Upcoming Events
Mon. May 29th Memorial Day, No School
Wed. May 31st Ice Cream Social & Family Night
Fri. June 2nd 8th Grade Dance
Tues. June 6th 8th Grade to Mt. Olympus
Wed. June 7th 8th Grade Promotion – 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. 8th graders will be dismissed at the end of the ceremony
Thurs. June 8th 6th & 7th Grade Field Trip
Who’s Ready for Ice Cream! Please join us on Wednesday, May 31st from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. to celebrate the end of a fantastic year! The evening will include students performing their original spoken word, a fashion show featuring our uniforms for next year and topped off by an ice cream social! We hope to see you here on the 31st!
6th & 7th Grade End of the Year Field Trip – 6th & 7th graders will be spending the last day going to a movie and swimming in the afternoon! The cost for the trip is $12. Be sure to ask your child for the permission slip!
8th Graders Heading to Mt. Olympus – Don’t forget to return your student’s permission slip for the 8th grade field trip to Mt. Olympus!
Criteria for End of the Year Field Trips for All Students
1. No suspensions starting May 1st.
2. Less than 3 behavior response calls.
It was a FANTASTIC Concert! The wait was worth it, as our talented Wright musicians put on an outstanding concert last night! Way to go Panther musicians!
Yearbooks are on Sale – There’s still time to purchase a yearbook! The cost is $15. See Ms. Sandy in the office.
A Word from the Health Office – If your child takes medication at school, please make plans to pick up the medication for the summer months! 8th grade families can stop by the Health Office on Wed. June 7th before or after the promotion ceremony. 6th and 7th grade families will need to come by school Fri. June 8th between 8:00 – 12:00. If these times do not work for you, please contact the Health Office at 204-1345 to make special arrangements.
Spring Cleaning & School Books – As you’re doing your spring cleaning please make sure to have your student return any school books before the end of the year! This would include textbooks and LMC materials.
Summer Opportunities for Students!! There are many amazing opportunities for students to take part in this summer. Most are free or scholarships are available but you need to act QUICKLY! If your child is attending summer school, Dr. Hicks will allow them to miss one week to attend one of these camps. You register for the grade level you will be in for the 2017-18 school year. If your child is interested in attending any of these programs, contact the front office at 204-1350.
· STEAM (Science, Techniology, Engineering, Arts and Math)June 26-30thFREE
· Summer Youth Construction Grades 7-8July 10-14; Grades 9-11 July18-21stFREE
· Brothers Summer ProgramJune 19-July14(MWF) 12-5 (50.00)
· Architecture, Design and Build June 19-23FREE (11-15 year olds)
· JOB: 14 years old: Madison Youth Summer Employment
· Regent 101, Spartans 101, Lancers 101, and Purgolders 101 for rising up 9th graders. MSCR program
· High School Summer School Programming
Enjoy your holiday weekend Wright Families!