19 May 2018
Board of Directors Meeting
Members Present: Clark Ackerman (21), Tracy Usry (21), Dave Cullin (20), Michele Robinson (20), Sharon Poole (19), Dave Fedorchak (19).
Association members present: Jim Hanson, Brian Riley, Nicole Henry
- Call to order at 9:05
- Public comment - none
- Previous meeting minutes were approved and will be posted to the website
- Treasurer’s Report (Dave Cullin)
- At the last Board meeting we had (11) lots that had not paid and Dave Cullin sent letters out to all. As of this meeting there are still four (4) outstanding.
- Two major expenses:
- $2700 for insurance
- $1500 for snow removal
- Other issues:
- Insurance requirements mandate that we must have two signature lines for checking. Dave Cullin will work on getting this done. We have other expenses (phone bill, website, etc) that are paid electronically and won’t have two signatures. We will implement a process where the Treasurer sends the President an email with the expenses and have the President approve. This should satisfy the 2-person signature.
- We need to have an independent financial audit performed but can achieve the requisite independence by having someone other than people with signature authority. Tracy will do the first audit. This may be done on a rotating basis.
- We will investigate taking over the collections of delinquent fees because the associated fees we are currently being charged are excessive. The Board will look into the necessary actions for filing liens, etc.
- ACC report (Michele Robinson)
- The koy pond was approved for lot 82.
- CAM report (Michele Robinson)
- Tracy provided pictures of the maintenance needed for the dock area and the culverts.
- A hole on the Panorama Trail was filled with rip-rap, bank run, and geotextile. The rip-rap that remained was deposited at the culvert on Edwards Drive.
- Some of the railroad ties at the dock need to be repaired.
- Some saplings at the dock need to be trimmed.
- The pier has raised ~2 foot.
- The ditches on Crooked Creek should be professionally cleared.
- Tree fall on Bogart and Monte Vista needs be cleared. The Board discussed the question as to whether the property owner should be responsible for cutting and clearing the tree. Clark will call the lot owner to discuss their responsibility for clearing the tree.
- John Lundberg and Jim Ross have agreed to continue to maintain the front entrance but we need someone to volunteer to take care of the back entrance or we will have to pay for the maintenance.
- Question about whether Association members are allowed to drive down to the pier. Clark will call the Corps of Engineers and request a citation (law, etc) that prohibits anyone from driving from on the bank going to the pier.
- Road Committee (Dave Cullin / Jim Hanson)
- Jim Hanson contacted four (4) companies for repaving the roads and got two (2) bids.
- $259,861 from American Paving Fabircs
- Barton and Boyd sent the bid in two parts:
- $17,680
- $216,430
- An additional $10,560 for two inches of asphault on Crooked Creek and Brandywine
- An additional $5,550 to address the shoulders in the entire neighborhood
- An alternative proposal:
- Asphalt the trouble areas
- 4,950 for the trouble areas in Monte Vista (Potomac Paving)
- $6,250 for cul de sac on Harry Berry
- $5,200 for Piney Green
- Dave Cullin will work with Brian Riley to determine whether the current bids address all the concerns. Board members have questions about whether these quotes address the base of the road and not just a surface. Dave Cullin will pull this information together into a presentation to the Board on June 2nd. We will hold a special meeting at 0900 on June 2nd at Dave Cullin’s house (4024 Erin Court) to address just the roads issue.
- Rocks along Panorama Drive by lot 79 have been removed.
- Lot 87 horse and utility trailer has been moved out of sight.
- There are construction materials located on Lot 118. The Board sent a letter and the lot owner has indicated that there is work to remove the construction materials but it hasn’t yet been completed.
- Next meeting planned for June 2nd at 0900 at Dave Cullin’s house. This will be a special meeting to discuss the roads.
- Dave Fedorchak made a motion to pay $118 for the rip-rap that was used on the Panorama Trail and culvert on Edwards drive. Tracy Usry seconded. All voted in favor.
- Tracy Usry made a motion to determine the estimated costs to place a crossing over the stream that bisects the Panorama trail. It is not to be construed to be an approval of any costs associated with a crossing for the stated stream.Dave Fedorchak seconded the motion. The CAM will be tasked to get the estimate and determine the necessary permits, process, and approvals. All voted in favor. Motion passed.
- Motion to adjourn at 11:12 by Dave Fedorchak. Seconded by Tracy Usry. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.