1.1.Instructors / PhD Marko Pranjić / 1.6.Year of study / 2nd year of graduate study programme, first semester
1.2.Course title / Correlation Practicum in Subject Specific Teaching Methodology (Sociology) / 1.7.Credit units (ECTS) / 5 ECTS
1.3.Associates /
- Dremel
1.4.Study programme (undergraduate, graduate, integrated) / graduate / 1.9.Expected number of students on the course / Around 20 students
1.5.Course status / obligatory / 1.10.E-learning application level (1, 2, 3), percentage of online teaching (max. 20%) / 1st level
2.1.Course objectives / The main objective of the course is to prepare the students for the observation classes they are obliged to attend during this course in elementary and secondary schools, with special emphasis on correlational relations between courses.
2.2.Prerequisites for enrolling the course and input competences necessary for the course / Enrolled graduate study programme. Passed exam in Pedagogy, Didactics and Subject Specific Teaching Methodology of Sociology, and completed obligations prescribed by the Practical Training in Subject Specific Teaching Methodology (Sociology).
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme that the course contributes to / Implementation of relevant content that the students obtained in the theoretical teaching methodology courses through the correlation practicum. In this sense, the students will be enabled to:
- define the the correlational principle of the way teaching functions in general;
- evaluate the contribution of the subject they will teach to the integral education of the schoolchildren;
- assess the contribution of other subjects contributing to the integral education of the schoolchildren;
- explain the senselessness of competition in the importance between individual subjects and the underestimation of other subjects for the integral development of schoolchildren;
2.4.Expected learning outcomes on the level of the course (6-10 learning outcomes) / Upon finishing the Correlation Practicum course in the Subject Specific Teaching Methodology the schoolchildren are expected to be able to:
- Evaluate the importance and necessity of correlational relations between different courses.
- Explain the principle that different instructional contents require different methodological approaches, both within the same course and between different courses of the teaching plan;
- Independently carry out correlational lessons.
- Develop preparations for successful correlational lessons.
- Carry out high-quality correlational lessons.
- Develop the plan and programme for classroom teaching lessons.
- Carry out classroom teaching lessons.
- Create high-quality parent meetings.
- Make conclusions about what didactically and methodologically well prepared teaching lessons with high-quality content should be like.
2.5.The course content elaborated according to the lecture time schedule (one to three lines for a one-hour lesson) / Since the course is a Correlation Practicum in Subject Specific Teaching Methodology, lectures are reduced to a minimum and are only short instructions of the professor and comments and/or suggestions made after the students carry out their correlational lessons within the course, turn in their papers, as well as analyses of the observation classes held in schools.
- Creating written plans and carrying out two correlational lessons with any subject matter selected in accordance with the Teaching Curriculum (pan and programme) of the selected course and the National Curriculum Framework. Namely, students from different study programmes (History, Philosophy, Psychology, Croatology, Sociology, Latin…) who participate in this course are paired up in order to carry out the correlational practicum more successfully.
- The students' attention will be drawn to the importance of class teaching lessons as the form of work aimed at getting to know the students, their needs and problems, coming together with one's students, and a more complete educational work. The students are expected to draw up and present a class teaching plan. The students are expected to prepare and present a plan for classroom teaching lessons.
- The cooperation between families and school will be pointed out through one of its forms – the parent meeting. The stress will thereby be put on the need to put parents in the role of active participants, and not passive listeners. The students are required to design and plan one parent meeting.
- The students' participation in observation classes in elementary or secondary schools (vocational and grammar schools). The observation classes are envisaged so that the students are obliged to observe 2, and carry out 5 class periods. The envisaged number of class periods is the result of the intense practicum programme at the faculty.
2.6Teaching delivery forms / lectures
seminars and workshops
on line entirely
mixed e-learning
field instruction / individual assignments
multimedia and network
tutorial work
written preparations / 2.1.Comments
2.7Student obligations / Regular attendance and participation in discussions on carried out lessons and observation classes, preparation of classroom teaching plans, preparation of one parent meeting. Participation in observation classes in elementary and secondary schools (the students are obliged to observe 2, and carry out 5 class periods).
