The Harvard Step Test is conducted as follows:
· Step up on to a standard gym bench once every two seconds for five minutes (150 steps)
· Have someone to help you keep to the required pace.
· One minute after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) for 30 secs - Pulse 1
· Two minutes after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) for 30 secs - Pulse 2
· Three minutes after finishing the test take your pulse rate (bpm) for 30 secs - Pulse 3
· The three pulse rates are then used in a calculation to rate your level of fitness against national averages.
PULSE 1 = ______PULSE 2 = ______PULSE 3 = ______
Put your pulse counts into the formula below to work out your score:
SCORE = 30000 ÷ (pulse 1 + pulse 2 + pulse 3) x 2
SCORE = ______
Now compare your score to the table below to see where you rank in the national averages.
Performance LevelPerformer / High / Above Average / Average / Below Average / Low
Male 15/16 years / Above 90 / 90-80 / 79-65 / 64-55 / Below 55
Female 15/16 years / Above 86 / 86-76 / 75-61 / 60-50 / Below 50
My local muscular endurance is ______compared to the national average.