MINUTES of the Meeting of the branch which was held onThursday 23rd June 2011 at CheshamTown Hall, Chesham HP51DS.
Attendees:Keith Gray PILCM, Coldharbour & Dinton PCs (Chairman), Fiona Lippmann MILCM, Wendover PC; Gloria Barclay, Little Marlow P C;Bill Richards, Chesham TC, Shirley Francis, Aylesbury TC; Sharon Henson, West Wycombe & Hambledon PCs; Alan Lambourne, Westcott PC; Sue Moffat, Chalfont St Peter PC; Jane Duffy, Great Missenden PC; June Gosling, Chesham Bois PC; Margaret Smith, Bierton-with-Boughton PC; Diana Hepburn-Park, Gerrards Cross PC; Joanne Aitken (observer)
Christine Jensen PILCM Buckland, Halton, Ellesborough & Stone PCs; Helen Hupton, West Bletchley TC; Linda Carter, Woughton PC; Lynne Turner, Hughenden PC; Janet Wheeler MILCM, Amersham TC;
The Chairman extended a warm welcome to all those present, all of whom briefly introduced themselves.
All apologies received are as listed above.
3AGM Minutes from 24th March 2011
The minutes from the AGM held on 24th March 2011were approved and duly signed.
4Pensions Update
The Chairman reported that the branch would be submitting a motion for discussion at the SLCC National Executive on this matter. KG then gave a brief synopsis on the government’s proposals, namely that it was proposing that every employer will be required to put each employee in a pension scheme. SF confirmed that this would have to be Buckinghamshire County Council’s local government pension scheme and therefore the employers would need to contribute 21.2% by 2014. SF also reported that employees had a month to opt out otherwise the employers’ contribution would be made automatically. BR further advised that the only people this would not apply to are; those under 22, those who had reached state pension age, those already in a ‘suitable’ pension plan and those earning under £7,475 per year. Details on this can be found on the DirectGov website.
AL asked whether this would affect gratuities paid by some parishes in lieu of a pension. The Executive agreed to try and find out. FL pointed out that many clerks work part-time for two or more councils where each may pay less than the threshold but cumulatively would mean an annual salary over £7,475 so enquired where clerks would stand on this. Again the Executive members said they would try and get clarification from LC via the National Executive.
5Car Allowances
FL advised that, after being challenged by a councillor over her Essential Car Users’ Allowance, she had been informed that Essential User clerks using their own car for work could claim up to 45p per mile tax free (for the first 10,000 miles) which has a value of up to £4,500. However, if receiving a ‘pence per mile’ payment as well, this would need to come off his or her allowance and she duly circulated examples of this. Most clerks agreed with GB that it was unlikely Bucks clerks would exceed the £4,500 threshold but SM reported that her council’s external auditor had demanded proof of mileage so there was a need to be wary on the matter.
6Equality Act
BR gave a brief update on the implications of the Equality Act. He advised that the public sector Equality Duty in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (known as the ‘general equality duty’) came into force on the 5th April 2011. It is a duty on public bodies and others carrying out public functions and therefore applies to parish councils.The general duty section 149(1) of the Act states that a public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination; advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not. It was noted that protected characteristics are: age; disability; gender reassignment; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; and sexual orientation. However, unlike the principal authorities, there was no obligation to prepare and publish equality objectives and publish information on how the duties are being met.
The meeting therefore agreed there was no immediate concern emanating from the Act but it would be useful nonetheless for parish councils to devise and publish a statement on its cognisance of the Act and ensure those with ‘protected characteristics’ were taken into consideration in any major decisions made at council,lest any external auditor refer to the Act.
A brief discussion then took place on the need to have basic policies in place, particularly grievance, disciplinary and complaints policies. AL opined that most clerks at the meeting were probably aware of this but he was concerned less proactive clerks in Bucks would not be. It was agreed that with these minutes, ‘signposts’ to model policies should also be attached forgeneral reference. (List provided as appendix A)
7NEC Report
The Chairman thanked LC for her comprehensive notes which were duly noted.
SH reported on a very informative training she had recently attended in respect of PAYE and self-assessment. She opined that while it was gratifying that a representative of HMRC was in attendance it was clear that the organisation knew little about the workings of parish councils and clerks. SH said she was concerned that some younger clerks, particularly those working for more than one council were not being included in the National Insurance system due to a lack of knowledge from his or her councillors as employers. She commended fellow clerks to use the HMRC website to undertake self-assessment and particularly to clarify allowances and expenses rules and limits.
KG said it should not be the case that any clerk these days was deemed to be ‘self-employed’. MS agreed and pointed out that the government was more rigorously challenging those claiming to be self-employed generally.
9Regional Conference
The Chairman proposed that the Bucks branch organises another regional conference to the one held two years ago at Halton House. This was unanimously agreed by the meeting and those who had attended confirmed it had been very useful. AL suggested that it be combined with the AGM as had happened previously.
10Christmas Lunch
GB advised that the Executive was proposing that the SLCC funds subsidise the Christmas lunch for Members as the balances were high and this meant less per capita fundingfrom SLCC. AL, as former treasurer said he was happy to support this so long as it could be shown that the branch still had viable working balances. The current treasurer, FL, confirmed this would be the case and emphasised that it would be beneficial to the branch financially. The meeting was in favour of this proposal on the understanding that it would not affect the financing of the Regional Conference. GB proposed returning to the ‘Honey Bee’ in Coldharbour which had offered good value for money last year. This was agreed.
11Questions and Answers session
- JG asked what budget could a councillors’ ‘away-day, brainstorming’ session be paid out of other than a Chairman’s Allowance? KG recommended a training budget which should be for councillors as well as officers.
- DH-P asked whether there was any update on the phasing out of cheques. It was noted that there was no change in legislation but a brief discussion indicated that many councils now used internet banking. It was also clear that there appeared no rationale as to whether banks decided to charge banking fees to councils.
- SM enquired as to whether her council should be charging VAT for hirers of her council’s new pavilion/meeting room. It was clarified this depended firstly on whether council was VAT registered (i.e. getting income in excess of £73k p.a. – April 2011) and whether the hirers were regular hirers or occasional ones (the former were exempt from VAT while the latter are not).
- MS asked which councils had a comprehensive financial risk management plan in place. FL advised that her council did and indeed, risk assessments were on every agenda. It was agreed to try and supply clerks with a basic Financial Management Risk Assessment (An example from Chesham Town Council is attached as Appendix B)
- SF advised it had been confirmed that it was no longer a requirement for parish councils to publish payments over £500 on the web.
The meeting noted it was JD’s last meeting as she was leaving the Great Missenden job. Her colleagues wished her well in her new career. JD said that she would be pleased to hear from anyone interested in the Great Missenden clerk’s position. The chairman thanked everyone for attending, and closed the meeting.
12Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting is due to be held on Thursday 22nd September 2011 at Newton Longville Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 11.50am
Bucks SLCC branch meeting 23rd June 2011