Clerk: Guy Langton /
P2 (1.18)
Minutes of the East Hanney Parish Council–6th December 2017
- Attending: Cllr J Triffitt (Chairman), Cllr J Long, Cllr S Scott, Cllr D Kirk, Cllr S McKechnie
In attendance: G Langton (Clerk), J Stagg (Editor – Hanney News), Paul Curtis (Poughley Farm)
- Members Declarations of Interest.
No member declared an interest in any items on the agenda.
- To confirm:
- Minutes of the meeting held on 1st November 2017
The minutes were approved, it was noted that C Cllr Fitzgerald-O’Connor’s report was not attached.
Cllr Long (p), Cllr Kirk (s). Action Clerk.
Matters arising from the minutes:
- The Clerk reported that the request for members to join the accessible garden working party had been in the December 2017 edition of Hanney News by interested local residents.
The Council noted that the planned meeting with the War Memorial Hall Ops Committee would take place in January 2018. - The Council heard that two recent public events (one to publicise the VWHDC Local Plan 2031 Pt2 and one to publicise the three planning applications for ‘Dews Meadow’). The PC noted its thanks to J Price for
- coordinating the leaflet distribution and resolved to write her a letter of thanks. Action Clerk.
- The Clerk reported that the new bench for the playground had arrived and would be in place
- To receive: Public Participation Period.
P Curtis noted his concerns regarding the proposed changes to the access route at St James School, East Hanney and the possible effect on the access to Poughley Farm, compounded by the
use of the byway to park cars associated with the school.
- To receive: reports from District and County Councillors (if available).
Neither representative was able to attend the meeting.
- To receive:
- P17/V3109/LDPlawful development alteration of access route at St James School, East
Hanney OX12 0JN.
The Clerk read out the letter accompanying the papers from the planning officer in charge of the proposal (Sally Appleyard), in which it was explained that the DC was unable to take comments regarding the proposal. The PC considered the issues in the light of the input from P Curtis and resolved to write to the DC outlining its concerns, making note of the ring main passing beneath the byway, the restrictions caused by its use for parking and the possible restriction of vehicle size.
Action Clerk.
- To confirm: response to planning applications at ‘land north of Summertown (locally known as Dews
- P17/V2904/RM: Approval of details for construction of 50 dwellings (Use Class C3) and
associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open space.
- P17/V2972/RM: Approval of details for construction of 55 dwellings (Use Class C3) and
associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open space.
- P17/V2973/RM: Approval of details for construction of 45 dwellings (Use Class C3) and
associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open space.
The PC considered all three proposals together.
The PC noted all respondents had until 15th December 2017 to submit responses to the Vale. The public meeting and special meeting held in November 2017 were noted. The Clerk reported that as
resolved at the end of November meeting, he had written to Origin3.
The Council noted its objection to all three proposals and resolved to submit a detailed response to
the DC, highlighting these points:
- No clear detail for flooding and surface water alleviation.
The roofs were high-pitched, out of keeping with the immediate area and increasing the visual impact of the site. - The conclusions in the report received from Water Resource Associates LLP. The Chairman read these out for the meeting. The Council considered they included important detail which would support the Council’s response. The Council noted that the development could increase the flooding risk on Main Street and thus a bigger pond could help but this should reduce density further.
- It was noted that the minimum open space was not met on 50 house development as the calculation included the proposed hedgerow and attenuation ponds.
- It was noted that this was not strategic site in the VWHDC Local Plan (2031) Pt1
Cllr McKechnie (p), Cllr Long (s).
Action clerk.
- To consider: responses to the following planning applications:
- P17/V2987/HH. Proposed single garage and single storey rear extension. (Work has commenced with the erection of the garage but only up to plate level. The garage was granted planning permission recently.)
Address: The Willows Main Street East Hanney WANTAGE OX12 0HX
The Council noted no material objections to the proposal. Action Clerk.
- To consider: actions following the adoption of the telephone kiosk, The Green, East Hanney.
The Council noted its recent adoption of the telephone box as reported in an earlier meeting. The Councillors reported that a number of villagers suggest a library, with one (S Kendall) providing detail and offering to undertake the refurbishment and operate the facility. The Council noted that the kiosk would need to be included in future asset registers. Action Clerk.
The Council resolved to accept the offer and agreed a 200 budget to undertake the required works.
Cllr Scott (p), Cllr Kirk (s). Action clerk to contact the volunteer.
- To receive: update progress with Kings Leases.
The Council heard that there was as yet no news on the lease. Cllr Scott reported that 500 hedgerow whips had been received and 300 of them planted. The remainder would be planted in due course. Cllr Scott reported that the request for suggestions of equipment to include as part of the fitness trail had generated some feedback, that detailed plans were being developed and these would be presented to a future meeting of the Council, action Cllr Scott. The Council resolved to
contact local farmers for quotes to install gates. Cllr Scott (p), Cllr McKechnie (s). Action Clerk.
- To receive: an update on the Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Scott reported that draft documents had been submitted to the DC for comment, though no feedback had yet been received. The Council noted its thanks to Cllr Scott for coordinating this
- To receive: an update on the VWHDC Local Plan 2031 Pt2 response.
The Clerk reported that the PC’s response had been submitted.
- To consider: request for confirmation of future funding by Wantage Independent advice centre.
The Council noted the detailed request and resolved to grant £250. Cllr McKechnie (p),Cllr Long(s).
- To consider: payment to the Community Shop re lighting costs.
The PC noted the Clerk’s circulated calculations. The Council resolved to pay £30 a year, with the 2017-18 payment being made in December 2017 and future payments to be made in April annually,
commencing 2018and to make a donation of £450. Cllr Long (p), Cllr Kirk (s).
- To receive: payments and receipts November2017.
The Council noted the payments and receipts. The Clerk presented the bank reconciliation.
On 5th December 2017:
The Council had a current account balance of£17085.94
There were uncleared payments totalling £2264.00
The current account balance including the uncleared payments£14821.94
The cashbook showed a balance of£14821.94
- To consider: cost of living and salary band increase for Clerk (Apr 2018-Mar19).
The Council considered the matter in private session, noting the contents of the papers. The Council resolved to increase the Clerk’s salary from April 2018 to scale point 24, at the appropriate hourly rate. Cllr Triffitt (p), Cllr Kirk (s).
The meeting closed at 21.50
Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()