HOME WORK 2017-18 CLASS-12


1. What do you understand by Primary Key? Give a suitable example of Primary Key from a table containing some meaningful data.

2. Consider the following tables STOCK and DEALERS and answer (b1) and (b2) parts of this question:

Table: STOCK

ItemNo / Item / Dcode / Qty / UnitPrice / StockDate
5005 / Ball Pen 0.5 / 102 / 100 / 16 / 31-Mar-10
5003 / Ball Pen 0.25 / 102 / 150 / 20 / 01-Jan-10
5002 / Gel Pen Premium / 101 / 125 / 14 / 14-Feb-10
5006 / Gel Pen Classic / 101 / 200 / 22 / 01-Jan-09
5001 / Eraser Small / 102 / 210 / 5 / 19-Mar-09
5004 / Eraser Big / 102 / 60 / 10 / 12-Dec-09
5009 / Sharpener Classic / 103 / 160 / 8 / 23-Jan-09


Dcode / Dname
101 / Reliable Stationers
103 / Classic Plastics
102 / Clear Deals

Write SQL commands for the following statements:

  • To display details of all Items in the Stock table in ascending order of StockDate
  • To display ItemNo and Item name of those items from Stock table whose UnitPrice is more than Rupees 10.
  • To display the details of those items whose dealer code (Dcode) is 102 or Quantity in Stock (Qty) is more than 100 from the table Stock.
  • To display Maximum UnitPrice of items for each dealer individually as per Dcode from the table Stock.
  • Give the output of the following SQL queries:
  • SELECT Qty*UnitPrice FROM Stock WHERE ItemNo=5006;
  • SELECT Item, Dname FROM Stock S, Dealers D WHERE S.Dcode=D.Dcode AND ItemNo=5004;.
  • SELECT MIN(StockDate) FROM Stock;

3. Differentiate between the terms primary key, alternate, and foreign key.

4.What do you understand by the terms Primary Key and Degree and cardinality of a relation in

Relational database?

5.Consider the following tables Consignor, Consignee and Consignment. Write SQL commands for the statements (i) to (iv) and give the outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii).

Write SQL commands for the following statements:

1.To display the names of all Senders from Mumbai.

2. To display the RecIC, Sendername, SenderAddress, RecName, RecAddress for every Recipient.

3. To display Recipient details in ascending order ofRecName.

4. To display number of Recipients from each city.

5. Give the output of the following SQL queries:

(1) SELECT DISTINCT SenderCity from Sender;

(2) SELECT A.SenderName, B.RecName From Sender A, Recipient B

Where A.SenderID = B.SenderID AND B.RecCity =’Mumbai’;

(3) SELECT RecName, RecAddressFrom Recipient

Where RecCity NOT IN (‘Mumbai’, ‘Kolkata’);

(4) SELECT RecID, RecName FROM Recipent

Where SenderID=’MU02’ or SenderID=’ND50’;

6. What are the differences between DDL and DML in sql?

7. What are the difference between delete and drop commands.

8. What are the differences between char and varchar in sql?

9.What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clause?

10. What is the difference between unique constraint and primary key constraint?

11.The Doc column of a table of a table Hospital is given below:


Based on the information, find the output of the following queries

(a)SELECT Doc from Hospital where doc like”%v”;

(b)SELECT Doc from Hospital where doc like”%e%”;


1.Obtain the simplified form of a boolean expression using Karnaugh map.

F(U,V,W,X) = ∑ (0,3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15)

2. Why are AND and NOR gates called Universal gates?

3. Write the Sum of Products(SOP) AND Prodcut of sum(POS) form of the function G(U,V,W). Truth table representation of G is as follows:

U / V / W / G
0 / 0 / 0 / 0
0 / 0 / 1 / 0
0 / 1 / 0 / 1
0 / 1 / 1 / 0
1 / 0 / 0 / 1
1 / 0 / 1 / 0
1 / 1 / 0 / 1
1 / 1 / 1 / 1
  1. Convert P+Q’R to product of sum.
  2. Concert X+YZ into sum of product
  3. In Boolean algebra, verify using truth table that (X + Y)’ = X’ Y’ for each X, Y in (0, 1).
  4. Draw the logic circuit diagram for the following expression :

Y = a’b’c+ab’c+a’b’c’+abc

  1. Prepare a truth table for X’ Y Z’ + X Y’
  2. Write the equivalent expression for the following logic circuit :






  1. Reduce the following Boolean expression using K-Map:
    F(P, Q, R, S) = π (0,3,5,6,7, 11, 12, 15)
  2. Write the equivalent Canonical Product of Sum Expression for the following Sum of Product Expression F(X, Y, Z) = (0, 2, 4, 5)
  3. Design the circuit for the following expression with the help only NAND gates.


