AAUW Texas Strategic Plan 2012-2014
None of these goals can be accomplished in isolation, but tasks under each goal support the other goals.
Updated October 2013 & November 2013 to reflect progress made toward accomplishment of Goals and Objectives (jb)
Goal 1: Increase visibility of AAUW’s mission and issues
AAUW Texas will increase the visibility of AAUW’s mission and issues to the branches: AAUW TX awarded a 2013-14 State Organizer Grant from AAUW National to assist w/implementation of goals & strategies
Task / Responsible Person(s) / Suggestions for implementation / Status1.1Arrange State Convention in spring 2014 to educate attendees on AAUW’s mission, programs, and issues and conduct annual business meeting. / Entire Board / NE Tarrant Co., Kerrville, Lubbock have expressed interest• go to Fri. evening-Sat 5pm conference • investigate ‘regional’ partnership & host in TX • contact Nat. Members to request use of A-weber to encourage attendance / Convention Site Bid Form available on line •Call for bids announced in 2012 Fall Issue UWT
10/13: site selected/program near completion/marketing begins
1.2Educate regarding AAUW’s programs that can be implemented at the branch or inter-branch level and how to use these programs to increase visibility. / Lucy, Jackie, Dist. Reps, Jeannie, / Program-in-a-box; branches share outstanding programs on AAUW TX website through DistReps•prepare bk review presentation on Ann Richards, post at aauw.texas.org, sell pins at events (March 2013 Women’s History Month) / 10/13: prepared & distributed Stand Up For Tx Women initiative w/suggested programming to Branch Pres & PP Chairs
1.3 Educate on how to partner and/or form coalitions for education or advocacy projects with organizations in Texas whose missions are consistent with AAUW mission, goals, and policies. / Entire Board / Collaborate with League of Women Voters; contribute and become member of Texas Freedom Network, emphasize importance to branches through email notifications, Officer “Link” UWT / AAUW TX joined TFN
08/2013: When Women Succeed held at Eastview Campus Austin Community College
1.4Increase visibility of AAUW’s public policy with members through education and disseminate timely information on AAUW Texas issues to members. / Rosemarie Herrmann, Public Policy Committee
09/2013: State Organizer / PP Chair disseminating info regularly• use
A-weber account • contact Nat. Members to request use of A-weber to receive updates on state legislative issues • during 2013 St. legislative session disseminate information / Timely PP information article in Fall 2012 UWT •emails to St. Board mem. & Branch PP Chairs
06/2013:w/help of AAUW National distributedonline petition against restrictive women’s reproductive TX legislation SB 5
08/2013:When Women Succeed w/House Leader Nancy Pelosi Austin 08/26/2013
10/13: prepared & distributed Stand Up For Tx Women initiative w/suggested programming to Branch Pres & PP Chairs
1.6.1 Educate about AAUW Funds:
- EducationFund: how to use different EF to increase visibility. (contributions tax deductable)
- Legal Advocacy: changed role of Fund (contributions NOT tax deductable)
Posted: Fall UWT 2013
Timely emails w/individual branches on status of FUNDS
Moved to State Convention AAUW Funds dinner w/Jan Reid
Goal 2: Communicate effectively
AAUW Texas will communicate effectively by:
Task / Responsible Person(s) / Suggestions for implementation / Status2.1 Communicating with branch counterparts
using the LINK email format at least
quarterly, but more frequently as needed. / Entire Board and Committee Chairs / This IS an element of Leadership Training / On going
2.2 Communicating with branch and Texas
National Members using a concise,
focused every-member publication
Presidents’ Article in both State & Branch
newsletters, / President
Board Officers
UWT Editor / On going
2.3 Communicating with branch members,
National Members and the public using
the AAUW Texas website, Facebook, Twitter / Entire Board and Committee Chairs / Need Board training in Social Media / On going
06/2013: Board approved moving website & maintenance to Site Resources: will retain web address
2.5 Capture all pertinent information related
to Board Member or committee role on
thumb drive starting day one for the
following office holder. / Entire Board and Committee Chairs / On going
Goal 3: Assist Branches in ways to expand and diversify membership
AAUW Texas will assist branches expand and diversify membership by:
Task / Responsible Person(s) / Suggestions for implementation / Status3.1 Highlighting programs in branches that
Successfully expand membership. / Stephany Compton, Jackie Littleton
3.2 Develop and disseminate awards that
recognize such branch programs. / Board Officers. District Reps & Jackie Littleton / R.E.A.P. Branch recognition awards
3.3 Continuing to actively support all branches,
especially the development of new
branches and groups. Evaluate and act on
potential new branch development within
the state. / District Reps, Jackie Littleton (Jeannie Best, Stephany Compton) State Organizer
3.4 Actively encourage branches to recruit
National Members into their branch.. / Jeannie Best, Stephany Compton, District Reps, Jackie Littleton, State Organizer / Amarillo & San Antonio Branches successful in accomplishing this task
3.5 Actively increase new Univ/College Partnerships , seek out & develop graduate Student Affiliates & e-student affiliations / Stephanie Compton, Pris Mowinkel State Organizer / 10/2013: TX A&M became C/U Partner will hold Elect Her in Jan 2014
3.6 Developing strategies to target diverse
members, through branch and state
recruitment efforts at seminars and
conferences on women’s issues. / Jeannie Best, Stephany Compton, District Reps, Pris Mowinkel, State Organizer
Goal 4: Officer Training*
AAUW Texas will identify, develop and provide opportunities for leaders by:
Task / Responsible Person(s) / Suggestions for implementation / Status4.1 Sponsoring officer training / Pres, FO, Program VP, Membership VP, Funds, Info Officer / Leadership Training held in 3 districts Summer 2013
4.2 Identifying and recognizing branch projects,
programs, or processes that develop and/or
nurture leaders, possibly with an award. / Lucy, Jeannie, Jackie
Goal 5: Conduct Research Projects to develop Resources for Branches and the Public
AAUW Texas will identify, research and publish resources needed by branches and the public.
Task / Responsible Person(s) / Suggestions for implementation / Status5.1 Survey Texas branches to compile a list of
Successful fund raising projects including
appropriate branch contact and publish on
the AAUW Texas website. / VP Funds, District Reps,
VP Programs, Branch Services
5. Survey Texas branches to compile a list of
Local Branch Scholarships including
appropriate branch contact and publish on
the AAUW Texas website. / VP Funds, District Reps,
VP Programs, Branch Services
* We routinely assume we need to “grow” our leaders, but when we get dynamic women to join AAUW, they bring at least sufficient, if not stellar, leadership skills. Often all they need is familiarity with AAUW to fill leadership roles in our organization.
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