directly to Joanne Dickinson. This needs to be with Joanne by Sunday 12th March ideally. /
Please confirm that you can attend the UGRLS welcome event on Weds03rd May 2017 5pm to 7pm. In the University of Leeds, Great Hall, unless confirmed otherwise. /
Please confirm that you can attend the compulsory UGRLS residentialinduction event on Weds 07th and Thurs 8th June 2017. (Duration – 2 days and one night). At Weetwood Hall, Headingley. /
Please confirm that you will attend the UGRLS teambuilding residentialoutward bound event in the North Yorkshire Dales for first yearsin 1.5 days and 1 nightJune (w/c/ 19th -23rd June but most likely on Tues 20th and Weds 21st June 2017.) /
Please confirm that you will be able to complete the six week summer research project on dates to be pre-agreed with the research project supervisor/leader summer 2017 initially. /
Please confirm that you will attend the UGRLS focus on developing and demonstrating leadership skills event on Weds 20th Sept 2017. /
Please confirm that if selected, you will attend for interview for this role the week commencing 20th March. If you will struggle to make this week due to lectures or seminars that morning please advise Joanne now asap. /
Please confirm that if chosen as a successful candidate for this scheme, as well as be willing to complete the first 6 week research project on dates to be agree with the research supervisor in summer 2017 you will be willing and able to continue with the same project and supervisor in summer of your penultimate year of study too (summer 2018 unless agreed otherwise). /
If you have any further questions, please email theLeeds University Business School LUGRLSFacilitator:
Joanne Dickinson | E: . Candidates chosen for interview will be invited to interviews in due course.