  1. Design the circuit for the following expression with the help only NOR gates.



1. What do you understand by Hackers and crackers?

2.Differentiate between Internet & Intranet

3. Expand the following terminology:


4. Write about the following device.


5. What is the significance of Cyber law? Write two application of Cyber Law.

6. What is the difference between XML and HTML? Write two differences.

7. What do you understand by the terms Cookies and Firewall?

8. What is 80-20 rule of network design?

9. What a What is the difference between Message Switching technique and Packet Switching technique?re different firewall techniques?

10. What is the purpose of using a Web Browser? Name any one commonly used Web Browser.

11. Give two major reasons to have network security.

12.Which of the following unit measures the speed with which data can be transmitted from one node to another node of a network? Also, give the expansion of the suggested unit.

(i) Mbps(ii) KMph(iii) MGps

13. “Bhartiya Connectivity Association” is planning to spread their offices in four major cities in India to provide regional IT infrastructure support in the field of Education & Culture . The company has planned to setup their head office in New Delhi in three locations and have named their New Delhi offices as “Front office” ,”Back Office” and “Work Office”. The company has three more regional offices as “South Office” , “East Office” and “ West Office” located in other three major cities of India. A rough layout of the same as follows :

Approximate distances between these offices as per network survey team is as follows :

Place Form / Place To / Distance
Back Office / Front Office / 10km
Back Office / Work Office / 70 Meter
Back Office / East Office / 1291km
Back Office / West Office / 790 km
Back Office / South Office / 1952 km

In continuation of the above , the company experts have planned to install the following number of computers in each of their offices :

Front Office / 100
Work Office / 20
East Office / 50
West Office / 50
South Office / 50
Front Office / 50

(1)Suggest network types (out of LAN , MAN, WAN) for connecting each of the following set of their offices :

  • Back Office and Work Office
  • Back Office and South Office

(2)Which device you will suggest to be procured by the company for connecting all the computers with in each of their offices out of the following devices?

  • Switch/Hub
  • Modem
  • Telephone

(3)Which of the following communication medium, you will suggest to be procured by the company for connecting their local offices in New Delhi for every effective and fast communication?

  • Telephone Cable
  • Optical Fiber
  • Ethernet Cable

(4)Suggest a cable/wiring layout for connecting the company’s local offices located in New Delhi. Also, suggest an effective method/technology for connecting the company’s regional offices – “East Office”, “West Office” and “South Office” with Offices located in New Delhi.


1.पिछले पाच वर्षो केबोर्ड के प्रश्न पत्र हल करे!

2. महत्त्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर याद करे


1 / PROJECT WORK / Give the final shape to project on topics were assigned and same will be evaluated on the opening of the Vidyalaya after winter break.
2 / Previous Five years Board Papers / Main QP papers for All India Scheme
2017,2016,2015,2014,2013 along with conversion of debentures, purchase of debentures, etc. and creation of DRR for Non-convertible part.
3 / KVS Study Material / Solve assignment as per class discussion.
4 / Follow Learning Check Points and make notes on problems / Learning Check Points are already circulated to all.
List the difficulties while following and same will be discussed in class room.
5 / Follow up / Text Books on the Subject need to studied text to text as per CBSE syllabus.
6 / Attention! / Prepare yourselves for the coming Final CBSE Examination-2018


Business Studies
1 / PROJECT WORK / Give the final shape to project on topics were assigned and same will be evaluated on the opening of the Vidyalaya after winter break.
2 / Previous Five years Board Papers / Main QP papers for All India Scheme
3 / KVS Study Material / Solve assignment as per class discussion.
4 / Follow Learning Check Points and make notes on problems / Learning Check Points are already circulated to all.
List the difficulties while following and same will be discussed in class room.
Follow master cards from all the chapter strictly
5 / Follow up / Text Books on the Subject need to studied text to text as per CBSE syllabus.
6 / Attention! / Prepare yourselves for the coming Final CBSE Examination-2018


Note- Students, those are attending residential camp need to follow remedial action plan for the winter break.

Accountancy From: 23.12.2017 to 11..01.2018 (10 days) as per time table

Business Studies From: 23.12.2017 to 11..01.2018 (10 days) as per time table

Prepare yourselves for the coming Second Pre-Board.


  1. Practice previous ten year CBSE question paper.
  2. Try to solve sample papers as per CBSE pattern.

3.Learn all formulas, derivations