Dunedin Council Meeting Regional Reports

Council Meeting June 2017 Liaison Officer Mary Race

Southern Region

Waikiwi: Feb: Sprays presented to Kath Scott and Rena Calvert who were both 90 years old. March: they had a Show and Tell. Members also helped with Hospice Appeal. April: Fr Tony Harrison gave a a talk with slides of his trip to McMurdo Sound. May: a bus trip with lottery grant to Wyndham looking around the museum, then on to Fortrose for lunch at Stirling Tides café. On the 18th May the branch met for lunch at the home of Pat and Roger Tippen who were celebrating their 51st wedding anniversary. Before the lunch Kath Scott and Rena Calvert were presented with Life members badges and embossed candles and thanked for their support over many years to league. Anne McCloy.

Gore: April. Speaker was Kate Nicholson the Principal of St Peters College who spoke on recruitment of Overseas Students, this began in2010 continuing and ongoing reasons being Financial resources and global awareness. Still continue to send on a monthly basis parcels to a local patient in Balclutha whom we have been supporting for many years. May: We held the WUCWO Liturgy in the Chapel, all members took an active part in the service the collection was $78 -00. A very enjoyable social quiz was prepared and organised by Brenda McLay. It is challenging time with our 3 rolling presidents but they do not want the branch to fold.Margaret Wilson.

Central Region

Roxburgh: May: Margaret Card welcomed a small number of members for their very last meeting. We are all elderly ladies but have enjoyed our monthly meetings and working for our two charities over the years. The branch has had a long history with first meeting on the 16th April 1953 mainly due to the wives of the large workforce working on the Roxburgh dam. Donations have been sent to monte Cecilia Housing trust and Little Sister. Plan to wind-up with a meal together next month with Fr Pat McGettigan as our guest. Averill McElligot.

Northern Region:

Port Chalmers: Feb: members gathered to share fun and fellowship that they shared with family and friends over the Christmas and holiday season. 2 members attended the opening Mass held in Mercy parish south Dunedin. March: hosted the World Day of Prayer. A good attendance of members from our local churches gathered with us. April: planning is underway for our street stall which will be held in May. The celebration of our 50th Anniversary is to be held on the 24th August this year. May: Successful street was held raising $1000.00 to distribute to our Mission community. 2 members made sprays that were given to all Mothers on Mother’s day.

South Dunedin: November: Our 50th Jubilee commenced with Mass. During Mass a candle was lit to remember our deceased members. Finger food for lunch. During the afternoon there was entertainment, the committee recited an amusing poem and sang a song pertaining to the League.The Archivists gave a fun demonstration on how methods have changed over the years, and demonstrated some of the up-to-date equipment.We had a great sing-a-long, prior to cutting the special cake, which was beautifully decorated with our League Logo. February:The Branch hosted the Regional Meeting, Mass was held in St. Patrick's Basilica, Father Gerard Aynsleyreminded us to be true to our Motto of Faith and Service. The general meeting commenced with a reflection on friendships – real friendships a gift and remain with us throughout our lives.We discussed helping our Mission Community,and arranging guest speakers. March:The March meeting commenced with a reflection on Listening, do we really listen to one another? This month we received a Lottery Grant, and we are making plans for a bus trip in the Spring. Our delegate Pearl McCabe gave a very comprehensive report on the Diocesan Conference, and members discussed many of the points bought in the report. April: The guest speaker was Jo Miller President of Grey Power Otago (inc), Jo gave us an extensive coverage of this very active organisation. Grey Power is an advocacy group promoting the welfare of all those citizens in the 50 plus age group. They also have input to the Dunedin City Council on matters connected to the new bus routes, and crossings for pedestrians. The branch is organising a Mission Raffle for funds to send to our Mission Community, Our members have been most generous providing items for a three draw raffle. May: Father Suni said Mass for the WUCWO Prayer of Day, we remembered all those women and families who are struggling for survival, who do not have the necessities of life, andwe prayed for the refugees who have had to flee their countries. Shirley Curran was thanked for organising the prayers and readings pertaining to the theme for this special day. The Mission Raffle was drawn, which has been a great success, and three people were the recipients of these well present baskets. Submitted by June McAtamney

Oamaru: Feb: 12 present 5 apologies. Sister Madeline gave a thoughtful reflection on the many and sudden changes since Vatican II. She cited the changes for religious living out in the community which was a huge challenge for them. The Hot Topic was Our Parish – are we a welcoming community? Two members attended the regional Mass in February. Two long term members are moving Dorothy Stratford to Somerset House in Dunedin and Marianne Mierniki to Christchurch to be near family. March:13 present 5 apologies. Sales table auction and morning tea well enjoyed. Coleen tested our I.Q’s with the MacAleese trophy questions. Well done to Kate Brunton who answered nearly every question. Coleen gave a report on the Alexandra conference. Coleen felt the venue, food and general organisation were all first class with interesting highlights, reflection and charismatic speakers. Members who went to Teschemakers retreat agreed that it was a wonderful experience, broadening and awakening hope and faith in God and creation. Plans for bus trip were out lined. April: 16 members present and 2 visitors. Coleen read a reflection by Sister John Boscoe regarding the way we perceive the Resurrection. Members were urged to attend the next committee meeting in May as the Mayor will meet with us regarding our concerns about increased traffic flow on Reed Street. Sending $2500.00 to the Solomon Islands to help build a new priest’s house and Community centre. Thanks to a generous parishioner who donated $2000.00 of this. Nicola Mountain gave a lively and interesting talk about her trip to Bangladesh. Submitted by Neroli Cottam