Appendix 1

DRAFT - Vision of the Business Plan


1.1Wealden and Rother District Councils, Eastbourne and Hastings Borough Councilsand East Sussex County Council (the Partners) are committed to rationalising the two tier waste system by working in Partnership to deliver waste management services and systems that provide best value for the Taxpayer, increase recycling rates, have reduced environmental impact and a reduced cost.

1.2In bringing collection services together under a jointly procured contract, as well as rationalising into one management structure support and back office functions, there are opportunities to maximise savings, deliver harmonised services and concatenate the collection and disposal functions to provide further financial, operational and service benefits.

1.3The Partners are resolved to meet the Vision through resource efficient management, positive leadership and proactive service development.

2.0Aims and Objectives

2.1The government financial settlements announced for FY 2011/12 and 2012/13have placed all authorities in a position where substantial savings on all service costs need to be made. Waste management including collection and disposal is one of the top pressures on council tax and, while limited savings may be made on an individual basis, greater savings can be made by working closely together and sharing those elements where duplication exists and other efficiencies can be found.

2.2While cost saving and cost avoidance are important elements of the Partnership’s work they should not be achieved at the expense of other benefits. Accordingly the project has set the following objectives : -

2.2.1Procurement of amutually financially beneficial joint waste collection service that meets the Partners’ obligations under centralgovernment and EU targets for recycling and recovery of wasteand the promotion of sustainable service development including the use of waste as a resource and waste minimisation

2.2.2To develop the contract in conjunction with the following documents: -

  • The Integrated Waste Management Services Contract
  • The reviewed East Sussex Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy
  • The Waste Recycling Cost Sharing Agreement
  • Existing and future European and National waste policy

However, while these documents may impose some constraints oncontract development every effort should be made to ensure that any opportunity that provides an overall benefit to the Taxpayer should be explored and implemented where possible.

2.2.3To explore the wider range of functions and services to manage, support and deliver a jointly procured waste collection contract and to seek ways of providing these elements in an operationally and cost effective manner

2.2.4To work together in a spirit of mutual trust, support and respect to achieve the above and to address difficulties and differences quickly and in an open and honest manner.

2.2.5Share in a fair and equitable manner the costs, benefits and risks involved in achieving these Objectives

2.2.6To support the Administering Authority in setting up a joint waste collection contract and to assist with the management and development of the contract where appropriate

2.2.7To respect and acknowledge the position of all Partners and to accept that localism and retention of some elements of local services may be necessary and supported to ensure the individual Partners are able to provide appropriate services to their respective areas.

2.2.8To work effectively within the governance structure of the Partnership and support the leadership role of the Members as Champions of the Project

2.2.9Provide our customers with services that meet their needs, and support and encourage participation in managing our waste.

2.2.10To facilitate and participate in work with any other partners where there is a mutual benefit and it is advantageous to the taxpayer.

2.3The more specific aims of the project are: - minimise the amount of material going to landfill reach a minimum recycling rate of 50% across the Partnership with an alternative bid to raise recycling rates to 60% reduce waste produced per head to …<350 kg per head per year.? centralised support function (including local Authority support structure) collection service arrangements, including street cleansing and associated services cost sharing and cost avoidance mechanisms financial savings provision of efficient, safe and effective waste collection services that the Taxpayer can access easily and use efficiently behavioural and attitude change at all levels to instil the responsible management of waste the cost of waste services and share the costs, benefits and risks fairly and equitably between the Partners for innovation and value for money. the levels of customer satisfaction with the services.