AUGUST 19, 2014
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Beck with, Sandquist, Bauerle and Beckman present.
Sandquist moved to approve the agenda with the addition of report on a Founder’s Group, a discussion on the intersection of County Roads 26 55 and WAPA Tower agreement under unfinished business. Bauerle second, carried.
Vouchers were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve the vouchers. Sandquist second, carried
The minutes of the August 12, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as presented. Bauerle second, carried.
Beck reported on the Founder’s Group meeting. The Town of Julesburg is not on board with the ball field project at this time. The Founder’s Group will be going forward with the ball field project with a 30 day plan and will meet with the RFP’s.
Let it be known that the agreement came in for the WAPA Tower and will be signed and returned today.
Sandquist reported that the visibility on the intersection of County Roads 26 and 55 is very concerning due to the corn fields. Discussion was held. The Board will present this issue to the County Attorney for review.
Juby Cumming, Assessor, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the 2% use tax. Cumming reported that a dish is considered equipment but not construction material and should not be taxed. Sandquist disagreed and feels that a dish being added should be considered construction and building material and should need a building permit and therefore should be taxed. The Board will present this issue to the County Attorney. The Board asked Cumming to change the verbage on the existing building permit to explain the cost in a simpler way. Cumming left the meeting.
Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. The Board asked Kizer to submit a daily log of roads sprayed. Kizer responded that he does keep a log and will submit that to the Board. Discussion was held on how close to spray the weeds. The Board asked if it would help to hire seasonal help. Discussion was held. The Board will consider a seasonal position at budget time. Kizer left the meeting.
George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting. Zeilinger will review the sales tax resolution and get back to the Board.
Lisa Ault, Human Service, joined the meeting for the Human Service monthly report. Bauerle moved to approve the Human Service August 19, 2014 agenda as amended with the deletion of the June Financials. Second by Sandquist, carried. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes of the July 22, 2014 meeting. Second by Bauerle, carried. Ault’s travel and payroll vouchers were approved. Ault presented the monthly training for the Board. Ault left the meeting.
Bauerle moved to appoint Tera Neugebauer to the Fair Board. Sandquist second, carried.
Beck moved to approve the new hire of Carlton Britton in the Sheriff’s Office as the court security officer paid by a courthouse security grant. Bauerle second, carried.
Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution # 2014-020 to renew Certificate # 40010694 for $190,500 with Points West Community Bank for 18 months at .50% interest. Bauerle second, carried.
Juby Cumming, Assessor and Brian Talamentes, Extension, joined the office. Discussion was held on the county owned pickup currently being used by Talamentes and the possibility of keeping with the county for county use. The Board suggested keeping a log and setting up a line in clearing admin for vehicle maintenance. Cumming and Talamentes left the meeting.
Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting. The Board asked Trennepohl about the time frame on Resolution #2014-020. Trennepohl asked for the 18 month time frame in order to get a higher rate. Trennepohl presented documents to the Board of county owned property, (Ralph Scott property and Ricky Mitchell property), that Rick Ingwersen expressed interest in purchasing. The amount owed for both properties would be $3,600.49. The Board suggested that Trennepohl contact Ingwersen with the figures and if he agrees, the Board will Quit Claim the properties over to him. Trennepohl left the meeting.
Mark Turner, Civil Defense, joined the meeting by phone. The Board asked Turner about the resolution for the Emergency Operations Plan. Turner will print off another copy of the resolution and will bring it to the Board. Mark Turner joined the meeting and presented the Board with the resolution. Beck moved to approve Resolution #2014-021 to adopt the Emergency Support Functions Plan for Sedgwick County. Sandquist second, carried. Turner left the meeting.
Meeting was adjourned.
James Beck, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board