2.8Monitoring the work of students (distribute the share of ECTS units for each activity so that the total number of ECTS units corresponds to the ECTS value of the course): / Lecture attendance / 1 ECTS / Written exam / Project
Experimental work / Research / Practical work
Essay / Report / Observation classes / 2 ECTS-a
Continuous assessment exam / Seminar paper / Oral presentation
Oral exam / The students are required to draw up in writing preparations for correlational lessons, carry out two correlational lessons in the duration of two school periods, prepare a classroom teaching lesson plan and draw up in writing a preparation for one parent meeting. / 2 ECTS
2.9 Marking and evaluating the work of students during the instruction period and the final exam / The students receive credits for the regular attendance and participation in discussions and analyses of carried out lessons (1 ECTS), preparation of the classroom teaching lesson plans and the preparation of one parent meeting (1 ECTS), carrying out two correlational lessons in the duration of 2 periods of 45 minutes each (1 ECTS) and fulfilling their obligations concerning the observation classes (2 ECTS)
2.10Obligatory literature (available in the library and on other media) / Title / The number of copies in the library / Availability on other media
Teaching Plans (curricula) for sociology / Web site of the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
Sociology State Graduation Exam Catalogue / Web site of the National Centre for External Evaluation of Education
The catalogue of the approved textbooks for the ensuing school year / Web site of the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
2.11Additional literature (at the moment of the study programme proposal application) / Gruden, Z. (1992.) Dijete - škola - roditelj : u trokutu dijete - škola - roditelj najzdraviji dio je dijete. (Zagreb : Medicinska naklada)
Odgoj i škola : [zbornik radova] / uredili Josip Pivac, Vlatko Previšić.(1985) ( Zagreb : Institut za pedagogijska istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta : Školske novine)
Paradis-Šprajc, Marija. (2001.) Pisma školskog psihologa roditeljima adolescenata. (Zagreb : Sinergija)
Rađenović, A.; Smiljanić, M. (2007.) Priručnik za razrednike. (Zagreb : Alineja)
Rečić, M. (2006.) Kako mogu surađivati sa školom. (Đakovo : Tempo)
Rosić, V. (2005) Odgoj, obitelj, škola : [mala enciklopedija odgoja : savjetnik i priručnik]. (Rijeka : Žagar)
Rosić, V. ; Zloković, J. (2003) Modeli suradnje obitelji i škole. (Đakovo : Tempo)
Strategija odgojnog rada razrednika / priredio Hrvoje Vrgoč(2004) (Zagreb : Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor)
Učenici, učitelji i roditelji zajedno na putu uspješnog odgoja i obrazovanja : suradnja, partnerstvo, međuljudski odnosi, međusobno povjerenje i poštovanje, suodgovornost(2005) ( Zagreb : Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor)
Učitelji za učitelje : primjeri provedbe načela Aktivne - efikasne škole. (2000) (Zagreb : IEP)
Vilić-Kolobarić, K. (2002) Priručnik za pedagoške radionice : na roditeljskim sastancima . (Đakovo : Tempo)
Vukasović, A. (1994.) Obitelj, škola i intelektualni razvitak mladeži. 1. izd. (Zagreb : Birotisak)
Živković, Ž. (2005) Susreti s roditeljima : priručnik za održavanje roditeljskih sastanaka-sv2. (Đakovo : Tempo)
2.12Quality monitoring forms that ensure the acquisition of output knowledge, skills, and competences / Since the students are grouped in smaller groups, their motivation for working and their future profession as teachers is easily monitored. This also provides insight into the flexibility of the students, and their openness to new and alternative forms of work as well as their desire for innovation. The feedback information from the mentors in schools and visits to schools during the students' observation classes provide insight into the comprehensiveness of the acquired knowledge and skills and competences, that is the student's final competency for the teacher profession.