Table 2. Course description
1. GENERAL INFORMATION1.1.Instructors / PhD Danijel LABAŠ, associate professor / 1.6.Year of study / Second year, first semester
1.2.Course title / MEDIA IN TEACHING / 1.7.Credit units (ECTS) / 3 ECTS
1.3.Associates / MA Ivan Uldrijan, teaching and research assistant / 1.8.Course teaching delivery (number of hours of lectures+practice+seminars+e-learning) / 15+15+0
1.4.Study programme (undergraduate, graduate, integrated) / Graduate / 1.9.Expected number of students on the course / Around 20 students
1.5.Course status / Elective / 1.10.E-learning application level (1, 2, 3), percentage of online teaching (max. 20%) / 1st level
Course objectives / The course objective is to provide future teachers with an insight into scientific knowledge of the relation between children/the youth and the media, and demonstrate in a practical way how to teach using mass media in an educational setting.
Prerequisites for enrolling the course and input competences necessary for the course / Completed appropriate graduate study. Motivation for work in an educational institution as well as knowledge of mass media and motivation to use them in teaching.
Learning outcomes at the level of the programme that the course contributes to / The students will be able to:
- Interpret the fundamentals of media pedagogy, media didactics and the concrete use of media in teaching.
- Plan the teaching process using mass media as a teaching aid and tool.
- Organize the process of setting and achieving the objectives of using media in teaching.
- Plan the performance of teaching with the use of mass media.
- Create extracurricular activities related to the use of mass media (school journalists’ section etc.)
Expected learning outcomes on the level of the course (6-10 learning outcomes) / After passing the exam of the “Media in teaching” course, the students will be able to:
- Recognize the relation between children/the youth and the media.
- Interpret the influence of the media on children and the youth.
- Evaluate the importance of media literacy and media competence.
- Assess the importance of media education within the educational process and of developing an awareness of the need for media education.
- Recognize the functions of media in teaching,
- Differentiate the criteria for selecting media in teaching and the particular characteristics of media used in teaching.
- Interpret the basics of journalism in order to be able to use media on a reflective and productive level.
- Plan to use mass media as teaching aid in both class and extracurricular activities.
- Practically apply theoretical principles in working with students.
The course content elaborated according to the lecture time schedule (one to three lines for a one-hour lesson) / The course content will be provided via Power Point presentations accompanied by various multimedia presentations and direct discussions with the professor:
- Forms of media in teaching, educating a media pedagogue (the necessary competences and envisaged goals).
- The role of media, media literacy and media education in the life of today's children and the youth.
- Media education – from concepts to school practice.
- Children and the media: from myths to empirical discoveries (the role of the media in the everyday life and development of children).
- Youth and the media: from minors as a problem to the problem of the minors.
- The use of media in teaching – media didactics.
- From an event to news – the basics of journalism and possibilities of implementing it in teaching.
- Teaching with newspapers: newspapers as a didactic aid, newspapers for children and the youth and school newspapers in didactics, newspapers in various school courses.
- Teaching with audio and visual media (from radio to photography).
- Teaching with audio-visual media (from film and video to television).
- Teaching with television – critical viewers and education.
- New media in education – from computers to the internet and e-learning.
- Internet and education.
Teaching delivery forms / X lectures
X seminars and workshops
on line entirely
mixed e-learning
field instruction / X individual assignments
X multimedia and network
tutorial work
something else (write what) / Comments:
2.7.Student obligations / Regular attendance of lectures and participation in discussions. Passing the exam based on the obligatory literature.
2.8.Monitoring the work of students (distribute the share of ECTS units for each activity so that the total number of ECTS units corresponds to the ECTS value of the course) / Lecture attendance / 1 ECTS / Written exam / 1 ECTS / Project
Experimental work / Research / Practical work
Essay / Report / (something else)
Continuous assessment exam / Seminar paper / 1 ECTS / (something else)
Oral exam / (something else)
2.9.MMarking and evaluating the work of students during the instruction period and the final exam / Attendance at lectures, reading of the obligatory literature and participating in the discussions with the professor and colleagues (25% of the final grade), seminar paper (25% of the final grade) and exam (50% of the final grade).
2.10.OObligatory literature (available in the library and on other media) / Title / The number of copies in the library / Availability on other media
Pranjić, M. (2005), Didaktika: povijest, osnove, profiliranje, postupak, Zagreb: Golden marketing – Tehnička knjiga – Hrvatski studiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (selected chapters) / Sufficient
Bognar, L. – Matijević, M. (2005), Didaktika, Zagreb: Školska knjiga (selected chapters)
Košir, M., Zgrabljić N., Ranfl, R. (1999), Život s medijima - Priručnik o medijskom odgoju za roditelje, nastavnike i učitelje, Zagreb: Doron
Ilišin, V., Marinović Bobinac, A., Radin, F. (2001), Djeca i mediji - Uloga medija u svakodnevnom životu djece, Zagreb: Državni zavod za zaštitu obitelji, materinstva i mladeži i Institut za društvena istraživanja
Miliša, Z., Tolić, M., Vertovšek, N. (2010), Mladi – odgoj za medije – priručnik za stjecanje medijskih kompetencija, Zagreb: M.E.P. d.o.o.
Notes from the lectures that each year provide the most recent trends in the field of media pedagogy and media didactics.
2.11.Additional literature (at the moment of the study programme proposal application) / Buckingham, D. (2000), After the death od childhood: growing up in the age of electronic media, Cambridge: Polity Press
Erjavec K, (2005), Odgoj za medije: Od koncepta do školske prakse, In: Zgrabljić Rotar, N., Medijska pismenost i civilno društvo, Sarajevo: MediaCentar
Erjavec, K., Zgrabljić N. (2000), Odgoj za medije u školama u svijetu - Hrvatski model medijskog odgoja, In: Medijska istraživanja, 6 (2000) 1, pp. 89-107
Lib, W. (2008), Modern Media in Education - Example of Didactic Movie Production, In: Informatologija, 41 (2008) 3, pp. 210-213
McMane, A., A. (2000), Newspapers in Education and Building Democratic Citizens, In: Medijska istraživanja, 6 (2000) 2, pp. 105-110
Miliša, Z., Tolić, M., Vertovšek, N. (2009), Mediji i mladi – prevencija ovisnosti o medijskoj manipulaciji, Zagreb: Sveučilišna knjižara
Nadrljanski, M., Nadrljanski, Đ., Bilić, M. (2007), Digitalni mediji u obrazovanju, In: Seljan, S., Stančić, H. (ed.) INFuture 2007: Digital information and heritage, Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet, pp. 527-537
Rivoltella, P. C. (2002), Internet i odgoj. Analiza pedagoških modela i smjernice za razmišljanje, In: Kateheza, 24 (2002) 3, pp. 265-280.
Zgrabljić Rotar, N. (2005), Mediji - Medijska pismenost, medijski sadržaji i medijski utjecaji, In: Zgrabljić Rotar, N., Medijska pismenost i civilno društvo, Sarajevo: MediaCentar
2.12.Quality monitoring forms that ensure the acquisition of output knowledge, skills, and competences / In all the stages that the students go through as part of this course, their knowledge is tested successively and according to the level of their competence. In the first stage, their motivation for the course is tested as well as previous knowledge and any concerns and questions that they have are discussed with the professor and other students. In the second stage, the students choose a certain research subject in the field of media and didactics that they research and present to the other students with a Power Point presentation, encouraging discussion with the other students on the subject. In the third stage, the students' systematic knowledge of the course content is tested with the final exam on the obligatory literature.